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5 ILLEGAL gadgets that will get you ARRESTED

5 ILLEGAL gadgets that will get you ARRESTED

Family Car

For those who have a penchant for imitating law enforcement, owning a family car may be a difficult item to explain to the police when they pull you over. While the vehicle may be a convenient and practical means of transportation, it is not an item that is typically associated with the average citizen. As such, it is likely to draw attention and suspicion from law enforcement.

Pistol Lighter

The pistol lighter is an item that is designed to look like a real gun, and as such, it is illegal in many jurisdictions. Despite its innocuous purpose of providing a light source, the fact that it resembles a firearm is enough to get the user into trouble with the law. Even though it may be an interesting conversation piece, it is best to avoid it altogether.

50,000 Milliwatt Handheld Laser

The 50,000 milliwatt handheld laser is an item that is classified as a burning laser due to its immense power. Such a device is capable of causing serious damage to the eyes, and as such, it is illegal in many countries. Not only can it cause physical harm, but it can also be used to interfere with aircraft and other vehicles, making it a dangerous item that should be avoided.

Stun Gun Phone Case

The stun gun phone case is an item that has good intentions, as it is designed to protect the user on the streets. However, the fact that it is capable of delivering seven times the pain that a normal stun gun can has made it illegal in several U.S. states. While it may be a useful tool for self-defense, it is best to avoid it, as it can land the user in serious trouble with the law.

Spy Pen Camera

The spy pen camera is a device that is designed to look like an ordinary pen, but it is capable of recording video and audio. While it may be a useful tool for espionage, it is illegal in many countries due to the potential for misuse. As such, it is best to avoid this item, as it can land the user in serious trouble with the law.

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