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25 Questions with MKBHD

25 Questions with MKBHD

Table of Contents

Question 1: How Much Would Someone Have to Pay MKBHD to Use a BlackBerry Phone?

MKBHD has stated that he would not be very happy if someone were to pay him to use a BlackBerry phone as his day-to-day device. He did mention that BlackBerry has released an Android phone with a flip out keyboard and front-facing speakers, but he couldn’t recall the name of the device.

Question 2: Will YouTube Rewind Be Better or Worse This Year?

MKBHD believes that YouTube Rewind will have to get better this year, as it can’t get any worse than it was in 2019. He believes that YouTube will learn from their mistakes and make a better Rewind for 2020.

Question 3: Are the Shortcomings of the Pixel 4 Intentional?

MKBHD believes that Google is intentionally targeting a market that may not care about certain features such as an ultra-wide camera or lack of storage. He believes that Google is focusing on the camera, as it is what they do best, and they are trying to make sure that the software experience is really good.

What would you say?

25 Questions with MKBHD

1. What were your expectations for the Pixel 4?

My expectations for the Pixel 4 were that it would offer a good amount of storage, battery life, and a competitive price point.

2. Do you feel like phones are becoming more aware?

Yes, I believe phones are becoming more aware. Google has implemented features like radar and face scanning, which indicate that the company is striving to make phones more intuitive and user-friendly.

3. Do you think voice will be the next big thing in phone technology?

I believe voice will be an important part of phone technology in the future. Voice commands are becoming more popular and offer a more convenient way to interact with our phones.

4. Are you a fan of gestures?

I am a fan of certain gestures. For example, I like the squeeze gesture for activating Google Assistant, as it is a more casual way of interacting with the phone without having to pick it up and use it.

5. If someone asked you which phone to buy with no ecosystem locked in, what would you say?

If someone asked me which phone to buy with no ecosystem locked in, I would recommend looking at the latest models from Apple, Samsung, and Google. All three companies offer a range of phones with different features and price points, so it is important to do some research and find the phone that best suits the user’s needs.

I think its just a matter of the technology getting better and better and more reliable.

What is Your Gut Feeling?

MKBHD’s gut feeling is that the person looking for a phone does not have a lot of criteria. He would recommend an iPhone 11 Pro, but would caution them to be careful with the ecosystem.

What is Your Favorite Camera Phone?

MKBHD’s favorite camera phone right now is the iPhone 11 Pro. He finds it the easiest to get the best result with, as he does not go into manual controls very often.

Do You Think Foldable Phones are Here to Stay?

MKBHD believes that foldable phones are here to stay. He thinks it is just a matter of the technology getting better and more reliable.

The Rise of Foldable Phones

The concept of foldable phones is one that has been gaining traction in recent years. With the introduction of the Samsung Galaxy Fold and the Huawei Mate X, the idea of having a large screen that can be folded up and tucked away in a pocket has become a reality. It is likely that this trend will continue in the years to come, with more advanced and improved foldable phones being released.

Interviewing Ilan

MKBHD, a popular tech YouTuber, has had the opportunity to interview many influential people in the tech industry. One of the most memorable interviews for him was with Ilan, a busy man who was willing to take the time to talk tech with no agenda. This was a moment that gave MKBHD a huge rush, as it was one of the first big interviews he had done.

Reaction to the Realme X2 Pro

Recently, the Realme X2 Pro was announced, featuring a 90Hz display and a 15-minute fast charging system. MKBHD’s initial reaction to this phone was one of intrigue, as he had not heard of the brand before. He was impressed by the features of the phone and the fact that it was able to offer such advanced features at an affordable price.

The Future of Foldables

MKBHD believes that foldables will continue to evolve and improve in the years to come. He believes that the technology will become more advanced and that the phones will become more reliable and durable. He also believes that foldables will become more affordable, allowing more people to experience the benefits of having a large screen that can be folded up and tucked away in a pocket.

Question 1: What do you think of the new phones with high-end specs and low prices?

I’m loving the hardware competition that these new phones are bringing. The specs don’t always tell the whole story, and you need to use the phone to really get a feel for what it does well and what it doesn’t. The Popcode phone I recently tested had few weaknesses, and the camera turned out better than I expected for the price.

Question 2: Do you think the tech community is in a bubble?

I’m starting to get the impression that the tech community is somewhat of a bubble. The main factors of people buying phones aren’t necessarily which one has the best camera or display, but rather which one will give them the least amount of hassle. I’ve been doing more real-world tests with people, and it’s interesting to see what they think of the phones.

Question 3: What do you think is the most important factor when buying a phone?

I think the most important factor when buying a phone is finding one that will give you the least amount of hassle. People don’t necessarily care about which one has the best camera or display, but rather which one is the most convenient and reliable.

Wireless Charging

MKBHD has revealed that he does use wireless charging, and has a Pixel Stand on his desk and next to his bed. He believes that it makes life easier, but it also depends on the phone. Some phones have gigantic batteries, while others have super fast charging, which can be used differently.

Number of Phones

MKBHD has a three-digit number of phones in his studio, less than 200 but over 100. He believes that this is way too many.


