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Android vs iPhone – Which is ACTUALLY Better? (ft MKBHD)

Android vs iPhone - Which is ACTUALLY Better? (ft MKBHD)


The debate between Android and iPhone is often centered around the display. The iPhone has a unique look with its thicker border and a peculiar notch. However, it is still considered to be a decent display with a decent screen-to-body ratio. Despite this, the biggest notch of any phone in the market today is found on the iPhone. On the other hand, the Samsung S22 Ultra has a 120Hz display that is considered to be the smoothest and most responsive. It also has a higher brightness and sharpness than the iPhone, making it a different class of display.


When it comes to cameras, the iPhone is known for its excellent image quality. It has a 12MP camera that is capable of capturing stunning photos and videos. On the other hand, Android phones have a wide variety of cameras ranging from 8MP to 16MP. However, the iPhone’s camera has a few advantages such as its ability to capture 4K video and its portrait mode. The Samsung S22 Ultra has a 108MP camera that is capable of capturing stunning images and videos, but it is not as versatile as the iPhone’s camera.


The software experience on Android and iPhone is quite different. Android phones are known for their customizability and flexibility, while iPhones are known for their simplicity and ease of use. Android phones have access to a wide variety of apps and services, while iPhones are limited to the App Store. Android phones also have access to Google services such as Google Maps and Google Assistant, while iPhones are limited to Apple services such as Apple Maps and Siri.

Battery Life

The battery life of Android and iPhone is quite different. Android phones are known for their long battery life, while iPhones are known for their short battery life. Android phones have larger batteries and are capable of lasting for days on a single charge, while iPhones are known for their short battery life and need to be charged multiple times a day.


When it comes to price, Android phones are generally cheaper than iPhones. Android phones can be found for as low as $200, while iPhones start at $700. However, Android phones can also be quite expensive, with some models costing as much as $1000.


When it comes to security, iPhones are generally considered to be more secure than Android phones. iPhones have a secure boot process and are regularly updated with the latest security patches. On the other hand, Android phones are not as secure as iPhones and are vulnerable to malware and other security threats.

User Interface

The user interface of Android and iPhone is quite different. Android phones are known for their customizability and flexibility, while iPhones are known for their simplicity and ease of use. Android phones have a wide variety of widgets and customization options, while iPhones are limited to the home screen and app icons.


When it comes to performance, Android and iPhone are quite similar. Both platforms are capable of running the latest apps and games with ease. However, Android phones are known for their better multitasking capabilities, while iPhones are known for their smooth

Android vs iPhone – Which is ACTUALLY Better? (ft MKBHD)

When it comes to the debate of Android vs iPhone, tech enthusiasts often find themselves in a heated argument. Both platforms have their own unique features and advantages, but which one is actually better? In this article, we will explore the views of tech YouTuber MKBHD, who has tested and reviewed both platforms extensively.


MKBHD has noted that when it comes to aesthetics, the iPhone has an edge over Android. He mentions that the curved edges of the iPhone give it a more premium feel, and he prefers the flat design of the iPhone over the curved design of Android devices. However, he does acknowledge that the Samsung S21 Ultra is a nice happy medium between the two, and it has its own unique aesthetic appeal.


When it comes to performance, MKBHD believes that the iPhone has a slight edge over Android. He notes that when running Geekbench multi-core benchmarks, the iPhone scores higher and draws less power. He also mentions that when it comes to gaming, the iPhone seems to run smoother and games are released earlier on the platform.

Android vs iPhone: Performance

When it comes to performance, the iPhone is a clear winner. Its smooth feel, frames per second, and overall power and efficiency make it stand out from the competition. However, it is important to consider if the performance of the game you’re playing is great on the platform you’re using.

Android vs iPhone: RAM

The iPhone 13 Pro Max comes with 6GB of RAM, while some Android phones come with up to 12GB. While more RAM does contribute to a better multitasking experience, it is also important to consider how efficiently the memory is filled up. Android phones tend to be less efficient in this regard, meaning that 3GB of RAM on an iPhone can feel like 8GB of RAM on an Android phone.

Android vs iPhone: Multitasking

Android phones come with features that allow for more multitasking, such as split screen and picture in picture. However, even hardcore users may not find much use for these features. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what you’re looking for in a phone.


MKBHD’s experience with multitasking on his iPhone 13 Pro Max is one that many users can relate to, as the device allows for quick and easy copy-pasting between apps. While the iPhone 13 Pro Max does offer multi-window capabilities, it is rarely used due to the lack of need for it.

