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21 Inventions that will Save the World.

21 Inventions that will Save the World.


Reprieve is a company that is collecting plastic and using it to create clothing. This jacket is made from 30 recycled plastic bottles, and the company has already taken 30 billion bottles out of seas and landfills. While this is a great invention, it is only the beginning of the journey towards saving the world.

Johnna Breton Hoover

Johnna Breton Hoover, a German product designer, has come up with a revolutionary idea for toiletries. Her design allows for liquid personal care products to be stored in the same packaging, which can then be used as soap once the products are finished. This is a simple yet effective solution to plastic waste, and it looks great too. It is certainly worthy of a three out of ten on the Blissful Invention scale.


Xiaomi recently sent out a box made from mushrooms, known as mycelium. This biodegradable packaging material can be used to replace plastic, and it looks and feels like plastic. It is also cheap to produce, making it a viable option for the future. This invention deserves a nine out of ten on the Blissful Invention scale.

Mushroom Packaging

A revolutionary packaging solution has been developed by a French company, which utilizes mushrooms to create a spongy, nature-friendly material. The process involves inserting fungus sprouts into a mold and then leaving them to grow into the desired shape. The resulting product is biodegradable and can be broken down into the ground, providing nutrients to the surrounding environment.

Wind Trees

New Wind, a French company, has developed a unique structure known as the Wind Tree. This tree-like structure is composed of leaves which act as blades, generating electricity from the air. Although the energy produced is not always reliable, such structures are a great way to generate electricity continuously and silently.

Living Chandelier

Recently showcased at the London Design Festival, a living chandelier has been developed which utilizes lab-created leaves containing living algae. The chandelier is illuminated by a bulb on the inside, which also serves as a source of light for the algae. This allows the algae to photosynthesize and take in carbon dioxide from the room, purifying the air.

Arep: Algae Powered Buildings

Arep is a company that is revolutionizing the way people think about energy production. By utilizing large panels filled with algae, they are able to purify the air and generate energy from sunlight. This energy is then used to power the building, and the algae can be removed and used as fertilizer. This is an incredible invention that has the potential to reduce the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and reduce pollution.

Reusable Straws

Single-use plastic straws are a major source of pollution and are often found on beaches and in the stomachs of animals. To combat this, the UK government has implemented a ban on single-use plastic straws. The alternative, paper straws, are not ideal as they become soggy quickly. However, a new invention has been created that is both foldable and reusable. This straw is made from a material that is coated with an antibacterial layer, making it safe to use multiple times.

Vegan Foods

The 21st century has seen a major shift towards veganism, with more and more people choosing to eliminate animal products from their diets. This has led to the development of a wide range of vegan foods, from plant-based burgers to dairy-free ice cream. These vegan alternatives are not only healthier for the planet, but they are also healthier for the people who consume them.

5 gallons of water. Thats a lot of water, especially when you consider that some people are still living without access to clean water. Well, theres a new invention that will save us all from this problem. Its called the water pebble, and its a small device that you can put in your shower, and it will monitor the amount of water that youre using. It will then give you a light signal when youve used up your allotted amount of water, so you can turn off the shower and save the rest of the water for someone else.

Bacon-like Protein

The production of bacon-like protein has become possible due to the extraction of proteins from various vegetables and crops. This vegan alternative to bacon is said to taste just like the real thing and emits about half the carbon emissions. The health benefits of this invention are undeniable, making it a viable option for many.

Vegan Leather

Vegan leather is a genius invention made from pineapple leaves, corn and other plant-based materials. This material bears a striking resemblance to the real thing and is a great way to save animals and the environment. The leaves are usually a waste product and would otherwise be burned, causing further damage to the environment.

Water Pebble

The Water Pebble is a device that can be installed in showers to monitor the amount of water being used. It will give a light signal when the allotted amount of water has been used, allowing people to turn off the shower and save the rest of the water for someone else. This invention is especially beneficial for those without access to clean water, as it can help conserve water and reduce wastage.

They can actually make a really high quality paper that you can write on.