MKBHD has found that cameras matter a lot to people. They want it to take good pictures instantly, be fast, and have an easy-to-use ecosystem. He believes that this turns into an ecosystem thing when it comes to apps, as if the other ecosystem doesn’t have the same apps, then it becomes an issue.

But I think it also depends on the content and the type of game youre playing and the way youre interacting with the phone. So I think it is a sweet spot, but I dont think its a must have.

Question 1: What are your plans for the phones you acquire?

MKBHD has no plans for any of the phones he acquires. He simply gets them and they accumulate. He recently purchased a Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL, so more are on the way.

Question 2: What is the best collaboration you’ve ever done?

MKBHD cites the True Third Dab collaboration with Sean Evans as the best collaboration he has ever done. Sean Evans is an awesome host who hosts a YouTube chicken wing show and also does the True Third Dab spin off. The questions were well researched and the whole ecosystem of the show was fascinating.

Question 3: You talk about displays quite a lot. Do you think we benefit from going to 120 Hertz?

MKBHD believes that 120 Hertz is a sweet spot, but it depends on the content and the type of game being played. He has noticed a difference between 60 and 90 Hertz, and has played with the ROG phone at 120 Hertz. He believes that 120 Hertz can be beneficial, but is not a must-have.

What is Team Trees?

Team Trees is a fundraising campaign organized by YouTube creators Mr. Beast and Mark Gruba. The goal of the campaign is to raise money to plant 20 million trees around the world. For every dollar donated, one tree will be planted. The campaign is a massive effort to make a positive impact on the environment and the world.

What Inspired MKBHD to Join Team Trees?

MKBHD was inspired to join Team Trees because of the potential to make a massive difference in the world. He recognizes the power of YouTube creators and wants to use that power to make a positive impact. He believes that by joining the campaign, he can help make a real difference in the world.

What Is MKBHD’s Role in Team Trees?

MKBHD is part of the Team Trees campaign and plans to participate in the fundraising efforts. He won’t be able to be in town for the day that the campaign launches, but he still plans to contribute and help make a difference.

Has MKBHD Ever Taken a Different Angle in His Videos?

Yes, MKBHD has taken a different angle in one of his videos to flex his skills. He recently did this with the Apple Watch video, which he says was the most dramatic version he has ever done. He has taken alternate angles in his videos at least once to show off his skills.

What Is the Touch Response Frequency on iPhones?

The touch response frequency on iPhones is 120 Hertz. This makes the 60 Hertz refresh rate on iPhones feel smoother than the 1060 Hertz refresh rate on Samsung phones. To get the best experience, MKBHD recommends a 90 Hertz refresh rate as a good middle ground.

Scripting Videos

MKBHD has revealed that 90% of his videos are scripted, with the challenge being to convey a lot of information in as short of a time as possible. He structures his videos in a way that flows from point to point, ensuring that the core message remains intact.

Spare Time

When he’s not playing Frisbee, flying to meet celebrities, or playing NBA 2K, MKBHD spends his spare time eating, sleeping, and dreaming about his next video.

True or False?

MKBHD was recently asked a series of true or false questions, with the first being whether Apple displays the time on iPhones in promotional materials as 9:41am on purpose. MKBHD confirmed that this is true, as it is to ensure that the fans are evenly spread out.

Question 1: What was it like when the first iPhone was announced?

When the first iPhone was announced, it was an exciting moment for the tech world. The presentation was carefully timed to coincide with the actual time, making it an even more memorable event.

Question 2: Does Quawi have a rotating chairman system?

Yes, Quawi does have a rotating chairman system. Every few months, the deputy chairman is changed, which is a unique feature that is not seen in many other companies.

Question 3: Does Samsung have a patent for a flying car?

It is not out of the realm of possibility that Samsung has a patent for a flying car. After all, the company is known for its wide range of products, from washers and dryers to refrigerators.

Question 4: Would you rather lose 1 million subscribers or use a Windows Phone as the only phone for the next 5 years?

Given the choice, it would be preferable to lose 1 million subscribers rather than be forced to use a Windows Phone as the only phone for the next 5 years. According to YouTube analytics, MKBHD has already lost more than 1 million subscribers in the lifetime of the channel, making this an easy decision.

Question 5: Who will hit 10 million subscribers first, MKBHD or Tina McGee?

At the moment, MKBHD has the edge in terms of subscribers, but Tina McGee is always full of surprises. It will be a close race, but only time will tell who will hit 10 million subscribers first.

Sony Xperia Flagships

MKBHD was asked to name Sony’s past flagships, to which he responded with the Xperia 1 as the last one he used. He then went on to mention the Xperia XZ, but stopped there due to the difficulty of naming the non-existent models.

Keith’s Name

The interviewer then asked if it was possible that Keith’s name was not what it appeared to be. Keith responded by saying that they would have to wait and see, as he was going out to NC.

Wikipedia Page

Keith then revealed a fun fact that he was unable to edit his own Wikipedia page. Whenever someone edits his page, it becomes a thing, and he is unable to correct it. Wikipedia will eventually lock it for vandalism if this happens enough times.

Plot Twist

The interviewer thought he had Keith, but it turned out to be a plot twist. Keith thanked the interviewer for having him and concluded the 25 questions tour.

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