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Learn The MERN Stack – Express & MongoDB Rest API

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In this article, we will explore the use of Redux Toolkit and its similarities to a support ticket application. If you have previously taken the React Front to Back 2022 course and completed the support ticket project, you will find this topic familiar. While it shares many similarities, it is smaller in scale, focusing on goals instead of support tickets. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Marin stack and how all the components work together.

When building an Express application, it’s essential to handle errors properly to enhance the user experience. By default, Express provides some error handling functionality, but it may not always meet our requirements. In this article, we will explore how to improve error handling to provide more informative and user-friendly error messages.

Error handling is a critical aspect of server-side programming. When an error occurs, it is essential to handle it effectively to provide meaningful feedback to the user and identify the issue for troubleshooting purposes. In this article, we will explore how to implement error handlers in server-side programming using Node.js and Express.

Creating a Multi-Part Video Series for Your Audience

Video content has become increasingly popular among internet users, and many creators are constantly looking for new ways to engage their audiences. One effective strategy is to break a larger project into several parts and create a multi-part video series, which allows you to dive deeper into different aspects of the project and generate more content. In this article, we will explore the benefits of creating a multi-part video series and how you can implement this strategy to captivate your audience.

Different Aspects of the Project

By splitting your project into multiple videos, you can focus on different aspects of it in each video. This not only helps you provide more in-depth information to your viewers but also keeps their interest piqued throughout the series. In the example given, the creator plans to work on building a REST API with Express, adding authentication, and designing the user interface. Each video will tackle a different part of the overall project, making it easier for viewers to follow along and understand the intricacies of each component.

Targeting Specific Audience Interests

Understanding your audience’s preferences and interests is crucial for maintaining their engagement. The creator in our example mentions that the merge stack is popular among their audience. By selecting a topic that appeals to your viewers, you can ensure that they will be more likely to watch the entire series. Additionally, since each video focuses on a different aspect, you can cater to different segments of your audience who may have specific interests in backend development, authentication, or frontend design.

Improving Video Retention and Watch Time

When viewers find a particular topic interesting or relevant to their needs, they are more likely to watch the entire video or series. By creating a multi-part video series, you can increase your video retention and watch time metrics, which are important factors in YouTube’s ranking algorithm. The longer viewers watch your videos, the more YouTube recognizes your content as valuable and relevant, ultimately leading to increased exposure and organic growth.

Building Anticipation and Engagement

When you release a multi-part video series, you can generate anticipation and excitement among your audience for upcoming videos. By giving them a glimpse of what’s to come in the next videos, as the creator in our example does, you can keep them eager to watch each new installment. Encouraging interaction and feedback from your viewers throughout the series can also boost engagement, as they will feel more involved and invested in the project you are working on.

Understanding Redux Toolkit and its Similarities to a Support Ticket Application

Following Along for Immersive Learning

To make the most of this article, I highly recommend following along with the code examples. Immersing yourself in the learning process will give you a solid foundation in the Marin stack. If you encounter any difficulties or uncertainties, pause and refer to documentation, additional resources, or examples. Actively engaging with the material is the most effective way to master it.

An Introduction to REST API

Before diving into the code, let’s first understand what a REST API is and how it functions. The image below, sourced from Network, provides a concise overview with comprehensive information.

![REST API Image](rest_api_image.png)

In this image, the client represents our React application, where all the UI components are situated. Redux handles the state management on the client-side. On the backend or server, we will be using Express, a Node.js framework, to build the necessary APIs.

Understanding REST API and CRUD Operations

In the world of web development, communication between the front-end and back-end is crucial. This is where REST API comes into play. REST API, or Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface, allows the exchange of data between the client and the server through HTTP requests. One common use of REST API is performing CRUD operations, which stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. These operations allow users to interact with the server by creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting data.

Creating a Goal or Device

To create a new goal or device, a POST request is made to the server. The HTTP method used in this case is “POST”. In the example, the endpoint for creating devices is “API/devices”. However, in our case, we will be using “goals” as the resource, so the endpoint would be “API/goals”. When making a POST request, a payload of data is sent to the server in the HTTP body. This data contains the necessary information to create the desired goal or device. Upon successful creation, the server responds with a status code 201, indicating that the request was successful and something new was created.

Reading Devices

To retrieve data from the server, a GET request is made. The HTTP method used in this case is “GET”. In the example, the endpoint for reading devices is “API/devices”. Similarly, in our case, the endpoint for reading goals would be “API/goals”. When making a GET request, no data is sent to the server as the purpose is to retrieve existing data. If the request is successful, the server responds with a status code 200, indicating that everything is okay and the requested data is returned.

