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Do NOT buy the Freedom Phone!! 🤬

Do NOT buy the Freedom Phone!! 🤬

The Freedom Phone: A Risky Investment

The Freedom Phone, created by 22-year-old bitcoin millionaire Eric Finman, has been touted as a revolutionary device that offers users complete privacy and freedom from censorship and snooping by large tech companies. The product has gained immense popularity, with many influencers encouraging people to buy it right away. Despite its promise of privacy, the Freedom Phone is a risky investment.

The Parlor Controversy

The Freedom Phone was born out of the controversy surrounding the Jan 6th riots in the US. After Donald Trump lost the election, his supporters stormed the Capitol Building in Washington DC. The riots were coordinated on a free speech app called Parlor, prompting Google and Apple to remove the app from their stores. This event was the catalyst for Eric Finman’s creation of the Freedom Phone, as he wanted to ensure people could access such apps without being censored by large tech companies.

The Potential Dangers

Despite its promise of privacy, the Freedom Phone has several potential dangers. Firstly, the device is not yet available to the public, and there is no guarantee that it will ever be released. Furthermore, the phone has not been independently tested or verified, and there is no way to know if it is actually secure. Additionally, the phone is expensive, costing $500, and there is no guarantee that it will be worth the money.


Given the potential risks associated with the Freedom Phone, it is not recommended that people invest in the device. Until the phone is independently tested and verified, it is impossible to know if it is truly secure and private. Furthermore, the phone is expensive and there is no guarantee that it will ever be released. Therefore, it is best to avoid investing in the Freedom Phone until more information is available.

Freedom OS

Eric’s Freedom OS, which is based on Android, is pitched as a revolutionary software, but in reality, it is not much different from the original. It does not offer any additional features or benefits that would make it stand out from the rest. It simply removes certain apps like Google Chrome and replaces them with non-snooping alternatives like DuckDuckGo.

App Store

The Freedom Phone’s app store, called Patreon Patriarch, allows users to download apps that have been censored by Google. However, it is important to note that the app store is not as comprehensive as the Google Play Store, and it does not offer the same level of security and protection. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the apps available on Patreon Patriarch are safe and secure.

Privacy and Security

The Freedom Phone claims to offer users more privacy and security than other phones. However, there is no evidence to support this claim. The phone does not have any additional security measures in place, and it is not clear if the apps available on the app store are secure. Furthermore, the phone does not have any encryption or other security features that would protect user data from being accessed by third parties.

Freedom Phone: A Risky Investment

The Freedom Phone has been touted as the “best phone in the world” but with no specs available on the website, it is difficult to verify this claim. For a product that costs $500, customers should have access to information about the processor, cameras, battery, and other features. Instead, the website only offers a “buy it now” button. This lack of transparency raises questions about the phone’s quality and makes it a risky investment.

Big Tech Platforms

The Freedom Phone was announced via a tweet, and the website encourages customers to sign up and share using big tech platforms. This undermines the product’s anti-big tech stance and raises further doubts about its authenticity.

Freedom OS

The concept of Freedom OS is fine, but it appears to be almost identical to an existing free piece of software called Lineage OS. This raises the question of why customers should pay for something that is available for free.

The Finman Story

The story of Erik Finman is inspiring. He made a deal with his parents that if he could turn $1,000 into $1 million through investments, they would let him skip college. He put all of his money into Bitcoin when it was worth nothing, and when it blew up, his $1,000 ballooned into over $2 million. While this is an impressive feat, it is important to remember that investing in cryptocurrency is a high-risk endeavor and not suitable for everyone.

Security Risks

The Freedom Phone, touted by CEO Eric Finman, promises users the ability to access apps that have been banned from other platforms. While this may sound appealing, it does not necessarily guarantee the security of users’ data. Finman’s lack of experience in security makes it difficult to trust that the phone will be able to protect users’ information. Furthermore, the lack of regular security updates could leave users vulnerable to malicious software.