Nebia Shower Head

The average shower head uses up to 5 gallons of water per minute, which is the equivalent of 1,000 glasses of hot water down the drain. Governments typically advise people to cut their shower time by three minutes, but there is now a more efficient solution. Nebia, a company that specializes in shower heads, has developed a product that atomizes water into millions of micro droplets. This shower head has an extremely high internal pressure, which allows the micro droplets to be pushed out three times faster than a normal shower head, while still providing a satisfying shower experience.

Poo Paper

The paper industry is responsible for 35% of the trees being cut down around the world, while elephants are regularly hunted and shot for their tusks. Poo Paper, created by a company called Elicosi, is an unexpectedly brilliant concept that solves both of these problems. By collecting elephant dung, boiling it, turning it into a pulp, and then leaving it out to dry, they are able to create a high quality paper that can be used for writing. This paper is not only environmentally friendly, but it also helps to protect the elephant population from poaching.

Paper That Doesn’t Require Trees

The invention of paper that doesn’t require a single tree to be cut is a revolutionary concept that has the potential to save the world. This paper is made from a variety of materials such as bamboo, hemp, and other sustainable sources. Not only does this paper help to reduce deforestation, it also makes elephants monetizable, thus reducing the incentive to kill them. The profits from this paper are then handed to shelters that take in and look after the animals.

Power Bank With Wind Turbine

Power banks are a common sight nowadays, but the Shine power bank is something special. It contains its own wind turbine to generate electricity, allowing it to charge multiple devices and refill itself 24 hours a day. This invention is a great way to save energy and reduce the need for fossil fuels.

Barbecue With Vacuum Sealed Chamber

Barbecues are a great way to enjoy a hot summer’s day, but they are also highly inefficient. Most of the energy from the coal is lost in the air, reducing air quality. The Gosun Fusion is a revolutionary alternative that cooks food in a vacuum sealed chamber, ensuring that all the energy is used to heat the food. This invention is a great way to save energy and reduce air pollution.

Fusion Cooker

The Fusion Cooker is a revolutionary invention that promises to revolutionize the way we cook. Five times more energy efficient than traditional cookers, the Fusion Cooker utilizes reflectors to triple the amount of light captured, allowing it to cook using only the power of the sun. This invention is a major step forward in sustainable cooking, as it requires no additional energy sources to operate.

Eco Capsule

The Eco Capsule is an affordable and sustainable housing solution for two people. At just 50,000 euros, the Eco Capsule is one of the most cost-effective housing options available. It is equipped with a wind turbine and solar panels on the roof, allowing it to generate its own electricity. Additionally, the capsule automatically gathers and filters water from every time it rains. All of these features can be controlled with a single app, making it a highly efficient and user-friendly housing solution.

Biotrem Plates

Biotrem is a company that is attempting to replace all plastic tableware with their alternatives, which are made from wheat and bran. These plates are strong, non-porous, and can be used for wet foods. Furthermore, they are biodegradable, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to plastic tableware. Biotrem’s plates are a great way to reduce plastic waste and help protect the environment.

Air Inc.

Air Inc. is an innovative company that has developed a device to capture air pollution and turn it into ink. This ink is then used to fill pens that can be purchased by consumers. This groundbreaking technology has the potential to reduce air pollution in cities and provide an alternative to traditional ink. The pens are also eight times less polluting than plastic plates to produce, making them a more sustainable option.


Pavegen has developed high-tech tiles that can be used to line floors. These tiles convert the kinetic energy from the pressure applied by people stepping on them into electricity. This technology has already been used in many places and can help to reduce energy consumption. It also provides an alternative to traditional energy sources and can be used to power lights, fans, and other electrical devices.

Edible Plates

Edible plates are an innovative solution to the problem of plastic waste. These plates are made from natural ingredients and can be eaten when finished with. They are eight times less polluting than plastic plates to produce and, instead of filling up a landfill site, can be consumed. This technology is not only environmentally friendly but also provides a tasty alternative to traditional plates.