Updating a Goal

For updating existing data, a PUT request is made to the server. The HTTP method used in this case is “PUT”. When updating a goal or device, it is necessary to specify the ID of the item being updated. This ID is included in the endpoint URL. This is important because it helps the server identify the specific goal or device that needs to be updated. By sending a PUT request to the endpoint, along with the updated data in the HTTP body, the server can process the update. Upon successful updating, the server typically responds with a status code 200, indicating that the update was successful.

Building an API with Express and MongoDB

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating an API using Express and MongoDB. We will be using Express for the server and routing, MongoDB for the database, and Mongoose to interact with the database. Let’s get started!

Postman: A Tool for API Development

Since we don’t have a front-end interface yet, we will be using a tool called Postman. Postman is a powerful HTTP client that allows you to make requests and test APIs. If you prefer to use a different tool, feel free to do so. However, Postman is highly recommended for its user-friendly interface and extensive features.

Setting Up the Database

Before diving into the API development, it’s important to set up our database. In this case, we will be using MongoDB Atlas, a cloud-based database. The advantage of using MongoDB Atlas is that we don’t need to install MongoDB on our local system. It provides a hassle-free solution for managing databases in the cloud.

Creating the Project Folder

To begin, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your project folder. This folder will contain all the necessary files and folders for your API. Once you are in the desired directory, create a new folder for your project.

Now that we have our project folder set up, we can proceed with the API development. This requires creating routes, defining endpoints, and handling HTTP requests and responses. Express makes this process straightforward and efficient.

Creating Routes and Endpoints

In your project folder, start by creating a new file named “app.js” or any other suitable name. This file will serve as the entry point for your API. In this file, you will define the routes and endpoints for your API using Express.

Connecting to the Database

Next, we need to establish a connection between our API and the MongoDB database. Install the Mongoose library using npm, and require it in your “app.js” file. Then, configure the connection settings and establish a connection to MongoDB Atlas. This will allow us to interact with the database through our API.

Creating Models

After connecting to the database, we can define our models using Mongoose. Models represent the structure of our data and allow us to perform CRUD operations on the database. Create a new folder called “models” in your project directory and define your models inside separate files.

Handling HTTP Requests and Responses

Now that we have our routes, database connection, and models set up, we can handle the HTTP requests and responses in our API. Depending on the functionality of your API, you will need to define appropriate functions to handle CRUD operations, such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting data.

Testing the API

Once you have completed the development of your API, it’s time to test it using Postman. Make requests to your API’s endpoints and verify that the responses are correct. Test different scenarios and edge cases to ensure that your API functions as expected.

Building an API with Express and MongoDB is a powerful way to create a robust back-end for your applications. With the right tools and techniques, you can develop an efficient and secure API. Remember to thoroughly test

Setting Up Your Development Environment

In order to start working on your project, you will first need to set up your development environment. This article will guide you through the steps necessary to get everything up and running smoothly.

Creating the Project Structure

The first thing you need to do is create a folder for your project. You can name it whatever you like, but for the purposes of this tutorial, let’s call it “MERN Tutorial”. You can create this folder using your computer’s graphical user interface or through your terminal.

Next, navigate to the newly created folder using the command “CD” in your terminal. Once you are inside the folder, you will need to open your code editor. For example, you can use Visual Studio Code by running the command “code .” This will open the project in your code editor, with an empty folder.

Setting Up the Backend

Inside the project folder, create another folder called “backend”. This is where all of the backend code will be stored, including routes, models, and controllers. To start, create a file inside this folder called “server.js”. This file will serve as the entry point for your server. For now, let’s just console log “Hello, world!” to test if everything is set up correctly. Save the file for now.

In the root of the project folder, not inside the backend folder, you will need to manage your backend dependencies. All of the backend libraries and frameworks, such as Express, will be installed in a folder called “node_modules”. To do this, open your terminal and run the command “npm init” to initialize a new Node.js project. Follow the instructions and fill in the necessary details.

Installing Dependencies

Once you have initialized the project, it’s time to install the necessary dependencies. In this case, we will be using Express as our backend framework. To install it, run the command “npm install express”. This will download and install Express and all of its dependencies in the “node_modules” folder.

An Introduction to Goal Setter App for YouTube Tutorials

YouTube has become a popular platform for sharing tutorials and educational content. With millions of videos uploaded daily, it can be challenging for viewers to keep track of their learning goals and progress. To address this issue, a goal setter app for YouTube tutorials has been developed. In this article, we will explore the features and functionality of this app, as well as the steps to set it up.

Setting Up the App

The first step in using the goal setter app is to set up the necessary files and dependencies. To do this, you will need to create an entry point file named server.js. This file serves as the starting point for the app. Additionally, you can customize the app by adding keywords and your own name.

To ensure proper licensing, it is advisable to use an MIT license. This will create a package.json file in the root directory of the app. Before installing any dependencies, create another file named .gitignore. This file will be used to initialize a git repository while excluding certain folders, such as the node_modules folder and the .env file.

