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100 ways tech INFURIATES me.

100 ways tech INFURIATES me.

Table of Contents

Excessively Bright Social Media Content

Social media content has become increasingly bright and vivid, often to the point of being overwhelming. This can be both a distraction and an annoyance, as it wastes battery life and provides no tangible benefit.

The PS5 Disc Drive

The PS5 disc drive faces the opposite direction to what many people would expect, leading to confusion and frustration. This can lead to people second-guessing themselves and even gaslighting themselves into believing they are wrong.

Sent From My iPhone

The default addition of “Sent from my iPhone” to the end of every email sent from an iPhone has been a source of irritation since its introduction in 2008. It remains tacky in 2024.

Smartphone Predictive Text

Smartphone predictive text can be overly insistent that it is correct, even when the user types something and it is replaced. This can lead to a cycle of frustration as the user retypes the same thing, only for it to be replaced again.

Streaming Services

Streaming services were initially marketed as a cheaper and easier alternative to cable TV. However, the proliferation of different services has made it just as expensive, if not more so, than cable TV.

Laggy TV Interfaces

The laggy and poor TV interfaces provided by many companies is especially perplexing, considering the quality of the smartphones they produce. This can lead to a frustrating user experience.

Cinema Mode

The baked-in TV picture modes often ruin the viewing experience, as movies are designed to look and run a certain way. Adding filters and extra frames to make them “Ultra Fluid” does not make them feel more like Cinema mode, as the name suggests.

TV Remotes

The design of many TV remotes is also a source of frustration, as the “OK” button is also a scroll wheel. This leads to the wheel scrolling as the user attempts to press it.

1. Unnecessary Buttons

It is infuriating to discover that many devices come with an array of buttons that are practically useless. This is especially true for TVs, where the buttons are often indistinguishable, making it difficult to identify which one to use.

2. Inability to Use Devices Properly

The two most important functions of a device are often the most difficult to use. This is especially true for TVs, where it can be difficult to cast to the right device due to the indistinguishable names.

3. Poor Audio Quality

Flat screen TVs are notorious for their poor audio quality, particularly when it comes to dialogue. This means that the volume must be turned up to hear the dialogue, only to be deafened when an action scene comes on.

4. Excessive Captcha Requirements

Websites often require users to complete multiple Captcha steps in order to prove that they are human. This can be particularly infuriating when the Captcha images are indecipherable or when the traffic light spills over into the next box.

5. Poor Quality Webcams and Microphones

No matter the price, laptops often come with terrible webcams and gaming headsets with terrible microphones. This can be especially infuriating when trying to remember a password and being forced to click the “forgot my password” button.

Password Confusion

The modern world of technology is rife with infuriating experiences. One of the most common is the requirement to set a new password for every website. This is a particularly vexing task, as we are told to make each password as complex as possible. This can be a difficult task to keep track of, especially when 3D face scanners and fingerprint scanners have been around for some time.

Apple’s Punctuation Problem

Another source of frustration is Apple’s lack of ability to display a comma without going into a separate submenu. This can be incredibly annoying, especially when one is trying to type out a sentence quickly. It begs the question of why Apple would make it so difficult to use punctuation.

Amazon’s Poor UI

The user interface of Amazon services also leaves much to be desired. It can be difficult to find quality content due to the sheer amount of sponsored content. Even with the rating system in place, it can be hard to determine what is good and what is not.

Scrolling Web Pages

Scrolling web pages can also be a source of frustration. Instead of moving down the page, some websites scroll through an animation. This can be incredibly annoying, as it can make it difficult to navigate the website.

Nintendo Switch Themes

The Nintendo Switch has been promised themes for some time. There is an entire menu dedicated to them, yet it still only contains two themes: basic white and basic black. This can be incredibly disappointing, as many users were expecting more options.

Technology can be a source of great frustration. From passwords to punctuation to user interfaces, there are many aspects of technology that can leave us feeling angry and confused.

The PSP from 2005

The PlayStation Portable (PSP) from 2005 was a revolutionary piece of technology, allowing gamers to play their favorite titles on the go. However, the device was limited in its capabilities, lacking the ability to customize the user interface with themes. This was a major drawback, as users were unable to personalize their experience.

Ink Cartridges

Printers are notorious for their expensive ink cartridges, which often contain only a few drops of ink. This is a clear scam, as manufacturers are able to charge a premium for their products. Furthermore, many printers are designed to reject third-party ink cartridges, forcing customers to purchase the more expensive original cartridges.

