The Power of Aatrox in the Top Lane
Aatrox has recently emerged as one of the best top laners in the current meta. Despite receiving a partial nerf in the last patch, his overall strength remains formidable. The recent buffs have greatly improved Aatrox’s scaling potential, which has translated into a higher win rate in gold compared to Masters and above.
One of the key factors contributing to Aatrox’s dominance is the low cooldown on his Q ability. Once maxed out, the cooldown becomes very short, allowing him to spam it frequently. This not only provides him with a reliable source of damage, but also makes him difficult to trade against in lane.
The Mid Lane Carry Potential of Syndra
Moving on to the mid lane, Syndra stands out as one of the best solo carry champions. With her high burst damage and crowd control abilities, Syndra is a force to be reckoned with. Her ultimate, Unleashed Power, is capable of deleting squishy targets and turning team fights in her favor.
Syndra’s kit also grants her good wave clear and zoning potential, making her an excellent pick for controlling objectives and sieging turrets. With proper positioning and skillful play, Syndra can single-handedly carry games in the mid lane.
Jinx: The ADC Hyper Carry
In the bottom lane, Jinx takes the spotlight as one of the best ADC champions for solo carrying. With her passive, Get Excited!, Jinx gains bonus movement speed and attack speed whenever she scores a kill or assist. This allows her to quickly transition from one target to another, making her a devastating threat in team fights.
Jinx’s ultimate ability, Super Mega Death Rocket!, is a global execute that can turn the tides of a game. It has incredible range and deals massive damage, making it a valuable tool for securing kills or sniping low-health enemies from afar.
Jungle Dominance with Taliyah
Last but not least, Taliyah proves to be a powerful solo carry in the jungle. Her kit offers a unique blend of burst damage, mobility, and crowd control. Taliyah’s ability to roam quickly and assist her laners makes her a nightmare for the enemy team.
The combination of Taliyah’s Seismic Shove, Unraveled Earth, and Weaver’s Wall allows her to control large areas of the map and dictate the flow of team fights. By setting up kills for her team and denying the enemy’s escape routes, Taliyah can secure objectives and snowball to victory.
In conclusion, these champions have proven themselves to be some of the best solo carries in their respective roles. Whether it’s Aatrox in the top lane, Syndra in the mid lane, Jinx in the bottom lane, or Taliyah in the jungle, mastering these champions can greatly increase your chances of achieving the rank you’ve always desired. So, why wait any longer? Start honing your skills and climb the ranks by choosing the right champion for solo carrying.
The Importance of Playing Aatrox in the Early Game
Aatrox, the fearsome champion in League of Legends, is known for his dominant presence in the late game. However, his early game can often be challenging and requires careful playstyle adjustments. This article explores the importance of playing Aatrox in the early game and offers valuable tips on how to maximize his potential.
Respecting the Enemy and Timing Trades
One crucial aspect of playing Aatrox in the early game is respecting the enemy champion and their abilities. Aatrox heavily relies on his Q ability for damage and sustain, making him vulnerable when it’s on cooldown. For example, if you find yourself facing off against a highly mobile champion like Irelia, you must be cautious when using your Q on the waves. Irelia can quickly dash to minions and punish you if your Q is not available. It’s essential to wait for the right moment and look for trades only when your Q is up.
Banning Aurelia – A Wise Choice
When strategizing your ban choices as an Aatrox player, it’s crucial to consider champions who excel at dodging your Q damage. Highly mobile champions that can easily avoid your abilities can be particularly troublesome for Aatrox. One of the best options for banning in this case is Aurelia. Aurelia’s mobility and dash abilities make it incredibly challenging for Aatrox to land his Q damage. By banning Aurelia, you eliminate a significant threat and increase your chances of success in the early game.
Optimal Build and Runes for Aatrox
To maximize Aatrox’s potential, it’s essential to follow an optimal build and rune setup. The core build for Aatrox usually involves rushing Eclipse into Black Cleaver. This combination offers Aatrox the necessary damage and tankiness to dominate the top lane. As for the runes, Conqueror is the most commonly used Keystone Rune, paired with Triumph, Tenacity, and Last Stand. Second Wind and Revitalize are optimal secondary runes for Aatrox, providing additional sustain and enhancing his overall survivability.