Once the necessary files and configurations are in place, it’s time to install the required dependencies. From the root directory, use the command “npm install” to install Express, dotEnv for managing environment variables, Mongoose for database operations, and the colors utility for enhanced console output.

Dev Dependencies

In addition to the required dependencies, there is one more tool that is essential during development node-mon. This tool allows constant monitoring of the server.js file, eliminating the need for manual restarts. To install node-mon as a dev dependency, use the command “npm install Dash uppercase D” followed by “node-mon”.

Once all the dependencies and dev dependencies are installed, the app is ready to be used. However, keep in mind that there may be more dependencies required in the future as the app evolves.

The Importance of a Package.json File

The package.json file is a crucial component in any Node.js project. It allows developers to manage the dependencies and scripts for their project and ensures a smooth and efficient development process. By adding a start script and running our server.js file, we can easily start our backend application.

Running Script with Node.js

To run our backend server.js file using Node.js, we can add a start script in the package.json file. By specifying the command “node server.js” in the start script, we ensure that our server runs smoothly. Additionally, we can use a tool like Nodemon to watch for changes in the server file and automatically restart the server whenever a change is made.

Creating a Git Repository

Creating a git repository for our project is highly recommended. By initializing a git repository, we can track changes and make commits as we progress in our development. To create a git repository, we can use the command “git init” followed by “git add .” to add all files to the repository. , we can make an initial commit using the command “git commit -m ‘initial commit'”.

Deployment with Heroku

If we plan to deploy our project to a hosting platform like Heroku, using git becomes even more essential. Heroku allows us to easily deploy and manage our Node.js applications. By pushing our local git repository to Heroku, we can deploy our application with just a few simple steps. It is important to continue making commits and pushing changes to the Heroku repository as we progress with our development.

The Front End Development

While it is important to focus on creating a robust backend API, the frontend development should not be neglected. Although we will not create a front end folder just yet, it is crucial to plan and allocate time for frontend development as well. By separating the backend and frontend concerns, we can ensure a cleaner and more organized project structure.

By managing our dependencies and scripts in the package.json file, running our server.js file with Node.js, creating a git repository, and preparing for frontend development, we can lay a strong foundation for our project. Following these best practices will streamline the development process and make it easier to collaborate with other developers.

Creating an Express Server with Environment Variables

When building a web application using JavaScript, one crucial aspect is setting up the server. In this article, we will learn how to create an Express server and utilize environment variables for better configuration management.

Installing Express and DotEnv

The first step is to install the necessary dependencies. We will need Express, which is a popular web framework for Node.js, and DotEnv, a module for loading environment variables from a file. To install both, run the following commands:


Npm install express

Npm install dotenv


Setting Up Environment Variables

Environment variables allow us to store sensitive information or configuration values separately from our code. To set up environment variables, create a file in the root folder named “.env”. Inside this file, we can define our variables in the following format:




For now, let’s define a variable named “PORT” and assign it the value 5000. This will be the port on which our server will run.

Configuring Express

To configure Express, we need to import the required modules and set up the server. In your entry point file (usually “index.js” or “server.js”), add the following code:


Const express = require(‘express’);


Const app = express();

Const port = process.env.PORT || 5000;

App.listen(port, () => {

Console.log(`Server started on port ${port}`);



First, we import the Express module and the DotEnv module. We then initialize Express using the “express” function and store it in the “app” variable. Next, we define the port number using the environment variable “PORT” or fallback to 5000 if it’s not set.

In the “app.listen” method, we pass in the “port” variable to specify the port on which our server will listen. We also provide a callback function, which is executed when the server starts. In this function, we log a message to the console, indicating that the server has started along with the port number.

Running the Server

To run the server, execute the following command in your terminal:


Npm run server


If everything is set up correctly, you should see the following output:


Server started on port 5000


Congratulations! You have successfully created an Express server with environment variables. Utilizing environment variables allows for better security and flexibility when handling sensitive information or configuration values in your application.

Remember to keep your environment variables securely stored and never commit them to a public repository.

The Importance of Setting Up a Node Environment

Setting up a proper node environment is crucial for developing and running applications smoothly. By configuring the environment variables and ports, developers can ensure that their application functions properly and can be accessed by users effectively.

Setting the Node Environment to Development

One of the first steps in setting up a node environment is specifying the environment type. In this case, the environment is set to “development”. This allows developers to work on their code and make changes without affecting the live version of the application. It also enables them to debug and test their code more effectively.

Configuring the Port

Another important aspect of setting up the node environment is configuring the port. In the example provided, the port is set to 8000. This means that the application will be accessible on port 8000 when it is run. However, the code also includes a fallback option. If the specified port is not available for some reason, the application will default to port 5000.