Unfiltered App Store

The Freedom Phone also boasts an “unfiltered” app store, where nothing is censored. This could be a double-edged sword, as it could potentially allow users to access apps that have been banned for good reason. Malware could be downloaded without any safeguards in place, leaving users open to attack.

Lack of Support

The Freedom Phone also suffers from a lack of customer support. There is no contact number for the company and the only email address provided does not appear to be responding. This could leave users in the dark if they encounter any issues with the phone.

Alternative Options

If users are looking to access apps that have been banned from other platforms, they can do so without the need for the Freedom Phone. Apps such as Parlor can be downloaded directly from the website, free of charge. This eliminates the need to purchase a potentially risky device.

The Freedom Phone is not a viable option for those seeking to access banned apps. Its lack of security, unfiltered app store, and lack of customer support all contribute to making it a less than ideal choice. Users are better off downloading apps directly from the website, as this eliminates the need to purchase a potentially risky device.

Freedom Phone: A Poor Substitute for Apple and Google

The Freedom Phone has been touted as a revolutionary device, with a number of high-profile celebrities endorsing it. However, a closer look reveals that it is nothing more than a re-badged version of an existing free app. Furthermore, the endorsement videos are highly misleading, with many of the celebrities continuing to use their iPhones after the videos were released.

The App Store is a Poor Substitute

The Freedom Phone’s app store is a poor substitute for those offered by Apple and Google. It is filled with outdated apps and games, and lacks the range of features and services that are available on the two major platforms. Furthermore, the store is not as secure as Apple and Google’s, making it vulnerable to malicious software and other security threats.

Misleading Celebrity Endorsement Videos

The celebrity endorsement videos for the Freedom Phone are highly misleading. Many of the celebrities who appear in the videos continue to use their iPhones after the videos were released. Furthermore, the videos make exaggerated claims about the phone’s features and capabilities, and offer discounts that are not available to the general public.

The Freedom Phone: A Closer Look

The Freedom Phone, a new device on the market, has been gaining traction in recent months due to its purported features and affordability. However, upon closer inspection, it appears that the phone’s main selling points are not all they are cracked up to be.

No Face Recognition

One of the most advertised features of the Freedom Phone is its lack of face recognition. While this may be a plus for some users, it is a major drawback for those who rely on this technology for security purposes. Additionally, the phone does not have the ability to make calls, which is a major limitation for many users.

Affiliate Scheme

The Freedom Phone Company has set up an affiliate scheme that pays promoters a hefty 50 dollars per sale. This means that if a promoter were to convince 20,000 people to purchase the phone, they would make one million dollars. It is easy to see why so many people are promoting the phone, despite its shortcomings.

Questionable Quality

The quality of the phone is also questionable. Many users have reported that the phone is slow and unreliable, and that the battery life is poor. Additionally, the phone is not compatible with many popular apps, making it difficult to use.

The Freedom Phone: A False Promise

The Freedom Phone, which claims to be the “most secure phone ever” and is supposedly inspired by the American flag, is nothing more than a sham. Despite its promises of data security and privacy, the phone is actually manufactured by a small phone company in China – the very same country that Donald Trump has accused of spying. This alone should be enough to raise red flags and make one question the legitimacy of the Freedom Phone.

The Manufacturer: Umidigi

The Freedom Phone’s manufacturer, Umidigi, is known for its shockingly low cost phones – not its reputation for security. In an interview with the Daily Beast, the Freedom Phone’s creator let slip that Umidigi was the company he was working with. A quick glance at Umidigi’s website reveals that the company already has a phone that looks exactly like the Freedom Phone – the A9 Pro. The notch, buttons, and camera layout are all identical. This suggests that the Freedom Phone is nothing more than a rebranded Umidigi phone.

