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Is it Time to Switch from iPhone to Android? A Closer Look at the Rog Phone 8

The Unboxing Experience: Out of this World

The Rog Phone 8 comes packaged in a way that resembles an object from outer space. From the magnetic strap that doubles as a dock for the phone, to the augmented reality video game it launches, the unboxing experience is nothing short of impressive. The phone even features buttons that control your device, giving it a console-like feel. However, despite the cool design, the packaging feels a bit lacking considering the size of the phone itself. Inside the box, you’ll find the charging brick, USB-C cable, and a sizable pouch for carrying the phone’s unique accessory, the AeroActive Call.

A Look at the Design

When it comes to design, the Rog Phone 8 may not be everyone’s cup of tea. With its bulky size and a case that makes it look like it’s wearing a skimpy bikini, it’s definitely not a phone for the faint-hearted. Comparing it to the minimalist design of the iPhone 14 Pro Max, the Rog Phone 8 stands out for its bold and unconventional look.

Putting the Phone to the Test

Now, let’s see if the Rog Phone 8 lives up to its reputation as the most extreme flagship phone on the market. With seven more tests to go, can it dethrone the iPhone as the most popular flagship phone?

Battery Life: Impressive Performance

One of the standout features of the Rog Phone 8 is its impressive battery life. During a battery test, it outperformed other phones, including the iPhone, lasting well into the night without needing a recharge. This is a major advantage for users who rely heavily on their phones throughout the day.

User Experience: Smooth and Responsive

The Rog Phone 8 boasts a smooth and responsive user experience. With top-of-the-line hardware and optimized software, it delivers fast processing speeds and seamless multitasking. Whether you’re gaming, streaming, or browsing the web, the Rog Phone 8 is up to the task.

Camera Quality: A Mixed Bag

While the Rog Phone 8 offers a decent camera experience, it falls short compared to the iPhone. The camera quality is good, but not exceptional, and lacks some of the advanced features and image processing capabilities found in other flagship phones. If photography is a priority for you, you may want to consider other options.

The : A Contender for iPhone Users

Overall, the Rog Phone 8 presents a strong case for iPhone users considering a switch to Android. With its impressive battery life, smooth user experience, and unique design, it offers a compelling alternative to the iPhone. However, it may not be the best choice for photography enthusiasts. If you’re willing to embrace its bold and unconventional look, the Rog Phone 8 could be the next flagship phone to beat.

Impressive Speaker Quality on the New iPhones

Last year’s Rog phone 6 impressed many with its exceptional speaker quality, but the new iPhones have taken it to another level. With a combination of a bottom firing speaker and a front-facing speaker, the sound produced by these devices is truly remarkable.

Enhanced Sound with More Room to Move

The speaker units on the new iPhones have been given more room to move, allowing them to push more air and deliver even boomier sound. The difference is instantly noticeable, with the volume being louder and the bass more prominent. The placement of the speakers creates an immersive experience, making it feel like the sound is directly being fired into the ears.

A Unique Addition: The Subwoofer

The Rog company, known for making innovative products, has added a new feature to their latest phone. In addition to the kickstand, headphone jack, physical buttons, and other cool features, this time they have included a subwoofer. This third speaker is specifically designed to enhance bass output, adding a layer of warmth and richness to the audio.

Unleashing the Full Potential

By simply locking the Rog phone in a certain position, the subwoofer comes into play, elevating the track to a whole new level. The additional depth and richness it brings make for a more immersive listening experience. Whether you’re enjoying music, watching videos, or playing games, the subwoofer adds a new dimension to the sound.

Innovation Continues

The Rog company has consistently pushed boundaries with each new phone release, adding unique features and enhancing user experiences. The incorporation of a subwoofer is just one example of their commitment to providing top-notch audio quality.

Comparing Battery Performance: iPhone vs Rog Phone

When it comes to smartphones, battery life is undeniably one of the most important features for users. Whether you’re a heavy gamer or someone who relies on their phone for work, having a phone with a long-lasting battery can make all the difference. In this article, we will compare the battery performance of two popular phones – the iPhone and the Rog Phone – and see which one comes out on top.