Accessing the Port Variable

The code snippet mentioned in the text allows developers to access the port variable in their code. By using “process.env.port”, they can utilize the port value defined in their environment. This makes it easier to reference the port throughout the codebase and ensures consistency.

Changing and Restarting the Server

When making changes to the environment variables or the code itself, it is important to restart the server for the changes to take effect. This is especially true for changes made to the .env file. By restarting the server, developers can test their changes and see if everything is functioning as expected.

Making Requests to the Server

To test the server and its routes, developers can use tools like Postman or any other HTTP client. In the provided example, Postman is used to make requests to the server. By opening Postman and selecting the appropriate method (in this case, GET), developers can access their server and retrieve the desired data.

Creating Routes for API Fetching

We can set up a local server by specifying the port number as 5000. In order to retrieve data from our database, we need to create a specific route. At the moment, when we try to access “/api/goals”, we receive a 404 response, indicating that the page is not found. This is the route we will be working on to fetch all of our goals from the database.

Setting Up the Route

To set up the route, we will use the “app.get” method since we want to listen for a “GET” request. The endpoint will be “/api/goals”. As the second argument, we will pass in a function that takes in a request and response variable. This function will handle the response we want to send back to the client.

Sending a Basic Response

To start off, we can use the “res.send” method to send back a basic response. We can pass a string as an argument, such as “Get goals”. When we send this response and test the route, we will receive a 200 status code, indicating a successful request.

Returning JSON Data

Usually, when working with APIs, we return JSON data instead of plain strings. To do this, we can use the “res.json” method. We can pass in a JSON object or an array to this method. For example, we can create a JSON object with a “message” key set to “Get goals”. By sending this JSON object as a response, we will still receive a 200 status code.

Validating the Response

When we check the headers of the response, we should see that the content type is set to “application/json”. Even though we didn’t explicitly use double quotes for the JSON key, it is still parsed correctly by the client. This is because JSON requires double quotes for the key names.

By setting up a route for “/api/goals”, we can fetch all the goals from our database. We can send a basic response or return JSON data, depending on our needs. Remember to follow the proper JSON formatting guidelines for the best results.

The Importance of Organizing Your Folder Structure in Back-End Development

When working on a back-end development project, it is crucial to maintain a clean and organized folder structure. This not only helps with readability and maintainability but also prevents the codebase from becoming chaotic and difficult to manage. In this article, we will explore the significance of organizing your folder structure and provide some helpful tips on how to do it effectively.

Creating Separate Routes for Each Resource

One of the key aspects of organizing your folder structure is to create separate routes for each resource in your API. This means that each resource, such as users, products, or goals, will have its own dedicated route file. By doing this, you can keep your code modular and easily manage the logic related to each resource.

Using the Express Router

In order to implement separate routes for each resource, it is essential to make use of the Express Router. The Express Router is a middleware function provided by the Express framework that allows you to define multiple routes in a single file. By utilizing the router, you can handle all the routing related to a specific resource within its own dedicated route file.

Organizing Routes in a Separate Folder

To keep things neat and organized, it is recommended to create a separate folder for your routes. This folder can be named “routes” or any other relevant name. Within this folder, you can create individual route files for each resource. For example, if you have a “goals” resource, you can create a file called “goalRoutes.js” to handle all the routes related to goals.

Exporting the Router

Once you have defined the routes using the Express Router, it is important to export the router so that it can be used in other files. To do this, you can use the common JS module syntax by setting the exported value to the router variable. This will allow you to import and use the router in other files, such as your main server file.

Streamlining API Routing in JavaScript

When creating a JavaScript application with an API, organizing and routing requests can become a complex task. However, with a few simple steps, you can streamline the process and increase efficiency. In this article, we will explore how to properly structure and handle API routes using JavaScript.

Setting up Routes

To start off, we need to create a file that will handle our API routes. In this example, let’s call it “routes.js”. Inside this file, we will define each route and its corresponding functionality.

We can begin by creating a GET route that fetches goals from the API. To do this, copy the following code into “routes.js”:

App.use(‘/api/goals’, require(‘./routes/goalRoutes’));

This line of code tells our application that any requests to “/api/goals” should be directed to the “goalRoutes.js” file. This helps separate our code and keeps everything organized.

Creating Additional Routes

In addition to the GET route, we may want to add other routes like POST, PUT, or DELETE. Let’s add a POST route for creating new goals.

Copy the following code into the “routes.js” file:

App.use(‘/api/goals/create’, require(‘./routes/goalCreateRoutes’));

Here, we tell the application that any requests to “/api/goals/create” should be handled by the “goalCreateRoutes.js” file. This way, we can keep our routes and functionality separate.