Phone Colors

The introduction of new phone colors is often met with excitement, yet this enthusiasm is often short-lived. This is because most users choose to cover their phones with a case, hiding the color beneath. This renders the color selection process somewhat pointless.

App Permissions

The permissions requested by applications can often be suspicious, as some apps ask for access to features that are seemingly unrelated to their purpose. This can be concerning, as users are not always informed of what the app is using each permission for.

Ticket Master

Ticket Master has become the go-to source for concert tickets, allowing them to charge whatever they feel like. This has removed the incentive for them to improve their website, which is often an anxiety-inducing and unstable mess.

Thats outrageous, and the worst part is that theres no real competition. Its like the same situation with the energy companies. Its just a monopoly and its so infuriating.

Dusty Phones

The modern phone is a delicate device, requiring constant attention and care to remain in pristine condition. Despite the best efforts of users, dust and dirt can still find its way into the most carefully protected of devices, rendering the pre-applied screen protector useless. This is an infuriating experience, particularly for those who have invested a significant sum in their phone.

Missed Opportunities

The use of flip phones can also be a source of frustration. The time taken to open the device can mean that users miss out on valuable photo opportunities. This is especially true when the user is not expecting the camera to start recording, as is often the case with video calls.

Exorbitant Fees

Mobile phone carriers have long been accused of taking advantage of their customers, bundling together the cost of the phone and SIM in a monthly fee. This can be an expensive way to purchase a SIM card, with many customers paying ten times more than they should for the privilege. Furthermore, the fees charged for using data abroad are often exorbitant, with users being charged up to $1 per megabyte of roaming data. This is an unacceptable practice, and one which has been allowed to continue due to the lack of competition in the market.

Monopoly of Power

The lack of competition in the mobile phone market has enabled carriers to continue to charge extortionate fees for their services. This is a situation which is mirrored in the energy market, where customers are often forced to pay higher prices due to the monopoly of power held by a few companies. This is an infuriating situation, and one which needs to be addressed in order to ensure that customers are not taken advantage of.

Transferring Files

Transferring files between different operating systems can be a tedious task, especially when third-party software is required. Bluetooth is a prime example of this, with its unreliable connection and slow transfer speeds. It is an absolute travesty that such a basic task is so difficult to accomplish.

Spam Notifications

Apps that spam users with promotional notifications are a major source of frustration. These notifications are often bundled with the ones that are actually necessary, making it difficult to distinguish between the two. This leaves users with the choice of either putting up with the spam notifications or losing half the functionality of the app.

USB Connectors

USB connectors are a common source of annoyance, particularly when they fail to fit in the port on the first try. Even worse is when the user turns the connector around and attempts to squeeze it in, only to realize that they were right the first time and may have damaged the connector in the process. The introduction of USBC has made this problem less frequent, but it is still an issue.

Charging Standards

It is infuriating when companies decide to use a DC port on a device, despite the existence of a universal charging standard that supports ultra-fast charging and is fully reversible. This is especially true when the device in question already has a USB cable that the user has at home.

Windows 11 Hot Bar

The Windows 11 hot bar has a tendency to be inaccurate when it comes to reporting temperatures. It is not uncommon for it to report a record low or high temperature when in reality the temperature is completely normal.

Nintendo Online Subscription

Nintendo has a vast library of classic video games, yet they have decided to tie people’s ability to play them with having a continuous Nintendo Online subscription. This makes no sense, as the two have nothing to do with each other.

Preservation of Older Video Games

Older video games are not being preserved, which is a major source of frustration for gamers. This is especially true for those who grew up playing these games and would like to be able to play them again. Unfortunately, due to the lack of preservation, this is not always possible.

Unavailable Classic Games

The gaming industry has seen a dramatic shift in recent years, with classic video games becoming increasingly unavailable due to the lack of original hardware or game companies not remaking them for new hardware. This has resulted in 87 classic video games being completely inaccessible, a worrying trend that could potentially lead to the loss of these titles forever.

Joycon Connectivity Issues

The Nintendo Switch Joycons have been plagued with connectivity issues since their release, with players often experiencing signal drops and disconnects. This is compounded by the almost inescapable drift issue, where the joysticks move even when the player is not touching them. Such issues do not bring joy to gamers, and are a source of frustration.

TikTok Voice

The voice used by TikTok to announce notifications has been known to cause physical convulsions in some people, due to its grating and irritating nature. This is further exasperated by the fact that the app often takes a while to load, leading to users having to take their phone out of their pocket to check if the notification has been silenced.