The Unboxing and Audio Experience

Before diving into the battery performance, let’s take a moment to appreciate the unboxing experience and the audio quality of these phones. Both phones offer a premium unboxing experience, with sleek packaging and well-designed accessories. In terms of audio, the Rog Phone stands out with its enhanced speakers, providing a more immersive sound experience for gaming and multimedia consumption.

YouTube and Social Media Test

To compare the battery life, we started by running straight YouTube videos on both phones for the first couple of hours. Surprisingly, the iPhone took a significant lead in terms of battery usage. One possible reason for this could be the iPhone’s ability to automatically reduce its refresh rate, saving battery when not needed. However, it is worth noting that the iPhone’s battery indicator may not always provide accurate information, as it tends to hang on the first few percentage points.

Moving on to social media, we tested Instagram and TikTok usage for another couple of hours. Here, the Rog Phone started to pull ahead, showcasing its efficiency in handling social media applications. With its powerful hardware and optimized software, the Rog Phone capitalized on its strengths, providing a longer-lasting battery performance.

Gaming Performance

To truly put these phones’ batteries to the test, we turned to gaming. Playing resource-intensive games like Genshin Impact and Doom, we kept the phones running until they ran out of battery. The iPhone, impressively, lasted an impressive 9 hours and 30 minutes, showcasing its efficiency in handling demanding gaming applications.


While both the iPhone and the Rog Phone offer impressive battery performance, each excels in different areas. The iPhone excels in tasks that require lower refresh rates and offers a longer battery life for general usage. On the other hand, the Rog Phone shines in gaming and heavy usage scenarios, where its optimized hardware and software provide a more reliable gaming experience.

In the end, the choice between the two phones boils down to individual preferences and usage patterns. Whether you prioritize longevity or a seamless gaming experience, both phones offer compelling battery performance.

Comparing the Power of Two Phones: The Rog vs. the iPhone

When it comes to modern smartphones, one crucial aspect that users often consider is battery life and performance. In this article, we will compare two popular smartphones: the Rog and the iPhone. Both phones have their own unique features and capabilities, but how do they measure up when it comes to their power?

Testing the Battery Life

Firstly, let’s take a look at the battery life of these two phones. The Rog phone, with its impressive 6,000 milliamp hour (mAh) battery, seems like a tough contender. However, after putting it through a grueling 12-hour test, it eventually died. It is noteworthy that I had to continuously use the phone during this time to achieve such a result.

On the other hand, the iPhone surprised me with its longevity. Despite having a smaller battery capacity, it managed to last for 12 hours and 18 minutes, just slightly longer than the Rog phone. This result is quite remarkable considering the difference in battery capacity between the two phones.

Charging Speeds: The Race to Full Battery

Now, let’s shift our focus to charging speeds. To conduct a fair test, I used the original charging bricks and cables that came with each phone. The Rog phone boasts an impressive 65 watts of power when charging, while the iPhone technically does not come with a charger but can achieve up to 27 watts with a separate purchase.

Initially, the iPhone appeared to have the upper hand, charging at a faster rate than the Rog phone. However, it’s crucial to note that the wattage figure alone does not provide the full picture. While the iPhone may charge quickly initially, its sustained charging power may not be as efficient as the Rog phone’s.


After conducting these tests, it is clear that both phones have their own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to power. The Rog phone impresses with its larger battery capacity, providing a longer battery life overall. On the other hand, the iPhone’s charging speed is initially faster, although it may not sustain the same efficiency in the long run.

Ultimately, the choice between the Rog and the iPhone will depend on personal preferences and priorities. If you are someone who values longer battery life and doesn’t mind sacrificing a bit of initial charging speed, the Rog phone may be the better option for you. However, if fast charging is a top priority and you can overlook slightly shorter battery life, the iPhone could be the perfect fit.

When it comes down to it, both phones offer impressive power capabilities. Whether you choose the Rog or the iPhone, you can rest assured knowing that you will have a reliable and efficient device at your fingertips.

Rog Phone vs iPhone: A Closer Look

Charging Speed and Battery Capacity

One of the first things that stands out when comparing the Rog Phone and the iPhone is their charging speed and battery capacity. The Rog Phone quickly equals and even slightly overtakes the iPhone in just 10 minutes. It’s worth noting that the iPhone has a smaller battery capacity of 4,300 milliamp hours compared to the Rog Phone’s 6,000. Despite this, the fact that they are close in charging speed sends a clear message that charging speed is not one of Apple’s strengths.