Handling the POST Request

In the “goalCreateRoutes.js” file, we can define the functionality for creating a goal using a POST request. We can use the “” method to handle this request.

Inside the “goalCreateRoutes.js” file, add the following code:‘/’, (req, res) => {

// Code to create a new goal


With this code, any POST request to “/api/goals/create” will trigger the function provided and allow us to create a new goal.

Creating and Updating Goals with API

When working with APIs, it is essential to understand how to create, update, and delete data. In this article, we will explore how to use the API to set goals, update them, and delete them.

Setting a Goal with a POST Request

To create a goal using the API, we need to use a POST request. By sending the necessary data in the request, we can create a new goal.

Updating a Goal with a PUT Request

If we want to update an existing goal, we can use a PUT request. When making a PUT request, we need to include the ID of the goal we want to update.

Deleting a Goal with a DELETE Request

To remove a goal from the system, we can use a DELETE request. Similar to the PUT request, we need to include the ID of the goal we want to delete.

Accessing Parameters in the Route

In order to access the ID parameter in the route, we need to use backticks instead of quotes and include the variable in the route syntax.

Testing the Routes

Once we have set up the routes, we can test them to ensure they are functioning correctly. By sending GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests, we can verify the functionality of each route.

Understanding how to set goals, update them, and delete them using API requests is crucial when working with APIs. By following the correct syntax and including the necessary parameters, we can effectively manipulate and manage data through API calls.

Why Using Controllers in API Development is Best Practice

The Importance of Post Requests in API Development

Post requests are an essential part of API development. They allow for the creation or modification of data in the backend. In the case of setting goals, a post request can be made to the ‘/goals’ endpoint. This will result in a 200 status code and a response message of “set goal”. This is a crucial step in the API as it establishes the foundation for goal management.

Updating Goals with Put Requests

Once a goal is set, it can be updated using a put request. The request is made to the ‘/goals/{goalID}’ endpoint, where {goalID} is the specific ID of the goal that needs to be updated. The API will respond with an “update goal” message, confirming the success of the request. This functionality allows for the modification of existing goals as needed.

Deleting Goals with Delete Requests

In some cases, a goal may need to be deleted from the system. This can be achieved through a delete request to the ‘/goals/{goalID}’ endpoint. The API will respond with a “delete goal” message, indicating that the goal with the corresponding {goalID} has been successfully removed from the system. This functionality is crucial for goal management, as it allows for the removal of unnecessary or completed goals.

Implementing Controllers for Better Organization

While it is possible to add the functionality directly within the callback functions of the routes, it is considered best practice to create a separate controller for better organization and maintainability. By separating the business logic from the route handlers, the codebase becomes cleaner and easier to maintain in the long run.

Creating the Goal Controller

To implement controllers, a “goal controller.js” file needs to be created within the backend folder. This file will contain the different functions related to goal management. For example, the “get goals” function can be defined within this controller. This function takes in a request and response and simply responds with a status and message. By exporting the functions from the controller file, they can be easily imported and used within the routes.

Bringing the Controller into the Routes

To utilize the functionality of the controller within the routes, it is necessary to import the desired functions. This can be done by using the “require” function. For example, the “get goals” function from the “goal controller” can be imported into the routes using the following syntax:


Const getGoals = require(‘../controllers/goal controller’).getGoals;


By doing this, the route handler can simply call the imported function to perform the desired action. This separation of concerns enhances code readability and maintainability, making it easier for other developers to understand and work with the codebase.

Using controllers in API development is considered best practice due to the improved organization and maintainability they offer. By separating the business logic from the routes, the codebase becomes cleaner and easier to manage. Implementing controllers for goal management allows for the creation, updating, and deletion of goals through different HTTP request methods. This approach promotes code reusability and scalability, making it an essential aspect of API development.

Improving the Functionality of API Slash Goals

In this article, we will discuss how to enhance the functionality of the API slash goals. By implementing a few changes, we can make the get and set requests more efficient and user-friendly.

Replacing the Existing Function with “Get Goals”

Firstly, let’s focus on replacing the current function with a more standardized one called “Get Goals.” By implementing this change, the overall functionality of the API slash goals will remain intact. However, the code will be better organized and easier to understand.

Streamlining the Controller File

Moving on, it is essential to move the functionality from the current function to the controller file. This will ensure that all the necessary tasks are performed in one centralized place. The goal here is to streamline the code and enhance its readability.

Adding Descriptions and Routes

Building upon good programming practices, it is highly recommended to add descriptions and routes to the controller functions. This can be achieved by providing a brief explanation of what each function does, along with the intended purpose.

For instance, when creating the “Get Goals” function, it is helpful to include a description such as “This function retrieves all the goals.” Additionally, it is crucial to specify the route for the request, which in this case would be a GET request to the API slash goals.