The Rise of Illaoi in Recent Patches
One top laner who has recently gained significant strength due to indirect changes is Illaoi. In the recent patches, buffs were made to items like Hull Breaker and Sterak’s Gage, both of which greatly benefit Illaoi. These item buffs have made Illaoi a considerably stronger pick for solo queue. Illaoi excels at drawing pressure from the enemy team and forces them to dive into her. Her tentacles deal massive damage, especially in multi-man team fights. Landing her E ability is crucial to securing victories, and she thrives against heavy melee compositions.
Unleashing the Power of Champions in League of Legends
Countering Alistar with Mordekaiser
When it comes to countering Alistar, the best ban option is Mordekaiser. This champion’s ultimate ability does an excellent job of countering Alistar’s kit. To optimize your gameplay against Alistar, you can follow the standard 3-item core build: Iceborn Gauntlet rush into Black Cleaver. Additionally, for runes, choosing Grasp for the Keystone Rune with Demolish, Bone Plating, and Overgrowth can greatly enhance your performance. Consider picking up Presence of Mind and Last Stand as secondary runes to further strengthen your abilities.
Camille’s Rise to Power
In patch 13.15 of League of Legends, one of the biggest buffs is being given to Camille, propelling her into the top three champions. When using her ultimate ability, Camille is granted bonus magic damage from her auto attacks when the enemy is within range. This value is set to increase from five to twenty at rank 1 of her ultimate. With an additional 15 added damage per auto attack, Camille’s level 6 all-in power becomes incredibly strong. Her level 6 spike can now be considered a significant win condition to play towards. Since Camille typically runs Ignite, her ability to win 1v1 fights will be amazing.
Dealing with Renekton as Camille
One of the more challenging lane matchups for Camille is Renekton. Renekton’s ability to nullify Camille’s passive shield makes him a formidable opponent. To combat this, a core build to consider is rushing Trinity Force or Divine Sunderer into Ravenous Hydra. For runes, Grasp with Shield Bash, Second Wind, and Unflinching can provide additional survivability. Magical Footwear and Biscuits are recommended for the secondary rune choices.
The Rise of Reksai in the Jungle
Reksai, the Void Burrower, has made a triumphant return to the top tier of jungle champions in patch 13.15. Despite recent nerfs in patch 13.14, Reksai has managed to regain her position in the top three junglers, especially now that Ivern is being nerfed. This article explores why Reksai is the top choice for solo queue junglers and how to maximize her potential.
Utilizing Unique Ganking Angles
Reksai’s biggest advantage as a champion is her ability to set up gank angles that most other junglers cannot. The key to success with Reksai lies in effectively using her tunnels. It may take some time to adjust to this mechanic, but once mastered, it can lead to snowballing games. By bypassing common ward spots, Reksai can catch enemies off guard with unexpected ganks. Utilizing tunnels strategically is crucial in taking advantage of this unique aspect of her kit.
A Proactive Early Game Champion
If you enjoy playing champions who can be proactive throughout the early game, then Reksai is the perfect choice for you. With her fast clear speed and strong dueling capabilities, Reksai excels in exerting pressure on the map. By taking advantage of her tunnels and ganking lanes from unexpected angles, Reksai can create opportunities for her team to secure early advantages and objectives.
Champion Matchups and Build
While Reksai is a formidable champion, there are some matchups that can prove challenging, with Kindred being one of the more difficult ones. Kindred’s mobility and ultimate ability make it challenging to play into her, especially in the later stages of the game. However, with the right approach and careful planning, Reksai players can still find success even in tough matchups.
The recommended build for Reksai consists of Stridebreaker Rush into Black Cleaver as the second item, followed by Sterak’s Gage. This build provides Reksai with the necessary damage and survivability to dominate team fights and skirmishes in the mid and late game. For rune choices, Conqueror with Triumph, Alacrity, and Coup de Grace is the ideal option. As for secondary runes, Free Boots and Cosmic Insight are highly recommended for maximizing Reksai’s efficiency.