Face ID

Face ID is a useful feature that allows users to unlock their phones with just their face, however it can be infuriating when the device fails to recognize the user’s face. This can be particularly frustrating when the user is in a rush and needs to access their phone quickly.

Wireless Charging

Wireless charging is a great feature that allows users to charge their devices without having to plug them in. However, many devices only charge when placed in the exact right spot, leading to users having to carefully place their device in order for it to charge. This can be a source of frustration, especially if the device stops charging even though it hasn’t been moved.

Playing Music on Public Transport

Playing music out loud on public transport can be incredibly annoying for other passengers, yet some people still do it. It is unclear whether this is due to a lack of consideration for others or simply a lack of awareness that people don’t want to hear their music.

Sony Naming Schemes

Sony’s naming schemes for their products can be incredibly confusing, with the company often opting for obscure and hard-to-remember names. This is exemplified by the WH-1000XM5 headphones, which has a name that is difficult to remember and pronounce.

They become a toaster.

Sony Xperia Naming System

The Sony Xperia naming system is a source of frustration for many users. Instead of simply calling the larger phone the Sony Xperia 1 and the smaller phone the Sony Xperia 5, Sony opted to call the larger phone the Sony Xperia 1 Mark 5 and the smaller phone the Sony Xperia 5. This leads to confusion and difficulty in distinguishing between the two models, as the average user is not likely to be able to discern the difference between the two names.

AI-Powered Products

The proliferation of AI-powered products has led to the development of products that are often overly complex and difficult to use. Many of these products are marketed as being “smart” and “intelligent”, yet they often lack the basic functionality that would make them truly useful. This can be incredibly frustrating for users who are expecting a product to perform a certain task, only to find that it is not capable of doing so.

Windows Updates

Windows updates can be a source of immense frustration for users. Despite the fact that many of these updates are designed to fix minor bugs or improve security, they often require a full system restart in order to take effect. This can be incredibly time-consuming and inconvenient, especially when the update is for a minor issue that only affects a small number of users.

Google Drive

Google Drive’s ability to download large files can be unreliable and frustrating. The service often attempts to zip the files into a more manageable format, only to fail and leave the user with an incomplete download. This can be incredibly frustrating, as users are left with an incomplete file and no way to access the full version.

Alexa’s Refusal to Support Google Search

Alexa’s refusal to support Google search is an ongoing source of frustration for many users. Despite the fact that Google is one of the most popular search engines, Alexa refuses to support it, leaving users with no way to access the information they need. This can be incredibly inconvenient, as users are forced to use other search engines or manually type in their queries.

High-End Laptops

High-end laptops can be incredibly powerful and fast when they are plugged in, but as soon as they are unplugged, they become slow and sluggish. This can be incredibly frustrating for users who are expecting a certain level of performance from their laptop, only to find that it does not meet their expectations.

Autosave Features

Autosave features are a staple of modern gaming, but their reliability can be infuriating. When a game fails to autosave at a critical juncture, it can be immensely frustrating, especially when the progress made is lost. This is especially true when playing a game with a long and complicated tutorial, as the player is forced to start from the beginning each time.

Mobile Game Ads

Mobile game ads are often misleading, as they advertise games that do not actually exist. This can be incredibly irritating, as players are left disappointed when they realise the game they were looking forward to playing does not exist. Thankfully, some developers have taken it upon themselves to create games that recreate these ads, providing a much-needed outlet for players’ frustrations.

Music Sync Setting

Smart speakers are designed to provide a seamless listening experience, but the music sync setting can be a source of great annoyance. When the setting fails to work properly, the music can sound uneven and distorted, ruining the listening experience.

Netflix Blurbs

Netflix is a great platform for watching movies and TV shows, but its insistence on playing the movie before allowing the viewer to read the blurb can be incredibly irritating. This can be especially annoying when the viewer is trying to decide which movie to watch, as they are unable to get a sense of the plot without watching the movie first.

Quicktime Events

Quicktime events are a common feature of cutscenes in video games, but they can be incredibly annoying. When the player has been watching a cutscene for a prolonged period of time, they may not be expecting to have to suddenly press a button in order to progress. This can lead to a frantic scramble to pick up the controller, which can be incredibly irritating.

Online-Only Games

Games that require an internet connection to play can be incredibly annoying, as they limit the player’s ability to play the game when they are not connected to the internet. This can be especially frustrating when the game is a single-player game, as the player is unable to enjoy the game without an internet connection.