Defining Access Levels

Another aspect to consider is setting access levels for the functions. Initially, the access level can be set as public to allow universal access. However, after implementing authentication, it is advisable to change the access level to private. This ensures that only authorized users can retrieve the goals, thereby enhancing security.

Expanding Functionality

To further enhance the overall functionality of the API, it is necessary to add additional functions. In this case, we will create four different functions, each with a distinct purpose. The second function, for example, can be named “Set Goal,” which will enable users to set a specific goal.

By incorporating these changes, the API slash goals will offer improved functionality and better user experience. The code will be better organized, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain. With the addition of access levels and well-defined routes, security and control over the API will be significantly enhanced.

Streamlining and Simplifying the Routes File

When working with APIs and setting up routes, it’s important to keep the code clean and organized. In this article, we will discuss how to streamline and simplify the routes file by utilizing different HTTP request methods and grouping related routes together.

Setting Goals with a POST Request

To set a goal, we will use a POST request since we are creating a new goal. The route for this request will be API/goals. By sending a POST request to this route, we can easily add a new goal to our system. Here is an example of the corresponding function:

Function setGoal() {

// code to add the goal to the system


Updating Goals with a PUT Request

If we want to update an existing goal, we will use a PUT request. The route for this request will be API/goals/:id, where :id represents the unique identifier of the goal we want to update. Here is an example of the corresponding function:

Function updateGoal() {

// code to update the specified goal


Deleting Goals with a DELETE Request

To delete a goal, we will use a DELETE request. The route for this request will be API/goals/:id, similar to the update route. By sending a DELETE request with the specific goal’s identifier, we can easily remove the goal from our system. Here is an example of the corresponding function:

Function deleteGoal() {

// code to delete the specified goal


By organizing our routes in this way, we can see that the setGoal, updateGoal, and deleteGoal functions correspond to their respective request methods (POST, PUT, DELETE). This not only makes the code more intuitive to read, but also allows us to streamline the routes file.

Now, let’s take a look at how we can bring in these functions and replace the existing code in our routes file. We will replace the functions for set goal, update goal, and delete goal with the new functions discussed above:




With this updated code, we can see that the routes file has been cleaned up and simplified. The setGoal function handles the POST request, the updateGoal function handles the PUT request, and the deleteGoal function handles the DELETE request. By grouping related routes together, we can easily identify and manage the different functionalities of our API.

By utilizing different HTTP request methods and organizing related routes together, we can streamline and simplify our routes file. This not only improves readability but also helps us better manage and maintain our API codebase.

Streamlining Router Functions in JavaScript

In JavaScript, we often use routers to handle different routes and HTTP methods in our web applications. Traditionally, we use the dot notation to define these routes and methods. However, there is a more efficient way to handle routing by utilizing the router dot route function, which allows us to chain different methods together. Let’s explore this approach and see how it can improve our code.

Using the Router Route Function

Instead of using dot get and dot post to define our routes, we can use router dot route and pass in the route we are looking for. From there, we can seamlessly add more methods by chaining them together. For example, we can chain dot get and dot post to call specific functions for each of these methods, such as getGoals and setGoal.

Saving Lines of Code

By utilizing router dot route and chaining methods, we can save lines of code. This allows for cleaner and more concise code structures. In the example mentioned earlier, we were able to eliminate two unnecessary lines of code, resulting in a more efficient implementation.

Handling Additional Routes

If we have additional routes to handle, we can simply copy the code structure we have already utilized. For instance, if we want to handle the route of ID, we can use the put method to call deleteGoal and the put method to call updateGoal. By doing this, we can again remove two redundant lines of code, further simplifying our codebase.

Testing the Routes

After streamlining our router functions, it is important to test all the routes to ensure they are still functioning correctly. By performing tests for the get, post, put, and delete methods, we can ensure that our code changes have not introduced any bugs or errors.

Preparing for Database Connection

Now that we have our controller functions set up, we can proceed with connecting to the database or creating it, depending on the stage of our application. Before doing so, it is a good practice to set up an error handler. This will help us handle any unexpected errors that may occur during the database connection process.

Why Adding Data in the Body is Important

When working with web applications, it is essential to understand how to send and receive data in the body of a request. This allows for more complex and structured data to be passed between the client and server. In this article, we will explore the importance of adding data in the body and how to handle it properly.

The Basics of Adding Data in the Body

Before we delve into the details, let’s first understand the basics of adding data in the body of a request. There are two common ways to do this: sending raw JSON or using form URL encoding. Both methods have their own set of advantages and use cases.

Sending Raw JSON

Raw JSON is a popular format for sending and receiving data in web applications. It allows for a more flexible and structured representation of the data. To send raw JSON in the body, you simply include the JSON object as the value for a specific key. For example, sending a request with a key named “text” and a value of “my first goal” would look like this:

{“text”: “my first goal”}

Handling Body Data in the Server

Now that we understand how to send data in the body, let’s discuss how to handle it in the server. When a request is received, the server needs to extract the data from the body for further processing. However, by default, the request object does not have direct access to the body data, which can lead to undefined values.