Kha’Zix: The Apex Assassin
When it comes to pure carry potential, Kha’Zix stands out as one of the best assassins in the current meta. With the item synergy provided by Duskblade, Kha’Zix becomes an unstoppable force if he manages to get ahead early on. His skirmish power spikes with this item, allowing him to eliminate targets quickly and efficiently. Kha’Zix requires a skilled player to truly unlock his potential, but in the right hands, he can single-handedly carry games.
In conclusion, the recent patch changes have brought Reksai back into the spotlight as a top-tier jungle champion. Her ability to set up unique gank angles and be proactive in the early game makes her a formidable force on the Rift. For those looking for a pure carry option, K
The Importance of Playing on the Outskirts of Fights
Playing as Khazix requires a strategic approach, and one important aspect of mastering this champion is to play on the outskirts of fights. This means looking for opportunities to flank carries that are separated from their team, and preventing 5v5 team fights from even happening. By doing so, you can effectively pick off targets before a fight breaks out, giving your team a significant advantage.
Awareness of Objective Spawn Timers
To play Khazix successfully, it is crucial to be aware of objective spawn timers. This knowledge allows you to set up in strategic locations, such as choke points, where the enemy team is likely to walk into. By placing wards about one minute prior to the objective spawning, especially when your team is ahead, you can limit the enemy team’s control over objectives and set yourself up for successful picks.
The Power of Picking Off Targets Early
Being there early to pick off targets is a highly actionable play when playing as Khazix. By using this strategy, you can disrupt the enemy team’s plans and potentially create a numerical advantage for your team. This can be particularly effective against champions like Rengar, as Khazix’s abilities can counter and outmaneuver him. Never underestimate the power of picking off targets early in the game.
An Effective Build for Khazix
When it comes to choosing a build for Khazix, there are several options. However, a build that revolves around dusk blade, rush into prowler’s claw as the second item, and Edge Of Night as the third item is highly recommended. Additionally, choosing First Strike as the Keystone Rune, along with magical footwear, futures market, and cosmic insight as the primary runes, provides a strong foundation for Khazix’s playstyle. For secondaries, Sudden Impact and treasure hunter are great choices.
Evelynn: The Queen of Solo Q
While Khazix is a formidable champion, there are few who can consistently impact solo Q games better than Evelynn. Her kit is incredibly powerful, forcing the enemy team to constantly be on high alert. With one small mistake or slip-up, Evelynn can find the perfect opportunity to catch an enemy carry and single-handedly win the game. Her ability to snowball and dominate the game makes her a top pick for those looking to climb the ranks.
In conclusion, mastering Khazix requires playing on the outskirts of fights, being aware of objective spawn timers, and picking off targets early. With a strategic build and an understanding of the champion’s strengths, you can be a formidable force on the battlefield. However, if you’re looking for a champion with an even greater impact on solo Q games, Evelynn may be the perfect choice for you.
Why Evelyn is Thriving in Solo Queue
Rotating Your Camps and Hitting Level 6
One of the most effective and easy win conditions in solo queue is the ability to rotate your camps on time and reach level 6 as quickly as possible. While other champions may prioritize early dragon control or waiting for counter ganks, Evelyn benefits greatly from hitting level 6 due to her high play rate and strength in the current meta. As a result, it is often not worth it for Evelyn to divert her attention towards objectives or ganks before reaching this crucial milestone.
Optimizing Itemization
To maximize Evelyn’s potential, there are three core items that players should aim to build. The first item to rush is the Rocket Belt, followed by the Lich Bane as the second and Void Staff as the third. These items not only provide Evelyn with the necessary stats and abilities to succeed, but they also synergize well with her kit. Additionally, it is advisable to pick up a Magi’s at some point in most games, making it essential to start off with an early Dark Seal for efficient stacking.
Effective Rune Pages
For Evelyn’s rune page, it is highly recommended to opt for Electrocute as the keystone rune, paired with Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, and Relentless Hunter. These selections empower her burst damage and mobility, greatly increasing her potential to have a significant impact in fights. As for secondary runes, Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm are the optimal choices, allowing Evelyn to scale well and remain relevant throughout the game.
