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DON’T buy a Screen Protector before watching this.

DON'T buy a Screen Protector before watching this.

What’s the Difference?

The difference between the three protectors is quite stark. The one dollar tempered glass is thin, flimsy and doesn’t offer much protection. The forty dollar tempered glass is thicker and more durable, but still not as strong as the eighty dollar sapphire screen protector. The sapphire protector is made from a much stronger material and offers the highest level of protection.

Testing the Protectors

To test the protectors, I put each one on a brand new iPhone 12S. The one dollar tempered glass was surprisingly easy to apply, but it didn’t offer much protection. The forty dollar tempered glass was much more durable and offered better protection, but it was still not as strong as the eighty dollar sapphire screen protector. The sapphire protector was the strongest of the three and offered the best protection.

The Hardness Scale

The hardness scale is a measure of the resistance of a material to scratch or indentation. In terms of screen protectors, the hardness scale is used to determine the level of protection that a particular screen protector offers. The higher the number on the hardness scale, the more resistant the material is to scratches and indentations. The most common hardness scale used for screen protectors is the Mohs scale, which ranges from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest).

The Different Types of Screen Protectors

When it comes to screen protectors, there are three main types: plastic, tempered glass, and sapphire. Plastic screen protectors are the cheapest and least effective type of screen protector. They offer basic protection from scratches and minor impacts, but are not very durable. Tempered glass screen protectors are more expensive than plastic, but offer better protection from scratches and minor impacts. They are also more durable than plastic. Sapphire screen protectors are the most expensive and offer the highest level of protection from scratches and impacts. They are also the most durable type of screen protector.

The Test

To test the effectiveness of the different types of screen protectors, we purchased three different types: a one dollar plastic screen protector, a forty dollar tempered glass screen protector, and an eighty dollar sapphire screen protector. We then installed each screen protector on an iPhone and subjected them to a series of tests. The tests included scratching the screen with a metal object, dropping the phone from various heights, and pressing down on the screen with a finger.

The Results

The results of the tests were surprising. The one dollar plastic screen protector performed surprisingly well, offering good protection from scratches and minor impacts. The forty dollar tempered glass screen protector also performed well, offering good protection from scratches and minor impacts. The eighty dollar sapphire screen protector performed the best, offering excellent protection from scratches and impacts.

The Need for a Screen Protector

Screen protectors are essential for protecting the display of your phone from scratches and other damage. They can also provide a smoother, silkier feel to the touch. However, with so many different types of protectors available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you.

The Different Types of Screen Protectors

Screen protectors come in a variety of materials, from plastic to sapphire. Some are designed to be applied with special mounting tools, while others are simply applied directly to the phone. The more expensive protectors may offer better protection, but it is important to consider the cost versus the level of protection they provide.

Testing the Screen Protectors

To determine which type of screen protector is the best, it is important to test them. One way to do this is to simulate what would happen if the phone was jostled around in a pocket. This can be done by placing the phone against another phone and using the cameras on the back to observe the results. Surprisingly, the cheaper protectors often offer the same level of protection as the more expensive ones.


It is clear that the more expensive screen protectors do not necessarily offer better protection than the cheaper ones. Therefore, it is important to consider the cost versus the level of protection offered before making a purchase. While the more expensive protectors may offer additional features, such as a smoother feel to the touch, it is important to remember that the primary purpose of a screen protector is to protect the display of your phone.

The Hardness Pick Test

The true strength of any screen protector can be determined by using a hardness pick test. This test uses a range of tools that are rated from one to nine, with the higher the number, the greater the pick’s ability to scratch. The results of the test on the first two protectors were not as expected. The first one was fine at level four and five, but as soon as the level six pick was used, noticeable scratches were made. Level seven was enough to draw the number six on the right side of the protector. The forty dollar one was slightly more resistant, but still being scratched at level six and deeply scratched at level seven. Level eight was enough to rip it apart.

The Limitations of Glass

Glass is a popular material for screen protectors, but it has its limitations. Despite what is advertised on the websites and boxes of these protectors, they are not level nine in hardness. The hardness pick test shows that even the most expensive protectors are not immune to scratches and damage.

The Benefits of a Screen Protector

Despite the limitations of glass, screen protectors still offer a number of benefits. They can protect the screen from scratches and damage caused by everyday use. They can also reduce glare and improve visibility in bright light. Additionally, they can help to reduce the amount of dust and dirt that accumulates on the screen.

Sapphire Screen Protector

Sapphire is a material that is widely used in the production of screen protectors due to its hardness and durability. It is the hardest material after diamond and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. To test the strength of the sapphire screen protector, I used a level 9 pick, the hardest one. Surprisingly, I started to see a few very faint markings on the screen protector. This indicates that the sapphire screen protector is indeed very strong and durable.

Break Test

The last step in testing the strength of the sapphire screen protector was to conduct a break test. To do this, I kept all the phones flat and hammered them from a height of 20 centimeters. Surprisingly, nothing happened to the phones and the only thing I noticed was that one of the scratches on the 40 glass protector had turned into a crack. This indicates that the sapphire screen protector is indeed very strong and can withstand a lot of wear and tear.

Theres a bit more of a crack in the middle and theres some other bits and pieces but its pretty much the same amount of damage.

The Importance of a Screen Protector

Screen protectors are an essential part of any smartphone user’s arsenal. They provide an extra layer of protection against scratches, dust, and other debris that can damage the delicate surface of the phone’s display. Not only do they protect the phone from physical damage, but they also help to reduce glare and improve visibility in direct sunlight.