Battery Life

The iPhone 13 Pro Max has the best battery life of all the big phones, while the iPhone 13 Pro has the best battery life of all the compact phones. This is a testament to Apple’s commitment to providing users with long-lasting devices. However, other phones such as the ROG Phone offer a higher capacity battery, but this does not necessarily equate to better battery life.


The speed of charging is an important factor when it comes to battery life, as it gives users the peace of mind that their device can be charged quickly and easily. This is especially true for those who are constantly on the go and need to charge their device quickly. Android phones tend to offer faster charging speeds than iPhones, but this is not always the case.


When it comes to camera performance, the iPhone and Android devices are neck and neck. Both offer excellent image quality, and both have their own strengths and weaknesses. On the iPhone side, Apple has consistently pushed the boundaries of mobile photography with its advanced image processing algorithms and hardware. The iPhone 11 Pro, for example, has a triple-camera setup with a wide-angle, telephoto, and ultra-wide lens, allowing for a wide range of creative possibilities. On the Android side, manufacturers have been pushing the boundaries of mobile photography with their own unique hardware and software. The Google Pixel 4, for example, has a dual-camera setup with a wide-angle and telephoto lens, allowing for a wide range of creative possibilities.

When it comes to video performance, the iPhone and Android devices are once again neck and neck. The iPhone 11 Pro has a 4K video recording capability, while the Google Pixel 4 has a 4K video recording capability with HDR support. Both devices also offer excellent image stabilization, allowing for smooth and steady video recording.


When it comes to software, the iPhone and Android devices are once again neck and neck. The iPhone runs iOS, Apple’s proprietary mobile operating system, while Android devices run the Android operating system, which is developed by Google. Both operating systems offer a wide range of features and capabilities, and both have their own strengths and weaknesses.

On the iPhone side, iOS is a closed operating system, meaning that Apple controls the software and hardware of the device. This allows Apple to ensure that the iPhone runs smoothly and efficiently, and that all of the features and capabilities are optimized for the device. On the Android side, the operating system is open source, meaning that manufacturers can customize the software and hardware of the device to their own specifications. This allows for more flexibility and customization, but can also lead to fragmentation and compatibility issues.

App Ecosystem

When it comes to the app ecosystem, the iPhone and Android devices are once again neck and neck. The iPhone has the App Store, which is Apple’s proprietary app store, while Android devices have the Google Play Store, which is Google’s app store. Both app stores offer a wide range of apps and games, and both have their own strengths and weaknesses.

On the iPhone side, the App Store is tightly controlled by Apple, meaning that all apps must meet Apple’s strict guidelines in order to be approved for the store. This ensures that all apps are of a high quality and are secure, but can also lead to a lack of innovation and creativity. On the Android side, the Google Play Store is open to all developers, meaning that anyone can submit an app for approval. This allows for more innovation and creativity, but can also lead to a lack of quality control and security.

Camera Quality

When it comes to camera quality, the iPhone has been consistently praised for its ability to capture natural-looking photos. MKBHD notes that if he were to go to a national park and take bird photos, he would opt for a device with more zoom than the iPhone offers. However, for general photography, the iPhone is the go-to choice. He also mentions that he has used the Vivo X50 Pro and its Zeiss Natural Color option, which he found to be quite impressive.

Shooting Experience

The shooting experience of a device is also a factor to consider when deciding between Android and iPhone. MKBHD notes that he has had issues with Pixel phones, where he would take a photo and put the phone back in his pocket, only to find that the photo was not saved. This is something that does not happen with the iPhone, making it the more reliable choice.


When it comes to software, the iPhone is the clear winner. MKBHD notes that apps like Instagram Stories, TicToc, and Snapchat typically behave better on the iPhone than on Android devices. This is because Apple has more control over the software and can ensure that apps are optimized for its devices.

Camera Performance

When it comes to camera performance, the debate between Android and iPhone is a close one. While Samsung’s S22 Ultra and Pixel phones can produce impressive results in certain scenarios, the iPhone still has the edge in overall camera experience. Huawei phones have often been praised for their innovative gimmicks such as super long zoom cameras and incredible night mode, providing users with a fun and exciting way to explore the capabilities of their device.


When it comes to videography, the iPhone is the uncontested winner. Its cameras produce superior results in terms of clarity, color accuracy, and stabilization. Even professional videographers often rely on the iPhone for its reliable performance and ease of use.