The Resurgence of Xerath
In patch 13.14, Xerath received significant buffs, placing him back as a top tier mid laner for the first time in a while. His newfound strength and impact in games have vastly improved his standing in the meta. To showcase the buffs in action, our Challenger mid laner, Shory, has provided a full game commentary featuring Xerath on our website. These buffs have breathed new life into Xerath, making him the best solo queue mage in the game currently.
Improved Itemization for Mages
Lost Chapter mages, in general, are feeling much stronger in the current meta. The ability to cheat their way to essential items at a faster pace has greatly impacted their performance. Players can now utilize Futures Market runes to ensure early item completion and even start the game with a Mana Crystal instead of the standard Doran’s Ring. These optimizations further enhance the power and efficiency of mages, allowing them to exert significant influence in games.
In conclusion, while Evelyn may not be a prominent option in the professional scene, she thrives in the chaos of solo queue. By prioritizing camp rotations and hitting level 6 as soon as possible, Evelyn players can maximize their impact on the game. Additionally, optimizing itemization and rune choices can further enhance her capabilities. Lastly, the recent buffs to Xerath have propelled him back to the top of the mid lane hierarchy, providing another strong option for solo queue players. As the meta continues to evolve, it is crucial for players to adapt and utilize these strategies to succeed in their ranked games.
The Power of Early Purchases: Xareth’s Strategy in Lane
Xareth, the mid laner known for his poke and pressure, has a unique strategy that allows players to purchase their lost chapter super early in the lane. This strategy gives players an advantage and enables them to apply immense pressure on their opponents. By following Xareth’s game plan, players can dominate their lanes from the start.
The Best Bans: Countering Xareth’s Mobile Assassin Weakness
When playing as Xareth, your ban should be strategically aimed at countering highly mobile assassins. Champions like Fizz, Katarina, or Zed can wreak havoc on Xareth’s game. By banning these champions, players can eliminate potential threats that can easily overpower Xareth and neutralize his strengths.
The Optimal Build: A Ludens Rush with Key Item Focus
Xareth’s recommended build revolves around rushing Ludens as the first item. This item provides bonus poke damage, increasing Xareth’s effectiveness in lane. The second essential item is Horizon Focus, which further enhances Xareth’s damage output. Additionally, players should not overlook the importance of picking up ramadans, as it complements Xareth’s core build.
The Key Rune: First Strike for Maximum Effect
To maximize Xareth’s potential, the First Strike keystone rune is highly recommended. Combined with free boots, Futures Market, and Cosmic Insight, Xareth can excel in the mid lane. For secondary runes, manaflow and Scorch work best for Xareth’s playstyle. This setup optimizes Xareth’s ability to dominate the lane and gain control over the game.
Lissandra: A Rising Mid Lane Star
Lissandra, a mid lane champion who recently experienced significant buffs, has witnessed a surge in popularity. With her point-and-click lockdown ability, Lissandra effectively nullifies highly mobile melee champions. This makes her an excellent pick against champions like Fizz, Zed, Yasuo, and Katarina. Utilizing Lissandra as a counter pick in solo queue can greatly benefit players, and even professional players are recognizing her potential.
The Importance of Analyzing the Enemy Composition
Understanding whether you need to take on the role of an initiator or a peeler is crucial when playing as Lissandra. While she can perform well in either role, analyzing the enemy team composition is key. Lissandra may face challenges against longer range mages, such as Syndra or Xareth. Banning these champions can help players create a more favorable playing field and increase their chances of success with Lissandra.
In conclusion, acquiring lost chapter early in the lane and pressuring with poke can give players a commanding advantage when playing as Xareth. Banning highly mobile assassins ensures that Xareth can operate smoothly without facing overwhelming threats. Following the recommended build and rune setups maximize Xareth’s potential and dominance in the mid lane. However, Lissandra has emerged as a strong contender in the mid lane meta, adept at countering assassins like Fizz, Zed, Yasuo, and Katarina. Analyzing the enemy composition is essential when deciding on a game plan with Lissandra. With these strategies and insights in mind, mid lane players can navigate the shifting meta with ease and achieve success in their matches.