To overcome this issue, we need to add a middleware called “body-parser”. This middleware allows us to parse the body data and make it accessible in the request object. In the server.js file, add the following lines of code:


App.use(Express.urlencoded({ extended: false }));

Testing the Body Data

Now that we have added the required middleware, let’s test if the body data is correctly being logged in the server. In your code, use the following JavaScript snippet:


Now, when you send a request with the body data, you will see the parsed data logged in the server console. For example, if you send a request with the key “text” and the value “my first goal”, the console will display:

{ “text”: “my first goal” }

Improving Error Handling in Express

Checking for Request Body

To begin, we need to ensure that certain fields are present in the request body. In our scenario, we specifically want to check if the “text” field is included. If it isn’t, we will set the status code to a client error or bad request (400). We can add a JSON response to inform the client to add the missing field.

Custom Error Handling

While Express offers an error handler, it often provides a default HTML page as a response, which may not be ideal for our purposes. To tackle this, we can create custom error handlers to provide more meaningful error messages.

Using Express Error Handler

Luckily, Express has a built-in error handler that we can leverage. To use it, we can remove the `json` method but still set the status code in our code. Then, instead of sending a JSON response, we can throw a new error with a custom message. By doing so, we ensure that the client receives an appropriate error response.

Understanding Middleware in Express.js

Express.js is a popular web application framework for Node.js that allows developers to build scalable and efficient server-side applications. One of the key features of Express.js is its middleware functionality, which plays a crucial role in managing the request-response cycle. In this article, we will explore the concept of middleware in Express.js and how it can be used to handle errors effectively.

Creating Custom Error Handling Middleware

To change the default error handler in Express.js, we need to add a custom middleware function. This can be done by creating a new file called “error.middleware.js” inside the “middleware” folder of our project. In this file, we will define our custom error handling function.

Defining the Error Handler Function

The custom error handler function should have three parameters: “err”, “req”, and “res”. The “err” parameter receives the error object, while “req” and “res” represent the request and response objects respectively. This function will be executed when an error occurs during the request-response cycle.

Controlling the Status Code

To ensure proper error handling, it is important to set the appropriate status code for the response. In the custom error handler function, we can retrieve the status code set in the controller or use a default value if it is not specified. For example, if the status code is set in the controller, we can use it as the value for the “statusCode” variable. Otherwise, we can set it to 500, which denotes a server error.

Implementing the Ternary Operator

To achieve this, we can utilize a ternary operator, which is a concise way to write conditional statements in JavaScript. In our custom error handler function, we can define a variable called “statusCode” and assign it the value of the ternary expression. The expression checks if the “res.statusCode” property is set in the controller. If it is, the value is used; otherwise, it defaults to 500.

Utilizing Error Handlers in server-side programming

Implementing Custom Error Handlers

To create a custom error handler in Node.js and Express, we can define a middleware function that takes four parameters: req, res, next, and error. This middleware function will handle any errors that occur in our server and respond with an appropriate error message and status code.

Retrieving Error Information

Within our error handler middleware function, we can access the error information, such as the message and stack trace. We can also determine if our application is in development mode or production mode to decide which error information to display. By using the process.env.NODE_ENV variable, we can check if it equals “production” and display only minimal error information, such as the error message. Conversely, in development mode, we can include additional details like the stack trace to aid in debugging.

Exporting the Error Handler

To make our error handler accessible to other parts of our application, we need to export it. We can export it as an object containing the error handler function, allowing for the inclusion of other types of error handlers if desired.

Implementing the Error Handler in server.js

To use our custom error handler in our server.js file, we need to import it from our middleware folder and use it as middleware in our Express application. By utilizing the app.use method and passing in our error handler, we can override the default Express error handler and ensure that our custom error handling logic is applied.

The Importance of Error Handling in Development Mode

In development mode, it’s essential to have proper error handling to ensure smooth functioning and easy debugging. One common issue is when sending a request without the text field. In this case, the server returns a 400 error along with an adjacent object containing the error message and stack trace. This information can be invaluable for developers in identifying and fixing issues.

Transitioning to Production Mode

When transitioning to production mode, the DOT EnV (environment variable) needs to be changed accordingly. However, one key difference is that if a request is sent without the text field, the stack trace is shown as null instead of being displayed along with the error message. This is a desired behavior in production mode as it helps to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.

Using Synchronous Functions with Mongoose

When interacting with the database using Mongoose in each of the controller functions, a promise is returned. To simplify the code and make it more readable, async and await can be used to handle asynchronous operations. By adding the keyword “async” before the function declaration, we can utilize the “await” keyword within the function to handle promises synchronously.