The Economics of Phone Manufacturing

The economics of phone manufacturing further undermines the Freedom Phone’s claims of security. Companies like Samsung might make 20% profit per phone, while Xiaomi might make 10% or even 5%. The Freedom Phone’s creator claims that the phone is “top to bottom” American-made, but this is highly unlikely given the low profit margins of phone manufacturing. It is more likely that the Freedom Phone is simply a rebranded Umidigi phone, with no additional security features.

The Freedom Phone: A Scam?

The Freedom Phone, recently released by Finman, has been met with a great deal of skepticism. While the company has claimed that the phone features customized hardware and improved memory, many have questioned the validity of this claim. The phone is said to be based on the Umidigi A9 Pro, a phone from 2020, which features a Mediatek Helio P60 chipset. This chipset has been known to be vulnerable to authentication bypass attacks, raising further doubts about the phone’s security.

The Price Tag: Too High?

The Freedom Phone’s hefty price tag of 500 USD has also come under scrutiny. Many have argued that the hardware inside is incredibly cheap and that users can get the same features for free. This has led some to accuse Finman of taking advantage of those who are not tech-savvy and who may not realize that they can get the same features for free.

Dashlane: A Safer Alternative?

The internet can be a dangerous place, and it is important to take precautions to ensure that your accounts are secure. Dashlane is an app whose goal is to make the internet easier and safer to use. It encourages users to create complex passwords for each of their accounts, making it harder for hackers to gain access. Dashlane also provides users with two-factor authentication, making it even more difficult for hackers to gain access to accounts.

You in the next video.

The Freedom Phone: A Risky Investment

The Freedom Phone is a device that has been touted as the latest and greatest in mobile technology. However, upon closer inspection, it is clear that this device is not worth the risk. Despite its sleek design and impressive features, the Freedom Phone is plagued by a number of issues that make it a poor investment.

Security Concerns

The Freedom Phone’s security features are inadequate when compared to other devices on the market. While it does offer fingerprint and facial recognition, these features are not as secure as those offered by other devices. Additionally, the device does not offer the same level of protection as other autofill software, such as Dashlane. Dashlane is able to generate stronger passwords and provide a more secure experience.

Poor Performance

The Freedom Phone’s performance is also subpar. It is slow to respond and often lags when switching between apps. Additionally, the battery life is short, meaning users have to constantly charge their device. This can be especially inconvenient when travelling or in other situations where access to a power source is limited.

High Cost

The Freedom Phone is also expensive. It is priced higher than other devices on the market, making it a poor value for money. Furthermore, the device does not come with any additional features or services that justify the high cost.

The Freedom Phone does not offer any additional features or benefits that would make it stand out from the rest. Furthermore, there is no evidence to support its claims of providing more privacy and security. Therefore, it is not worth buying the Freedom Phone.

The Freedom Phone is shrouded in mystery, and there are several red flags that make it a risky investment. Customers should be aware of the potential risks before making a purchase.

The Freedom Phone is not a viable alternative to Apple and Google’s offerings. Its app store is a poor substitute, and the celebrity endorsement videos are highly misleading. Therefore, it is best to avoid the Freedom Phone and stick with the major platforms.

The Freedom Phone may be marketed as an affordable and feature-rich device, but upon closer inspection, it appears to be a poor choice for most users. The lack of face recognition and inability to make calls are major drawbacks, and the phone’s questionable quality and lack of compatibility with popular apps make it a less than ideal choice.

The Freedom Phone is nothing more than a sham. Its claims of data security and privacy are highly dubious, given that it is manufactured by a Chinese company and is likely a rebranded Umidigi phone. Consumers should avoid the Freedom Phone and opt for a more reputable brand.

The Freedom Phone has been met with a great deal of skepticism due to its high price tag, its questionable hardware, and its lack of security features. While it may be tempting to purchase the phone, it is important to remember that there are safer and more cost-effective alternatives available. Dashlane is an app that can help users keep their accounts secure, and it is a much better option than the Freedom Phone.

The Freedom Phone is not worth the risk. Its security features are inadequate, its performance is subpar, and its cost is too high. For these reasons, it is best to avoid investing in this device.

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