The Importance of Match-ups and Team Composition
In the game of League of Legends, understanding match-ups and team composition is crucial for success. The dynamics between different champions can greatly affect the outcome of a game. Whether you should dive in or sit back and peel depends on the enemy team’s composition and your own team’s strengths.
Diving In or Sitting Back?
If the enemy team has a bunch of range champions who prefer to stay back and deal damage from a distance, diving in can be a great strategy. Melee champions excel at getting up close and personal, disrupting the enemy team and taking out key targets. On the other hand, if your team is more melee heavy, it might be wiser to sit back and use your crowd control abilities to peel for your carries. By protecting your squishy allies and preventing the enemy from reaching them, you can effectively turn the tides of battle.
Channel Mid Laner Story: Explaining the Theory
Our channel mid laner, Story, provides an excellent explanation of this theory in his brand new full game commentary on our website. Through his analysis and gameplay demonstration, he showcases how the choice between diving in and sitting back can make a significant impact on the game’s outcome. By observing his decision-making process and understanding the factors he considers, players can gain valuable insights into effective strategies in different situations.
Utility-Focused Build with Everfrost
When you need to be the one providing utility for your team, opting for a build with Everfrost can work wonders. This item provides crowd control and damage, making it ideal for champions who want to engage, set up kills, or provide utility in team fights. By utilizing Everfrost’s active ability and combining it with your champion’s kit, you can create opportunities for your team to secure kills and gain an advantage.
One Shot Build with Luton’s
For players who prefer playing squishy melee champions and enjoy diving into the enemy team for quick eliminations, the One Shot build with Luton’s is an amazing choice. This build focuses on maximizing burst damage, enabling you to eliminate key targets swiftly and decisively. With the right timing and execution, you can take out enemy carries in an instant, turning team fights in your favor.
Nico Nico’s: A Solo Carry Mid Lane Selection
In patch 13.15, Nico Nico’s emerges as a powerful mid lane pick for solo queue. Her new kit offers incredible potential for turning the tides of the game in your favor. One of the most notable aspects of her kit is the surprise factor from her passive. By disguising herself as a minion and ambushing the enemy ADC, you can catch them off guard and secure kills. This low-risk, high-reward playstyle allows you to make game-changing plays without putting yourself in danger.
The Power of Nicos Kit
What makes Nico Nico’s new kit so overpowered is that it carries minimal risk when attempting catch plays. Even if you miss your E ability, you still have your W to disengage and create distance. Moreover, her ultimate ability provides self-peel, making it difficult for enemies to punish her aggression. This strong self-peel aspect is reminiscent of champions like Lissandra, further emphasizing the safety and
The Best Champions for Solo Queue
In the world of League of Legends, choosing the right champion can make a significant difference in your solo queue experience. Some champions excel in certain situations, while others struggle against specific matchups. In this article, we will discuss three champions who are currently strong picks in the game.
Nico: The Versatile Mid Laner
Nico, a champion known for her versatility, performs exceptionally well in the highly played melee mid lane. However, she faces difficulty when dealing with longer range mages. To counter this, it is recommended to ban Syndra or Zareth. For Nico’s core build, rushing Rocket Belt as the first item, followed by Shadow Flame and Zhonya’s Hourglass, proves to be effective. Adding Comet as the Keystone Rune, along with Mana Flow, Transcendence, Scorch, biscuits, and Cosmic Insight, further enhances Nico’s performance.
Ash: Dominating the ADC Role
After the recent nerf to Kaiser, Ash emerges as the best ADC choice for solo queue. This champion excels in laning strength and has the ability to make catch plays with her ultimate ability, R. Ash’s long auto range and poking abilities with W give her an advantage in securing priority in the early stages of the game. Building Trinity Force as the core item pushes Ash to the top tier. A Kraken Slayer rush into Trinity Force as the second item, followed by Hurricane as the third, is the recommended build for most games. When playing Ash, it is wise to ban heavy dive champions currently in the meta, such as Zed or Jarvan. For the Rune page, Lethal Tempo alongside Presence of Mind, Bloodline, and Coup de Gras provide optimal performance. Secondary choices include Biscuits and Approach Velocity.