Meat Alternatives

Meat alternatives are a great way to reduce the environmental impact of eating meat. These products are made from plant-based ingredients and are designed to taste and look like traditional meat products. They are a healthier and more sustainable option than traditional meat and can help to reduce the amount of carbon emissions associated with the production of meat.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are a great way to reduce energy consumption and help the environment. These panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity can then be used to power lights, fans, and other electrical devices. Solar panels are a renewable energy source and can help to reduce carbon emissions associated with traditional energy sources.

Vertical Farms

Vertical farms are a great way to reduce the environmental impact of traditional farming. These farms are built vertically and use hydroponics and other technologies to grow crops in a more efficient and sustainable way. Vertical farms can help to reduce water consumption and the amount of land needed for traditional farming.

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are a great way to reduce carbon emissions associated with traditional vehicles. These vehicles are powered by electric motors and use batteries to store energy. Electric vehicles are more efficient than traditional vehicles and can help to reduce air pollution in cities.

Smart Homes

Smart homes are a great way to reduce energy consumption. These homes are equipped with sensors and other technologies that can be used to monitor energy usage. Smart homes can help to reduce energy consumption by automatically turning off lights and other electrical devices when not in use.

Smart Meters

Smart meters are a great way to reduce energy consumption. These meters are equipped with sensors that can be used to monitor energy usage. Smart meters can help to reduce energy consumption by providing real-time data on energy usage and helping people to make more informed decisions about their energy consumption.



Mealworms have the potential to revolutionize the way we tackle plastic pollution. These tiny creatures possess a natural enzyme that can break down plastic in a similar way to lactase enzymes, which are responsible for breaking down milk. This could be a game-changer for the environment, as it would allow us to reduce the amount of plastic that is taking up our limited space or being burned.

Plastic Road

Plastic Road is an innovative solution that uses recycled plastic as a key material to construct roads. These roads are more durable and require less maintenance than traditional roads. Additionally, they are designed to store water, which helps to reduce flooding, and they can save up to 72 percent of emissions due to the fact that they are built using materials that have already been produced.

Nightclub in London

A nightclub in London has come up with a unique way to reduce its energy consumption. The club harnesses the energy generated by its patrons’ dance moves to power 60 percent of the venue eight out of ten nights. This is a great example of how two problems can be solved with one solution.

Solar-Powered Desalination

Solar-powered desalination is an ingenious way to provide clean drinking water to areas that lack access to fresh water. This process uses solar energy to power a desalination plant, which removes salt and other impurities from seawater. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way we access clean drinking water, and it could be a lifesaver for millions of people around the world.

Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is a revolutionary way to grow food in urban areas. This method uses vertical structures to maximize space and reduce the amount of land needed for farming. Additionally, it can be done indoors, which eliminates the need for pesticides and other chemicals. Vertical farming has the potential to revolutionize the way we grow food, and it could be a game-changer for food security around the world.

3D Printing

3D printing is a revolutionary technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we produce goods. This technology allows us to create complex objects quickly and cheaply, which could be a huge benefit for businesses and consumers alike. Additionally, 3D printing could help reduce waste, as it allows us to create products that are tailored to our exact needs.

Smart Grid

The smart grid is a revolutionary way to manage energy consumption. This technology uses sensors and other devices to monitor energy usage and adjust it accordingly. This could be a huge benefit for the environment, as it would allow us to reduce our energy consumption and save money. Additionally, it could help us to better manage our energy resources and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.


Robotics is a rapidly-advancing technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we work. This technology can be used to automate mundane tasks, which could help to reduce labor costs and increase efficiency. Additionally, robotics could be used to help with dangerous tasks, such as search and rescue operations, which could save lives.


Enzyme Extraction

The potential to solve the world’s plastic problem lies in the extraction and mass production of an enzyme. This enzyme, when produced in large quantities, can break down plastic materials into their original components, allowing for a more efficient and eco-friendly disposal process. Scientists have been researching ways to extract this enzyme from the environment and develop a method for its mass production, but the technology is still in its early stages.