Types of Screen Protectors

Screen protectors come in a variety of materials and styles. The most common type is a plastic film that is applied directly to the phone’s screen. This type of protector is relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Other types of protectors include tempered glass, which is more expensive but provides better protection against scratches and impacts. There are also sapphire protectors, which are the most expensive but offer the best protection against scratches and impacts.

Testing Screen Protectors

To determine which type of screen protector is best for your needs, it is important to test them before making a purchase. One way to do this is to perform a “hammer test,” which involves dropping a hammer from a height of 40 centimeters onto the protector. This test will show how much impact the protector can withstand before it is damaged. It is also important to test the protector’s ability to reduce glare and improve visibility in direct sunlight.

Don’t Buy a Screen Protector Before Watching This

Before purchasing a screen protector, it is important to watch a demonstration of how it performs in a hammer test. This will give you an idea of how much protection the protector offers and whether it is worth the cost. It is also important to watch a demonstration of how the protector performs in direct sunlight. This will help you determine if the protector is able to reduce glare and improve visibility. By watching these demonstrations, you can make an informed decision about which type of protector is best for your needs.

The Cost of Screen Protectors

Screen protectors are often marketed as a must-have accessory for any mobile device, with many companies charging exorbitant prices for what is essentially a sheet of glass. While it may seem like an expensive purchase, the truth is that the cost of the material used to make the screen protector is likely to be only a few cents. This means that companies are taking advantage of people’s desire to protect their expensive devices, and charging an inflated price for something that is not worth the cost.

The Benefits of a Screen Protector

Despite the inflated cost, screen protectors do offer some benefits. They can help to protect the device from scratches and other damage, and can also provide a layer of insulation against shocks and drops. However, it is important to note that these benefits are not always worth the cost, and it is possible to get similar protection from other materials.

The Brick Test

The best way to test the effectiveness of a screen protector is to put it through the ‘brick test’. This involves dropping a brick onto the device, with the screen protector in place. While this may seem like an extreme measure, it is the best way to gauge the effectiveness of the screen protector in protecting the device from damage.

Glass Screen Protectors

Glass screen protectors are a popular choice for many people, offering a layer of protection for their device screens. However, they can be expensive and may not offer the best protection. While glass screen protectors are generally effective, they may not be the best choice for everyone.

Sapphire Screen Protectors

Sapphire screen protectors are a newer type of screen protector that offer superior protection compared to glass. They are made from a synthetic sapphire crystal, which is extremely hard and scratch-resistant. While they are more expensive than glass screen protectors, they offer the best protection available.

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What is a Screen Protector?

A screen protector is a thin sheet of plastic or glass that is placed over the display of a device to protect it from scratches, dust, and other types of damage. The most common type of screen protector is a plastic film that is applied directly to the display. It can also be made of tempered glass, which is more durable and provides better protection.

Why Do You Need a Screen Protector?

A screen protector is essential for protecting your device’s display from scratches, dust, and other types of damage. It can also help reduce glare and improve visibility in bright light. Additionally, a screen protector can help reduce the amount of fingerprints and smudges that accumulate on the display.

Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Screen Protector Before Watching This

Before you buy a screen protector, it is important to watch this video. In it, Aaron and Mr. Whos discuss the various types of screen protectors available and the benefits of each. They also provide a code for 83% off and an extra three months free. This is a great way to save money and get the best protection for your device.

Types of Screen Protectors

There are several types of screen protectors available on the market. Plastic film is the most common type and is the least expensive. It is also the easiest to apply. Tempered glass is more durable and provides better protection, but it is more expensive and can be more difficult to apply. Aaron and Mr. Whos discuss the pros and cons of each type in the video.

Benefits of a Screen Protector

A screen protector can provide a number of benefits for your device. It can protect the display from scratches, dust, and other types of damage. It can also reduce glare and improve visibility in bright light. Additionally, it can help reduce the amount of fingerprints and smudges that accumulate on the display.

It’s clear that the eighty dollar sapphire screen protector offers the best protection for your phone. It’s much stronger than the one dollar tempered glass and the forty dollar tempered glass, and it’s worth the extra money. So if you’re looking for the best protection for your phone, don’t buy a screen protector before watching this.

The results of the tests demonstrate that the type of screen protector you choose can have a significant impact on the level of protection it offers. The one dollar plastic screen protector offered good protection from scratches and minor impacts, while the forty dollar tempered glass screen protector offered better protection. The eighty dollar sapphire screen protector offered the best protection from scratches and impacts. Therefore, if you are looking for the best protection for your device, it is worth investing in a sapphire screen protector.

Before buying a screen protector, it is important to understand its limitations. The hardness pick test can be used to determine the true strength of a protector. While they may not be as strong as advertised, screen protectors still offer a number of benefits that can help to protect the device from everyday wear and tear.

The results of the tests conducted on the sapphire screen protector indicate that it is indeed a very strong and durable material. It is the hardest material after diamond and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you invest in a sapphire screen protector before buying any other type of screen protector.

It is important to remember that screen protectors are not always worth the cost. While they can offer some protection, it is possible to get similar protection from other materials. Therefore, it is important to consider the cost and the benefits before making a purchase.

It is important to consider the type of protection you need for your device before making a purchase. Glass screen protectors are generally effective, but may not be the best choice for everyone. Sapphire screen protectors offer superior protection, but come at a higher cost. , Surfshark VPN is an excellent option for those looking for a secure and anonymous way to browse the internet.

Before you buy a screen protector, it is important to watch the video from Aaron and Mr. Whos. They discuss the various types of screen protectors available and the benefits of each. They also provide a code for 83% off and an extra three months free. This is a great way to save money and get the best protection for your device.

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