Complete Charge Times

Looking at the complete charge times of both phones, the Rog Phone impressively finishes charging in just one hour and seven minutes. On the other hand, the iPhone still has a way to go. This gives another point to the Rog Phone in terms of efficiency and speed.

Price and Storage

While some may argue that the Rog Phone’s victory is expected due to its higher price, it’s important to consider the value for money. The Rog Phone comes with 512 gigabytes of storage by default, making it a standout feature at its price range. In comparison, if you opt for 512 gigabytes on the iPhone, it is priced similarly in the US and even more expensive in other regions. Therefore, when considering storage capacity and price, the Rog Phone offers a compelling option.

The Camera Department

The camera is often a significant factor when choosing a smartphone, and this is where many may assume the iPhone takes the lead. However, both the Rog Phone and the iPhone have similar camera setups, with one front camera and a triple camera system at the back. Surprisingly, the difference between the two is not as substantial as one might expect.

The Rog Phone excels in producing natural background blur in selfies and performs exceptionally well in various lighting conditions, especially with challenging dynamic range situations. In fact, it may even surpass the iPhone in these aspects. Additionally, the Rog Phone’s ability to shoot full 4K slow motion sets it apart from the iPhone’s 1080p capabilities.

Where the iPhone does excel in the camera department is in its intelligent features. The iPhone possesses advanced facial recognition technology, allowing it to identify and prioritize faces as the center of attention in photographs.

The Importance of Advanced Processing in Video Recording

The way a phone uses all of its sensors to focus on subjects instantly, even for finicky and difficult objects, is a remarkable feat. Most phones would struggle with this, but the advanced processing capabilities of the iPhone make it possible. While taking a simple photo requires processing power, recording videos requires even more advanced processing. This is where Apple’s years of refinement really pays off, giving the iPhone an edge in video recording.

Wi-Fi Speeds: A Competitive Experiment

One interesting aspect to compare between the iPhone and other flagship phones is their Wi-Fi speeds. Since the average user spends a significant amount of time on the internet on their phone, it’s important for a flagship phone to have reliable and fast internet connectivity. However, for those who play online competitive games, shaving off milliseconds of lag is crucial. So, which phone comes out on top in terms of Wi-Fi speeds?

The iPhone’s Wi-Fi Speed Performance

Conducting a speed test with the iPhone in a tucked-away attic revealed a decent result of just over 40 megabits per second upload speed. While this may not be exceptional, considering the location limitations, it is still impressive. To ensure the reliability of the results, the test was repeated 10 more times in a controlled environment. Unfortunately, there were no consistent trends in the iPhone’s speed performance. However, it did show more consistent speeds, especially when it came to upload speeds.

The Rog Phone’s Wi-Fi Speed Performance

Similar to the iPhone, the Rog phone’s speed test in the attic also yielded around 40 megabits per second upload speed. However, a noticeable difference was observed in the comparison. The Rog phone experienced an enormous drop off in speeds, indicating a slower performance compared to the iPhone. This inconsistency was further confirmed through the repeated tests in a controlled environment. Although the Rog phone showed higher peak speeds, it lacked consistency, especially in upload speeds.

: Consistent Speeds or Peak Performance?

In the battle of Wi-Fi speeds, both the iPhone and the Rog phone bring their unique strengths to the table. The iPhone may not have the highest peak speeds, but it compensates with consistent and reliable speeds, making it suitable for everyday internet usage. On the other hand, the Rog phone shines in terms of peak speeds, but its inconsistent performance may not be ideal for those who rely on stable connectivity. Ultimately, the choice between consistent speeds and peak performance depends on the individual’s priorities and usage.

The Importance of Display Quality

When it comes to choosing a smartphone, one of the key factors to consider is the display quality. Both the Rog and the iPhone boast impressive screens, but there are some notable differences that should be taken into account.