Tree Planting

Trees are a vital part of the planet’s ecosystem, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, while also stabilizing soil and providing a habitat for countless animal species. To keep up with the rate at which humanity is cutting down trees, an entire army of people would be needed to plant new ones. Fortunately, technology has provided an alternative with the Flash Forest Company. Utilizing drones, they are able to identify the healthiest sites to plant trees, drop the seeds with the required nutrients, water them, and even come back to check up on them. One drone can plant 20,000 trees per day, making it a much more efficient and cost-effective option than manual labor.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are a key component in the transition to a sustainable planet, but they have largely been limited to the rooftops of buildings in countries that receive a lot of sunlight. To make a more significant impact, solar panels need to become more widespread. To this end, scientists are developing thin-film solar panels that are much more lightweight and flexible than traditional panels, making them easier to install and transport. Additionally, they are more efficient, able to generate more energy with less sunlight. This could be a game-changer in the push for renewable energy.

Transparent Solar Technology

The concept of transparent solar technology has been a theoretical possibility for a long time. If we can figure out how to make every sheet of glass, every window, every car, and every building capable of generating electricity, it would revolutionize our society. The challenge has been that if we are absorbing light to convert it to electricity, then we are not letting that light through.

However, light is a spectrum and only certain wavelengths can be seen by humans. Therefore, it is possible to create panels that let in all the light within the human spectrum, while also absorbing and converting to energy all the light that lies outside of that spectrum. This is becoming possible through the use of clear organic salts that can harness that light. With this technology, we have already reached up to 50 percent of the electricity generating capacity of our current opaque cells.

Hule Black Edition

Hule Black Edition is a beverage that tastes like a light chocolate milkshake, but has literally every single nutrient a person could need. It is not made of ice cream or sugar, but rather tapioca, coconut, peas, rice, flax seed, and sunflower seeds. All the sweetness is completely natural, mainly coming from stevia and coconut sugar.

3D Printing

3D printing has been around for a few decades, but its potential is only now starting to be realized. It is a process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file, using a variety of materials. It has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing, as it can be used to create complex objects quickly and cheaply. It can also be used to create custom objects, such as prosthetics and medical implants.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans. AI has the potential to revolutionize many industries, from healthcare to finance to transportation. It can be used to automate mundane tasks, allowing humans to focus on more important tasks. It can also be used to analyze large amounts of data quickly and accurately, allowing us to make better decisions.


Robotics is the branch of engineering that focuses on the design, construction, and operation of robots. Robots can be used to automate mundane tasks, such as manufacturing and assembly, allowing humans to focus on more important tasks. They can also be used in hazardous environments, such as deep sea exploration and space exploration, as they are not affected by extreme temperatures or pressures.

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing is a form of computing that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform calculations. It has the potential to revolutionize many industries, as it can solve problems that are too complex for traditional computers. It can also be used to create more secure encryption methods, as it is much more difficult to crack than traditional methods.

Autonomous Vehicles

Autonomous vehicles are vehicles that can drive themselves without the need for a human driver. They are equipped with sensors and cameras that allow them to detect their environment and navigate accordingly. Autonomous vehicles have the


Huel is a revolutionary product that offers convenience and nutrition in one package. With just 60 seconds of preparation, it can provide a full meal that is good to eat up to a year after purchase. This convenience is further enhanced by the fact that it contains 27 vitamins and minerals, as well as 40 grams of protein per serving.


Huel is designed to provide a balanced and nutritious meal. It contains slow-release carbohydrates, which are absorbed into the body over a longer period of time, providing sustained energy. Additionally, it contains essential vitamins and minerals, ensuring that the body is receiving the nutrients it needs.


Huel offers users the reassurance that their health is being looked after. With its carefully crafted formula, users can be sure that they are receiving the nutrients they need to stay healthy and energized. Furthermore, with the free shaker and t-shirt that comes with each purchase, users can be sure that they are getting a great deal.

Innovative inventions such as Reprieve, Johnna Breton Hoover’s design, and Mycelium are just some of the ways that the world can be saved. These inventions provide a glimpse into the potential of humanity, and it is up to us to make sure that these inventions are put to good use.

Huel is an innovative product that offers convenience, nutrition, and reassurance in one package. With its carefully crafted formula, users can be sure that they are receiving the nutrients they need to stay healthy and energized. Furthermore, with the free shaker and t-shirt that comes with each purchase, users can be sure that they are getting a great deal.

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