Smart Lighting Systems

Smart lighting systems are a great way to control the lighting in a home, but they can be incredibly irritating when they require an internet connection to function. This can be especially annoying when the player is trying to turn the lights on or off, as they are unable to do so without an internet connection.

Software Updates

Software updates are a necessary evil, but they can be incredibly frustrating. From having to verify accounts to downloading and installing the update before being able to play, it can be a time-consuming process. Additionally, the trend of removing ports on laptops has made it difficult to connect to the internet without the use of a dongle.

Console Gripe

The promise of being able to resume games immediately, even days after they have been suspended, is an attractive one. Unfortunately, this feature is often rendered useless due to the requirement of always being online. This can lead to being kicked from the server, which can be incredibly irritating.


GPS is a great tool for navigation, but it can be incredibly frustrating when it only faces the right way half the time. This means that users have to start walking in order to work out which way they are going.

Audio Balancing

Different audio devices have different audio balancing, which can be incredibly annoying when switching between them with headphones. This can lead to not hearing properly for days, which can be incredibly frustrating.

Twitter Rebranding

The rebranding of Twitter to ‘Tox’ was one of the most ill-advised decisions of all time. Twitter was one of the most recognizable brands on Earth, and its name had become a verb. The rebranding has caused confusion and frustration amongst users, and it is a decision that many are still trying to come to terms with.

Lack of Compatibility

The lack of compatibility between devices is one of the most infuriating aspects of tech. Despite the advancements in technology, many devices are still unable to communicate with each other, leading to frustration and wasted time. This is especially true when it comes to gaming consoles, which often require users to purchase additional hardware or software in order to connect to other players.

Unreliable Wi-Fi

Another source of tech-related frustration is unreliable Wi-Fi. Despite the fact that most homes and businesses now have access to high-speed internet, many users still experience slow speeds or frequent disconnects. This can be especially infuriating when users are trying to stream video or play online games, as the connection issues can lead to buffering or lag.

Inadequate User Interfaces

The user interfaces of many tech products can also be a source of frustration. Many products are designed with a focus on aesthetics rather than usability, leading to confusing menus and navigation systems. This can be especially frustrating when trying to access certain features or settings, as users may find themselves struggling to locate the correct option.

Unnecessary Updates

Unnecessary updates can also be a source of tech-related anger. Many products require frequent updates in order to remain secure and functional, but these updates can often take a long time to install and can cause disruption to the user’s workflow.

Inability to Play Offline

The inability to play certain games or access certain services offline is another source of tech-related frustration. Many games and services now require users to be connected to the internet in order to access certain features, which can be a major inconvenience for those who do not have access to reliable internet.

In-App Purchases

In-app purchases are another source of tech-related anger. Many apps and games now require users to purchase additional content or features in order to progress, which can be a major source of frustration for those who do not wish to spend money on the product.

Lack of Physical Ownership

The lack of physical ownership of certain products is also a source of tech-related frustration. Many games and services now require users to purchase a digital version of the product, which means that users do not actually own the product and may not be able to access it in the future if the service is discontinued or the servers go down.

Large File Sizes

Large file sizes can also be a source of tech-related frustration. Many products now require users to download large files in order to access the content, which can take a long time and can lead to frustration if the download fails or is interrupted.

Unresponsive Customer Support

Unresponsive customer support is another source of tech-related anger. Many companies now offer customer support services, but these services can often be slow to respond or unhelpful when it comes to resolving issues. This can lead to frustration for users who are trying to get help with a product or service.

Inability to Make Purchases

The inability to make purchases that match the amount of in-game currency needed to complete a task can be incredibly infuriating. This can be especially true when players have invested a significant amount of time and effort into a game and are unable to progress due to a lack of resources.

Lack of Save Progress

The lack of ability to save progress partway through a task can be incredibly annoying. This can be especially true when players have invested a significant amount of time and effort into a task and are unable to continue due to a lack of progress.

Inadvertent Swiping

Inadvertently swiping all the way back to the beginning of a task can be incredibly frustrating. This can be especially true when players have invested a significant amount of time and effort into a task and are unable to continue due to an accidental swipe.

Misleading SEO Content

Misleading SEO content can be incredibly infuriating. This can be especially true when readers are expecting to read up-to-date information, only to find out that the article was written years ago. This can lead to confusion and frustration for readers, as they are unable to trust the source of the information.

AI Generated Spam Emails

The influx of AI generated spam emails can be incredibly irritating. This can be especially true when readers are expecting to receive legitimate emails, only to find out that the emails are actually generated by AI. This can lead to confusion and frustration for readers, as they are unable to trust the source of the emails.