A Breakthrough in Refresh Rate

In recent years, smartphones have seen a substantial increase in refresh rates. From the standard 60 hertz to 90 and now even up to 120 hertz displays, manufacturers are constantly pushing the boundaries. However, the Rog takes it a step further with its staggering 165hz display. This jump is proportionally comparable to the significant leap between 60 and 90 hertz displays. Testing this out by scrolling through your home pages or recording slow-motion videos will undoubtedly showcase the difference. However, for the average user, the variance may not be as noticeable. It might be akin to a 50% increase in effort for a mere 5% gain. Therefore, it can be argued that the quality of animations plays a more significant role in the overall user experience, an area in which Apple has excelled.

The Second Display: Is It Worth It?

While both the Rog and the iPhone have unique features, the Rog sets itself apart with a second display on the back. Nevertheless, it does not provide as much utility as one might expect. Unlike other smartphones with rear displays that allow users to preview the camera or check notifications, the Rog’s second display is primarily for showcasing novel capabilities. It becomes a mere novelty rather than a practical function. In contrast, the iPhone focuses on optimizing the user experience in more meaningful ways.

Overall, the display quality is undeniably important when choosing a smartphone. The Rog impresses with its record-breaking refresh rate, although the practical benefits may not be as substantial as initially anticipated. Apple, on the other hand, prioritizes animation quality which greatly enhances the overall aesthetic. Ultimately, the decision between the two will come down to personal preference and which features align more closely with individual needs and priorities.

Apple iPhone vs ASUS ROG Phone: A Battle of Performance and Display

The Superior Display: iPhone Takes the Crown

When it comes to displays, both the Apple iPhone and ASUS ROG Phone offer impressive features. However, the iPhone takes the lead with its higher peak brightness of 2000 nits compared to the 1500 nits of the ROG Phone. This higher brightness level ensures optimal visibility even in bright outdoor scenes or when watching dark TV shows like “Game of Thrones” or “Ozark”. Additionally, the iPhone utilizes ltpo Tech, allowing it to lower its refresh rate to one Hertz when not necessary, resulting in battery savings. Although the ROG Phone boasts a slightly higher resolution and intentional bezels for better grip during gaming, the aligned and neat display of the iPhone ultimately takes home the award.

The Power Performance of ROG Phone

While Apple’s bionic chips are often praised for their leading performance capabilities, the ROG Phone puts up a tough fight in terms of raw power. Apple claims to be two years ahead of its competition, as evidenced by their utilization of previous year’s chips in their newer phone models. This confidence in their technological superiority is quite impressive. On the other hand, the ROG Phone is designed specifically for high-performance gaming. Benchmarks, such as Antutu, show the ROG Phone scoring over 30 percent higher than the iPhone, showcasing its exceptional performance abilities.

Game On: ROG Phone Reigns for Gaming Enthusiasts

For avid gamers, the ROG Phone stands out as the ultimate device. Its emphasis on performance and gaming-centric features, such as its advanced cooling system and customizable RGB lighting, make it a true gaming powerhouse. The ROG Phone is equipped with powerful processors and additional features like AirTrigger buttons, allowing gamers to have a competitive edge. While the iPhone offers a smooth gaming experience, it may not cater to the specific needs and preferences of hardcore gamers.

Aesthetics and Personal Preferences

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and the choice between these two smartphones can also come down to personal preferences. The sleek and exquisite design of the iPhone, with its seamless integration of hardware and software, appeals to those who value simplicity and elegance. On the other hand, the ROG Phone’s bold and aggressive aesthetics cater to users who appreciate a more distinctive and gaming-oriented look. It all comes down to individual taste and priorities when deciding between the two.

Exploring the Performance of the Surface vs. iPhone

When it comes to the performance of smartphones, there are various factors to consider. In this article, we will delve into the comparison between the Surface and iPhone, focusing on graphics and CPU performance. Let’s break it down.

Graphics Performance – Gfx Bench

One of the essential benchmarks to evaluate graphic performance is Gfx Bench. However, comparing numbers between Android and iOS devices can be tricky due to the variations in benchmarking apps and underlying code. Despite this, by conducting multiple tests, we can identify consistent trends. So far, the Rog has shown impressive results, with nearly double the performance compared to the iPhone in this test.