Misfortune: The Deadly ADC
One of the most powerful ADCs in the current meta is Misfortune, also known as MF. Her lethality build, paired with any melee engage support, proves to be extremely deadly. With MF, players can dominate the game with her aggressive playstyle and high burst damage. It is crucial to adapt to the evolving support meta and choose MF to capitalize on this synergy.
In conclusion, choosing the right champion can significantly impact your solo queue experience in League of Legends. Nico, Ash, and Misfortune are three strong picks that offer different advantages in their respective roles. Whether you prefer mid lane, ADC, or a lethal support, these champions can provide you with the tools to succeed and climb the ranks in solo queue.
The Importance of Cooldown and Team Communication
In the world of League of Legends, effective cooldown management and clear communication with your team can make all the difference in winning or losing fights. As an ADC player, one champion who greatly benefits from this strategy is Miss Fortune. By utilizing her ultimate ability (R) at the right moment and pinging your team to engage, you can secure victories in team fights. However, it’s also crucial to know when your ultimate is on cooldown and to play more defensively until it’s back up.
The Optimal Ban and Meta Dive Options
When it comes to banning champions in the current meta, Zed and Jarvan are excellent choices for ensuring Misfortune’s success. These champions pose significant threats to Miss Fortune, and eliminating them from the game will give you an advantage. Additionally, opting for a meta dive build with Miss Fortune will maximize her potential. By rushing Ghostblade as the core item, followed by The Collector and Cyrilda’s Grudge, you’ll be able to deal substantial damage in team fights.
Strategic Rune Page Selection
For Miss Fortune’s Rune Page, it is recommended to go with First Strike as the primary keystone, along with Free Boots, Biscuits, and Cosmic Insight as secondary runes. Absolute Focus and Gathering Storm are ideal choices for secondary runes, as they provide additional power and scaling throughout the game. It’s important to note that Kai’Sa is not as strong as she once was in this patch and many other ADCs aren’t standing out significantly, making Miss Fortune an excellent pick for the bot lane.
The Rise of Karthus as a Bot Lane Pick
In recent times, Karthus has emerged as a sleeper pick for the bot lane. With the decline of enchanters in the meta, Karthus has become even stronger and currently boasts a win rate of over 55 percent. Pairing Karthus with champions like Nautilus, Pyke, Leona, or Blitzcrank can be devastating due to his consistent damage output. The lockdown provided by these supports allows Karthus to easily line up his Q ability for maximum damage. In the early stages of the game, all-in plays with Karthus are particularly lethal, and your win condition in the bot lane relies on playing off the engagements initiated by your support.
Exhaust as a Secondary Summoner Spell
To further enhance Karthus’s dominance in the bot lane, running Exhaust as your secondary Summoner spell is highly recommended. This offers significant 2v2 power, especially if the enemy does not take Cleanse to remove the debuff. By utilizing Exhaust effectively, you can shut down the enemy ADC’s damage output and create opportunities for a successful all-in play.
In conclusion, coordinating cooldown management, effective ban choices, optimal rune page selection, and strategic communication with your team are key to achieving success with Miss Fortune and Karthus in the bot lane. By employing these strategies, you can maximize your impact in team fights and increase your chances of securing victory in League of Legends.
Pushing and Being Aggressive: Karthus as a Bot Lane Carry
Karthus, with his AOE damage from his Q ability, has the advantage of being able to push in most matchups. This is especially beneficial when paired with a melee support in the bot lane. By pushing for level two early on and then looking to be aggressive, you can gain an advantage in trades and potentially secure kills. One ADC that stands out as a strong pair with Karthus is Ezreal, due to his longer range and mobility. With these advantages in mind, Karthus becomes a solid choice for a bot lane carry.
The Ideal Build for Karthus
When playing Karthus as a bot lane carry, a recommended build is to rush the item Liandry’s Anguish, followed by Shadowflame. Liandry’s Anguish provides Karthus with the ability to deal sustained damage over time, while Shadowflame increases his overall burst potential. For runes, Dark Harvest is the Keystone choice, paired with Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, and Ultimate Hunter. For secondary runes, Presence of Mind and Last Stand are suggested. This build and rune setup will optimize Karthus’s damage output and enhance his effectiveness as a bot lane carry.