The software experience is another area where the iPhone has a clear advantage. iPhones come with a streamlined and intuitive interface, making it easy to navigate and access all the features. Android phones, on the other hand, can be overwhelming with their multitude of customization options.


Security is another area where Apple’s iPhones have a distinct advantage. iPhones come with a range of security features such as Face ID and Touch ID, making it difficult for hackers to access user data. Android phones, on the other hand, are more vulnerable to malicious attacks.


When it comes to price, Android phones have a clear edge over iPhones. Android phones are available in a wide range of prices, making them accessible to a larger audience. iPhones, on the other hand, are more expensive and are generally out of reach for budget-conscious users.

Software Reliability

When it comes to software reliability, iPhones have a clear advantage over Android devices. Apple’s iOS operating system is designed to be more secure and reliable than Android, and iPhones are regularly updated with the latest security patches. iPhones also have a longer lifespan than Android devices, as Apple’s devices are typically supported for up to five years. Android devices, on the other hand, are typically only supported for two to three years, and may not receive the latest security patches.

Software Updates

When it comes to software updates, iPhones have a clear advantage over Android devices. Apple releases regular updates to its iOS operating system, ensuring that iPhones stay up to date with the latest features and security patches. Android devices, on the other hand, are typically only updated by their manufacturers, and may not receive the latest security patches or features.


When it comes to hardware, iPhones have a slight advantage over Android devices. iPhones typically have higher-end processors and more RAM than Android devices, allowing them to run more smoothly and quickly. iPhones also have better battery life than Android devices, as Apple’s devices are designed to be more power efficient.


When it comes to price, Android devices have a clear advantage over iPhones. Android devices are typically much cheaper than iPhones, and can be found in a wide range of prices. iPhones, on the other hand, are typically more expensive than Android devices, and are only available in a few different price ranges.

Android vs iPhone: A Comparison

When it comes to choosing between Android and iPhone, there is no clear-cut answer. Both operating systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. However, it is worth noting that in terms of reliability, iOS is generally considered to be more stable than Android. This is due to the fact that Apple has a more rigorous testing process for its software updates, which ensures that any bugs or glitches are ironed out before they reach the public.

Hardware and Software Considerations

When comparing Android and iPhone, hardware and software are two important factors to consider. In terms of hardware, iPhones tend to have better build quality and more advanced features such as wireless charging and Face ID. However, Android phones often offer more customization options and are usually more affordable. In terms of software, iOS is generally considered to be more user-friendly than Android, with a more intuitive interface and fewer bugs.

The MKBHD Experience

YouTuber MKBHD has had experience with both Android and iPhone devices. According to him, no phone is perfect and both operating systems have their own issues. For example, he has experienced bugs and glitches with both Android and iPhone devices. He also noted that iPhones tend to reduce their brightness when they get hot, while Android phones will give an error message when an app crashes. Ultimately, MKBHD believes that iOS is currently more stable than Android, but this could change in the future.

Which is Better?

When it comes to choosing between Android and iPhone, there is no definitive answer. Both operating systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. However, it is worth noting that iOS is generally considered to be more reliable than Android, and it also has a more user-friendly interface. Ultimately, the best way to decide which is better for you is to try out both operating systems and see which one works best for your needs.

Android vs iPhone – Which is ACTUALLY Better? (ft MKBHD)

The debate between Android and iPhone has been raging for years, with both sides claiming superiority in various aspects. MKBHD, a popular tech YouTuber, recently weighed in on the debate, offering his opinion on which is actually better. According to MKBHD, the two platforms offer similar experiences in terms of regular apps, but there are some differences in terms of reliability. He noted that he often misses calls and notifications on Android, whereas the iPhone is more reliable in this regard.

Camera Performance

MKBHD also discussed camera performance, noting that the iPhone is more reliable when it comes to taking quick shots. He mentioned that sometimes when he opens the camera app on Android, it takes a few seconds to open, whereas the iPhone is always ready to go. This could be a deciding factor for those who are looking for a phone that is quick to capture moments.

Software Features

When it comes to software features, MKBHD gave a draw, noting that both platforms offer a wide range of features. He did mention that the iPhone has a few more features, but that the difference is not significant enough to give one platform an advantage over the other.

Android vs iPhone: A Comprehensive Comparison

The debate between Android and iPhone has been raging for years, with both sides touting their respective operating systems as the superior choice. But which one is actually better? To answer this question, it’s important to compare the features and capabilities of each OS.