CPU Performance – Geekbench

Switching gears to focus on CPU performance, Geekbench provides valuable insights. The iPhone takes the lead in this area, and it is worth noting that the Rog’s cooling capabilities or overclocking cannot bridge the gap. Apple continues to excel in CPU performance, showcasing their mastery in this sector.

Further Benchmarks to Uncover the Truth

Despite the clear lead of the iPhone in CPU performance, it is crucial to conduct an array of benchmarks to gain a comprehensive perspective. Running benchmark after benchmark will help eliminate any bias or inconsistencies. Only when we have a result that we are confident in can we draw a .

Android Phones: Superior Gaming Performance with Better GPU and Faster Memory

Android phones are known for their exceptional gaming performance, thanks to their superior GPU and faster memory. The combination of these features significantly enhances the overall system performance, making Android phones a top choice for gamers. However, while theoretical numbers can highlight the phone’s capabilities, it is equally important to consider the optimization of games themselves. Numerous claims emphasize that games on iPhone are better optimized than those on Android, which implies that the numbers alone may not reveal the full story. To ascertain this, let’s explore Bloons Tower Defense 6, one of my favorite games, and observe how each phone handles the challenges it presents.

Testing Performance: Bloons Tower Defense 6

To evaluate the gaming performance of Android and iPhone, we will use Bloons Tower Defense 6. This game involves creating vast amounts of particles on the screen, along with complex damage calculations. We will start by sending 999 medium strength enemies on the screen and analyze each phone’s response.

Android Phone Performance: Impressively Playable

When 999 medium strength enemies are on the screen, the Android phone handles the calculations effortlessly, performing millions of calculations per second. While a slight lag can be noticed, it remains highly playable. This demonstrates the power of the Android phone’s GPU and faster memory in processing complex gaming tasks.

IPhone Performance: Struggling under Pressure

On the other hand, the iPhone begins to struggle when faced with the same challenge. The screen starts to choke, indicating that it is unable to handle the immense calculations and particle generation. However, it is worth noting the impressive visuals and the high saturation of the screen, which are distinctive features of the iPhone.

Comparing Performance: Android vs. iPhone

In terms of performance, Android phones showcase their superiority when compared to the iPhone. While the iPhone boasts appealing visuals and a higher screen saturation, it falls short in terms of maximum frame rate and overall optimization. The Android phone maintains a competitive edge, providing a smooth and immersive gaming experience.

The : Android Reigns Supreme

When it comes to gaming performance, Android phones undoubtedly outshine the iPhone. With a better GPU, faster memory, and exceptional optimization, Android phones excel in delivering seamless gameplay and handling demanding tasks. While the iPhone may have its own strengths, Android remains the preferred choice for avid mobile gamers who seek the best performance and overall gaming experience.

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The speaker quality on the new iPhones is undeniably impressive. With enhanced sound and the addition of a subwoofer, these devices deliver a powerful audio experience. Whether you’re a music lover, a movie enthusiast, or a gamer, the immersive sound created by these phones will undoubtedly enhance your overall enjoyment. The Rog company’s dedication to innovation ensures that they continue to deliver cutting-edge features that set them apart from the competition.

While both the Rog Phone and iPhone have their strengths and weaknesses, it is clear that the Rog Phone holds its ground in terms of charging speed, complete charge times, price, and storage capacity. In the camera department, it may not surpass the iPhone in every aspect but offers competitive features and capabilities. Ultimately, the choice between the Rog Phone and iPhone would depend on individual preferences and priorities.

In the battle between the Apple iPhone and ASUS ROG Phone, performance and display play significant roles. While the iPhone’s sleek and aligned display takes the crown for its outstanding visual experience, the ROG Phone excels in performance, particularly for gaming enthusiasts. Ultimately, the decision between these two smartphones boils down to personal preferences and priorities. So, whether you value a stunning display or impressive gaming capabilities, both the iPhone and ROG Phone have their unique strengths that cater to different types of users.

After thorough analysis, it is evident that Apple maintains its dominance in CPU performance against the Surface. While the Rog impresses with its graphics performance, it cannot compensate for the substantial gap in CPU capabilities. Both devices have their strengths and weaknesses, but when it comes to raw processing power, the iPhone takes the crown. However, it’s crucial to remember that performance may differ based on individual needs and preferences, so make sure to consider your requirements before making a choice.

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