Subscription Model

The subscription model for products and services can be incredibly irritating. This can be especially true when customers have already paid a one-off fee for a product or service, only to find out that they now need to pay a subscription fee in order to use the product or service. This can lead to confusion and frustration for customers, as they are unable to understand why they need to pay a subscription fee for a product or service they have already paid for.

Misleading Website Design

Misleading website design can be incredibly infuriating. This can be especially true when customers are trying to find key options such as cancelling their membership or unsubscribing from a mailing list, only to find that the website has deliberately obstructed these options. This can lead to confusion and frustration for customers, as they are unable to understand why they are unable to find the key options they are looking for.


Unsubscribing from services can be an infuriating experience, with some companies making it difficult to do so. This can lead to people simply giving up and staying subscribed, rather than going through the hassle of trying to unsubscribe.

Restaurant Menus

The proliferation of QR codes in restaurants can be a source of frustration, particularly when the code doesn’t work. This leaves customers with no choice but to ask for a physical menu, or simply guess what’s on offer.

USB Cables

The lack of clear standards when it comes to USB cables can be a source of irritation. Some cables are capable of transferring data at 12 megabits per second, while others can reach 10 gbits. This can be confusing for the average consumer, who may not know which cable is which.

Account Security

Going abroad on holiday can be a source of frustration, as many accounts will think the user is an imposter. This can lead to accounts being locked, or the user having to go through additional security measures to prove their identity.

Phone Sizes

The trend for larger phones can be annoying, as it can be difficult to reach the whole screen with one’s thumb. This can make it difficult to use the phone one-handed, and can be particularly irritating for those with smaller hands.

App Redirects

When sites try to redirect users to their app, it can be infuriating when the user already has the app installed. Instead of taking the user directly to the app, they are often taken to the App Store page or the web page version.

Environmental Impact

Many companies claim to be environmentally friendly, but then proceed to sell the same content separately. This can be seen as hypocritical, and can be a source of irritation for those who are trying to be more eco-friendly.

Building a Website

Building a website can be a difficult task, and it can be infuriating when the website doesn’t look as good as the user had hoped. Fortunately, there are tools such as Ten Web that can help users create a website that people will be excited to land on.

AI Model Generates Customized Sites

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has enabled the generation of customised websites in a matter of minutes. By simply answering a few questions about the business, a powerful AI model can generate a completely customised WordPress site, tailored to the user’s specific needs. Hosting, backups and security are all taken care of, leaving the user to make any final tweaks with the help of an intuitive editor.

Ads and Pop-Ups

The proliferation of ads and pop-ups on websites and apps can be incredibly infuriating. YouTube ads that cannot be skipped, and apps that bombard the user with ‘like our app’ pop-ups within seconds of opening, are just some of the ways tech can be infuriating.

Offline Features

Spotify’s insistence on only allowing offline features when offline mode is turned on is another source of frustration. If a podcast has been downloaded, why is it only visible when the app is told there is no signal?

Dual Sense Controllers

The Dual Sense controllers for the Playstation 5 have a microphone that defaults to ‘on’ when the console is booted up. This can be particularly irritating when trying to line up a long-range head shot, as the background noise of concerned parents telling their kids to do their homework can be heard. It would make more sense for the default to be ‘off’, with the LED indicating when it is on.


Being bombarded with notifications can be incredibly infuriating, especially when the notification number on an app tells you that something needs to be actioned, but you have no idea how to clear it. This can be especially frustrating when the app does not provide any guidance on how to address the issue.

Face ID and Touch ID

The inability to use Face ID or Touch ID after a device has been restarted can be incredibly frustrating. This can be especially problematic if the device is used for security purposes, as it can make it difficult to access the device without a password.

Automatic Backups

Having your iPhone automatically back up all of your photos can be incredibly irritating, particularly if you have plenty of internal storage. This can be especially problematic if you are trying to show someone a memory and realize you cannot access it.

Wi-Fi Speeds

Never getting close to advertised Wi-Fi speeds can be incredibly annoying, particularly if you are relying on the internet for work or leisure purposes. This can be especially frustrating when 5G is so poor in certain countries, making it difficult to access the internet.

YouTube App

The lack of a back button on the YouTube app can be incredibly irritating, particularly when you are deep down a rabbit hole and want to go back to the previous video. This can be especially problematic when you have to exit the whole thing and start from the beginning.

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