Zyra: Making a Splash in the Support Role
For the first time in a while, Zyra is making an appearance on the support solo carry list. Thanks to the buffs in patch 13.14, Zyra has been pushed into a powerful spot, especially considering that Ashe is currently the top ADC choice in patch 13.15. Including Zyra in your champion pool for support is a no-brainer. Her synergy with champions like Miss Fortune is excellent, offering great potential in the current meta.
The Power Spike at Level Six
With Zyra, level six is where you can truly take control of games. Her skirmishing power with her ultimate ability is one of the best among supports. This opens up opportunities to play aggressively and secure kills for your team. However, it’s essential to maintain proper vision control to avoid getting ganked. Once you have established vision, start pressuring the enemy bot lane with poke. A successful E ability hit can lead to a lane-winning combo, securing a strong advantage for you and your ADC.
Dealing with Champions that Isolate Zyra
Despite Zyra’s strengths, there are certain champions with snap engages that can quickly isolate her, making it difficult to survive or exert influence in the lane. In such cases, consider taking Thresh as a solid ban choice. Thresh’s abilities can protect Zyra from being caught out and provide more safety in engagements. By identifying and countering specific threats, you can continue to dominate the bot lane and ensure Zyra’s effectiveness as a support.
The Power of Rel as a Team Fight Support
Rel, the melee support champion, has gained popularity as one of the most dominant supports in League of Legends. Her ability to initiate team fights with her flash R into chain CC combo is both impactful and relatively easy to execute. In this article, we will explore the strengths of Rel and how to optimize her gameplay.
Rel’s Key Runes and Build
When playing Rel, it is recommended to choose Comet as the Keystone rune. This rune provides additional poke damage, which is beneficial for harassing enemies in the laning phase. Mana flow, Transcendence, and Scorch are the ideal secondary runes to enhance Rel’s mana sustainability, cooldown reduction, and poke damage.
The Ideal Support Build for Rel
The recommended core build for Rel includes rushing the Even Shroud item, followed by Zekes and Knights Vow. These items provide a balance of defensive stats and utility for Rel. Additionally, picking up the Glacial Keystone Rune enhances Rel’s crowd control capabilities. Flash biscuits and Cosmic Insight are the preferred summoner spells to increase Rel’s survivability and cooldown reduction. For secondary runes, Bone Plating and Unflinching are the most effective choices.
Countering Rel’s Weaknesses
Although Rel is a powerful team fight support, there are certain champions that can keep her at bay. Champions like Alistair and Janna excel at peeling and protecting their ADC, making it difficult for Rel to easily execute her chain CC combo. If you are considering banning champions, these two are great options to ensure Rel’s effectiveness in team fights.
Zareth, the Mid Laner Turned Support
Surprisingly, Zareth has become a viable support pick in patch 13.14. The recent buffs not only increased his strength as a mid laner but also improved his performance as a support. While his sustain in lane has slightly decreased, his all-in power at level 6 has become more prominent. This transition has made Zareth a threat in both mid and support roles.
The Benefits of Playing Zyra as an ADC
Zyra, the powerful mage support, is a popular pick in the current meta. However, many players are discovering the benefits of playing her as an ADC. This article will explore why Zyra works well in the ADC role and provide some helpful tips to maximize her potential.
Zyra’s Deadly Level 6 Power Spike
One of the main reasons why Zyra excels as an ADC is her incredible power spike at level 6. When playing Zyra, it is important to stay focused on the health of your own minions. As soon as your minions drop into the threshold range where the enemy ADC will want to last hit them, that is the perfect opportunity to unleash your skill shots. Instead of randomly throwing out abilities, wait until the enemy is forced into a fixed position while farming. This will greatly increase your hit rate on your spells.
Dealing with Longer Range Engage Supports
Although Zyra is a formidable ADC, she does struggle against supports with longer range engage abilities. To counter this, it is recommended to ban champions like Leona or Nautilus, who can easily engage and lock down Zyra. By removing these threats from the game, you will have an easier time dominating the bot lane.
