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5 Genius ways TECH is used in MOVIES!

5 Genius ways TECH is used in MOVIES!

Wind Tunnel

John Wick’s production team employed a unique approach to create a gravity-defying scene. They built the world’s largest open wind tunnel, big enough to accommodate the entire camera group and actors. The tunnel allowed for real-time adjustments to be made before investing in the actual creation of the scene.

Virtual Reality

The concept artists used virtual reality to place directors and stunt crew inside a glass building before it was ever created. This allowed them to make adjustments and visualize the scene before investing in its creation.

Rotating Hallway

The project crew designed a full-scale, rotating hallway and camera setter for The Matrix. The hallway was capable of rotating six times per minute to create the iconic effect. To ensure accuracy, 120 cameras had to be set up and calibrated precisely inside a specialized green screen space.

LED Screen

The Mandalorian production team created a colossal 270-degree high-resolution LED screen. The screen was made up of over 18 million pixels and was used to create a realistic environment for the actors to interact with.

Motion Capture

Motion capture technology was used in the production of Avatar. The technology allowed for the actors to be filmed in real-time and then have their movements translated into the digital world. This allowed for the creation of realistic and believable characters.

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