Android Advantages

Android has a number of advantages over iPhone, including its flexibility and customization options. Android users can customize their phones to their liking, from changing the look and feel of the home screen to installing third-party apps. Additionally, Android phones are available in a wide range of prices and specs, so users can find a device that meets their needs and budget.

IPhone Advantages

IPhone has its own set of advantages, such as its intuitive user interface and its integration with other Apple products. iPhone users can take advantage of features like AirDrop, FaceTime, and Share Play, which make it easy to share files and communicate with other Apple users. Additionally, iPhones are generally considered to be more secure than Android phones, as they are less vulnerable to malware and other security threats.

Which is Better?

Ultimately, the decision of which OS is better comes down to personal preference. Android offers more flexibility and customization options, while iPhone offers a more secure and intuitive experience. While there are features in both OSs that are important to a lot of people, there are also features in each OS that are important to a small number of people. Ultimately, the best OS for you is the one that meets your needs and preferences.

Android vs iPhone: Customization

Android has long been known for its ability to be customized, allowing users to tailor their device to their own preferences. However, Apple has been catching up in this area with the release of iOS 16, which includes features such as a customizable lock screen. This means that while Android may still have a slight edge in terms of customization, Apple is quickly closing the gap.

Android vs iPhone: Features

When it comes to features, Android has a larger selection than Apple, including things like Samsung DeX and wireless charging. However, Apple has a few key features that make a compelling case for their devices, such as their powerful processors and intuitive user interface. As such, it is difficult to declare a clear winner in this category.

Android vs iPhone: Bleeding Edge

When it comes to virtual assistants, Siri on the iPhone and Google Assistant on Android are both popular choices. However, Apple has a tendency to wait for other companies to develop features before implementing them, but with a higher level of quality. This means that when both operating systems reach their mature stages, Apple may be ahead due to their attention to detail and integration of features.

But the iphone is catching up and its a little bit better.

Google Assistant

Google Assistant is widely regarded as the superior virtual assistant between Android and iPhone, with its faster response times and greater intelligence. However, how much one uses it depends on the individual. For instance, MKBHD uses it for taking notes, setting timers, and creating shopping lists, and inquiring about the weather and news. Although Siri can do these tasks, Google Assistant is more efficient and reliable.


When it comes to customization, Android has had widgets for a long time, allowing for endless possibilities. However, with the introduction of lock screen widgets in iOS 16, iPhone is slowly catching up. MKBHD’s take on this is that the customization on the iPhone is better than Android.

Software Support

When it comes to software support, Apple takes the cake. With five years of updates, it’s clear that Apple is committed to providing users with the latest features and security updates. Samsung is the closest competitor, offering four years of updates, while other Android devices typically offer three to two years of updates. In some cases, users may only receive one year of updates.


When it comes to customization, the iPhone takes the lead. With a simple and easy-to-understand interface, users can quickly add widgets to their lock screens. The consistency and visual aesthetics of the iPhone also make it a great choice for those who want a more polished look. Android devices offer more options for customization, but the iPhone’s user-friendly approach makes it a great choice for those who want a straightforward experience.


When it comes to performance, both Android and iPhone devices offer a great experience. Android devices tend to have more powerful hardware, allowing them to run more demanding apps and games. iPhones, on the other hand, are known for their smooth and responsive user interface. Both platforms offer a great experience, so it really comes down to personal preference.

Android vs iPhone – Which is ACTUALLY Better? (ft MKBHD)

When it comes to the debate of Android vs iPhone, there is no clear-cut answer. Both operating systems have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. However, MKBHD, a popular tech YouTuber, has weighed in on the debate, offering his opinion on which is actually better.

First-Party Support

When it comes to first-party support, MKBHD believes that the iPhone is the clear winner. Apple has a long history of providing comprehensive support for their devices, whereas Android has traditionally lagged behind in this area. This is due to the fact that Android is an open-source platform, meaning that it is up to individual manufacturers to provide support for their devices.

Community Support

Although Android may not have the same level of first-party support as the iPhone, it does have a vibrant community of developers and modders who are constantly working to improve the platform. This community has created a wide range of custom ROMs and mods that can be used to customize and improve the performance of Android devices. This is something that the iPhone simply cannot compete with.

Pricing and Value

When it comes to pricing and value, MKBHD believes that Android has the edge. There is a much wider range of devices available on the Android platform, meaning that there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a budget device or a flagship phone, there is an Android device that will fit your needs. Furthermore, there are a number of devices that offer great value for money.