Optimal Build and Rune Setup
When playing Zyra ADC, it is essential to have an optimal build and rune setup. A typical build for Zyra includes rushing Liandry’s Anguish as the first item, followed by Rylai’s Crystal Scepter and Rabadon’s Deathcap. For runes, take first strike with free boots, biscuits, and Cosmic Insight as primary choices. The best secondary runes for Zyra are Manaflow Band and Scorch, which provide additional mana sustain and damage in the laning phase.
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In conclusion, playing Zyra as an ADC can be a highly effective strategy in the current meta. Take advantage of her deadly level 6 power spike, be mindful of longer range engage supports, and optimize your build and rune setup. With the right knowledge and practice, you can become a dominant force in the bot lane and climb the ranks in no time.
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Are you tired of feeling stuck in your current gaming rank? Do you envy those players who seem to effortlessly climb the ladder and leave their opponents in awe? Look no further, because Skill Cap is here to help. We offer a trading course that can help you become a better player, enabling you to maximize your improvement rate and achieve the rank you’ve always desired.
See Your Opponents Health Go to Zero
If you’re someone who finds great satisfaction in seeing your opponents’ health bars drop to zero, then Skill Cap is perfect for you. Our trading course not only focuses on skill improvement, but also enhances your strategies and techniques, allowing you to dominate your opponents in every game.
Dive Deep into Skill Analysis
Want to know how good you truly are as a player? Skill Cap provides a skill test that allows you to analyze your abilities and measure your improvement over time. Many players, just like you, have left 5-star reviews and raved about how helpful the skill test has been in refining their gameplay.
Learn from the Best
At Skill Cap, we understand that personalized guidance is essential for growth. That’s why we release 10 brand new Smurf commentaries every week. In these commentaries, a challenger player will teach you how to climb out of the exact rank you’re currently stuck in. By watching these commentaries and implementing the strategies outlined, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your desired rank.
One-on-One Coaching for Personalized Improvement
If you’re looking for a more personal touch, Skill Cap has you covered. We offer one-on-one coaching sessions with our trained Challenger experts. These experts will provide individualized guidance tailored to your specific needs and gameplay style. With their expert advice, you’ll be able to fine-tune your skills and overcome any obstacles in your path to success.
Backed by Rank Up Guarantee
We understand that it’s natural to be skeptical of online services that promise great results. However, at Skill Cap, we are so confident in our ability to help you improve that we offer a rank up guarantee. If you don’t see a significant improvement in your gameplay while actively using Skill Cap, you will receive a full refund. No questions asked. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
Don’t Wait, Take the First Step
What are you waiting for? If you’re tired of being stuck in the same rank and yearn to reach new heights in your gaming journey, click the link in the description below and start your Skill Cap experience. With our comprehensive training, expert coaching, and rank up guarantee, success is within your grasp. Join the Skill Cap community today and unlock the rank you’ve always wanted. Thank you for your support, and happy gaming!
Playing Aatrox requires careful consideration of the enemy champion, timing trades effectively, and making wise ban choices. By respecting the enemy and being mindful of Aatrox’s cooldowns, you can maximize his potential in the early game. Additionally, opting for the optimal build and runes for Aatrox will further enhance his performance on the battlefield. Finally, Illaoi’s recent buffs have propelled her into the top tier of top laners, and understanding her strengths and playstyle can bring success in solo queue.
In the ever-evolving world of League of Legends, staying updated on the latest strategies and champion changes is crucial to gaining an advantage. By countering strong picks like Alistar with champions like Mordekaiser and maximizing the potential of picks like Camille, players can enhance their gameplay and achieve success on the Rift. Remember to adapt your item builds and rune choices based on the specific matchup, and never underestimate the power of research and practice in mastering your favorite champions.
Rel’s ability to initiate team fights with her flash R into chain CC combo makes her one of the most consistently powerful team fight supports in the game. By following the recommended runes and build, players can maximize Rel’s potential and contribute to their team’s success. Additionally, considering the strengths and weaknesses of other champions, such as Alistair and Janna, can help players strategically counter their opponents. Lastly, the surprising rise of Zareth as a support pick showcases the versatility of champions and the ever-evolving nature of the game.