Android vs iPhone: A Comparison

The debate between Android and iPhone has been raging for years, with both sides claiming superiority over the other. With the recent release of the iPhone SE and the Poco Phone, the competition has become even more intense. To determine which platform offers the best value, it is important to consider the features and capabilities of both.

Price Point

When it comes to price, Android phones offer a wide range of options. At the budget end, phones like the Poco Phone can be purchased for as little as $250. For those looking for a more premium experience, the Pixel 5 or 6a can be purchased for around $700-$800. Meanwhile, the iPhone SE is Apple’s lowest-end phone, and is competitively priced at around the same range.

Features and Capabilities

When it comes to features and capabilities, the iPhone does have an advantage over Android. This is due to its integration with Apple’s suite of services, such as FaceTime, iMessage, and the camera. However, for those who are looking for more than just these features, Android phones offer a wide range of options. For example, phones like the Samsung Galaxy S21 offer a 120Hz display, a large battery, and the ability to play a variety of games.

Android vs iPhone: An Objective Comparison

When it comes to Android vs iPhone, there are a few objective criteria that can be used to determine which is the better device. Performance, battery life, and storage capacity are all important factors that can be used to make an informed decision.

In terms of performance, Android phones typically have more powerful processors and more RAM than iPhones, making them better suited for multitasking and gaming. Android phones also have larger batteries, which means they can last longer than iPhones. , Android phones often come with more storage capacity than iPhones, allowing users to store more data.

Android vs iPhone: A Subjective Comparison

When it comes to subjective criteria, such as photography, opinions can vary widely. Some users may prefer the image quality of iPhones, while others may prefer the versatility of Android phones. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what features are most important to the user.

MKBHD, a popular tech YouTuber, recently conducted an experiment to compare the performance of iPhones and Android phones. He found that while iPhones had better battery life and performance, Android phones had better storage capacity and were better suited for multitasking.

At the end of the day, it is up to the user to decide which platform is better for them. Both Android and iPhone have their own unique advantages and features, and it is ultimately up to the user to decide which platform best suits their needs. MKBHD has noted that when it comes to aesthetics and performance, the iPhone has a slight edge over Android, but it is ultimately up to the user to decide which platform is best for them.

When it comes to Android vs iPhone, both offer their own unique advantages and disadvantages. While Android phones may offer faster charging speeds and higher capacity batteries, iPhones offer better battery life and more intuitive multitasking capabilities. Ultimately, the decision of which device is better comes down to personal preference and needs.

At the end of the day, it’s hard to say which is actually better – the iPhone or Android devices. Both offer excellent hardware and software, and both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and what features and capabilities are most important to you.

Ultimately, when it comes to deciding between Android and iPhone, it really depends on the user’s needs. For camera quality, shooting experience, and software, the iPhone is the clear winner. However, if the user needs more zoom or specific features, an Android device may be the better choice.

When it comes to choosing between Android and iPhone, there is no clear winner. Each platform has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it difficult to declare one as the superior choice. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and budget.

Ultimately, the decision between Android and iPhone comes down to personal preference. Both platforms offer a great user experience, and it is up to the individual to decide which one is best for them. MKBHD’s opinion is that the two platforms are fairly similar, but that the iPhone is more reliable in terms of calls and notifications, as well as camera performance.

Ultimately, it is up to the user to decide which platform is better for them. Both Android and iPhone have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to consider one’s own needs and preferences before making a decision.

When it comes to Android vs iPhone, it really comes down to personal preference. Both platforms offer great performance, customization, and software support. Android devices offer more powerful hardware and more options for customization, while iPhones offer a simple and easy-to-understand interface. Ultimately, it’s up to the user to decide which platform is best for them.

At the end of the day, the debate of Android vs iPhone is one that is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. Both platforms have their own advantages and disadvantages, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference. However, MKBHD believes that the iPhone has the edge when it comes to first-party support, while Android has the edge when it comes to pricing and value.

Ultimately, the decision of which platform to choose comes down to personal preference and what features are most important to the user. Android phones offer a wide range of options at various price points, while the iPhone offers a more integrated experience with Apple’s services. Ultimately, it is up to the user to decide which platform is the best fit for their needs.

In the end, the decision of whether to choose an Android phone or an iPhone is a personal one. While there are objective criteria that can be used to make the decision, there are also subjective criteria that can influence the choice. Ultimately, it is up to the user to decide which device is best for their needs.

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