Handling Errors with Express Async Handler

If you prefer not to use try-catch blocks and want to handle errors more gracefully, there is a package called Express Async Handler that can be used. By installing and requiring this package, you can use the “asyncHandler” function, which wraps around your controller functions and automatically handles any errors that occur. This reduces the need for manual error handling and makes the code more concise.

By implementing proper error handling mechanisms and utilizing tools like the Express Async Handler, developers can ensure that their code runs smoothly and efficiently, making the development process much simpler and more enjoyable.

Setting Up the Database

To start working with the database, we first need to create one. In this case, we’ll be using MongoDB Atlas, a cloud database. If you prefer, you can also use a desktop app called Compass to manage your database.

Creating the Database

Once you have MongoDB Atlas or Compass installed, open the program and locate the input for a connection string. This is where we will set up our database.

Connecting to the Database

To connect to the database, we need to obtain the connection string. This string is provided by MongoDB Atlas when creating a new database. Once you have the connection string, paste it into the input field and click on the “Connect” button.

Working with the Database

Now that we are connected to the database, we can start working with it. Using the provided tools or Compass, you can manage your database by creating collections, adding documents, and performing various database operations.

How to Set Up a MongoDB Account

Setting up a MongoDB account is a simple process that allows you to utilize the powerful features of MongoDB Atlas. With this step-by-step guide, you can easily create an account and begin using MongoDB for your projects.

Create an Organization

The first step to setting up your MongoDB account is to create an organization. When you visit the MongoDB sign-in page, you will have the option to sign in using your Google account or email. Choose the preferred option and log in to your account. Once logged in, you will be prompted to create an organization. Click on “Mongodb Atlas” and proceed. On the next page, enter a name for your organization and click “Create”. You don’t need to add any additional information at this stage.

Create a Project

After creating your organization, the next step is to create a project. This project will serve as a container for your databases and clusters. To create a project, provide a name for the project. For example, you can name it “MERN App”. Click “Create Project” to proceed.

Create a Database Cluster

Once you have created your project, you can now create a database cluster. Click on the “Build Database” button to begin. MongoDB Atlas offers paid services for production apps, but there is also a free shared plan available, which is ideal for testing and small projects. Select the AWS provider and leave the other settings as default. You can change the cluster name to something more meaningful if you prefer. Click “Create Cluster” to proceed.

Authenticate Your Connection

Next, you will be prompted to authenticate your connection by adding a username and password. Enter a username, such as “Brad”, and a corresponding password. Make sure to click on “Create User” once you have entered the details. This will create the necessary credentials for accessing your MongoDB database.

By following these steps, you can easily set up a MongoDB account and start utilizing its powerful features for your projects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, MongoDB Atlas provides a user-friendly interface and robust database management capabilities.

The Basics of MongoDB

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL document database that is widely used in web development. In this article, we will walk through the process of setting up a MongoDB cluster and introduce you to some of its key features.

Setting Up a MongoDB Cluster

To start off, you need to create a MongoDB cluster. This cluster will serve as the foundation for your database. First, go to the MongoDB website and sign in to your account. Once you are logged in, navigate to the Clusters section and click on “Create Cluster”.

Connectivity Options

Once you have created your cluster, you will have various connectivity options. One of the easiest ways to connect is by adding your current IP address. This allows you to access the database directly from your local environment. Another option is to connect via a VPN address if you are using one. After selecting the appropriate option, click “Finish” and proceed to the next step.

Accessing the Database

After setting up the cluster, it may take a few minutes for it to be fully created. Once it’s ready, you can connect to the database using different methods. When you click on the “Connect” button in your cluster, you will see options to connect with the MongoDB shell or connect your application. These options allow you to interact with the database using code. Additionally, you can also connect to Compass, which is a graphical user interface for MongoDB.

Browsing Collections

Before diving into the data, let’s briefly discuss the concept of collections in MongoDB. In a relational database, you have tables with rows and columns. In MongoDB, you have collections consisting of documents. Think of documents as JSON objects that store your data. To browse your collections, go to the “Browse Collections” section in your cluster. Here, you will find all the collections in your database.

Adding Data

To add your own data, click on the “Add my own data” button. This will allow you to input your desired database name. For example, you can name it “mirn app”. Once you have set up your database, you can start adding documents to your collections.

MongoDB is a powerful and flexible NoSQL database that can handle large amounts of data. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily set up a MongoDB cluster and begin working with your data. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, MongoDB is definitely worth exploring for your next project.

The Importance of Setting Goals in Life

Setting goals is a crucial step towards achieving success and fulfillment in life. Whether it’s in our personal or professional endeavors, having clear goals provides us with direction and motivation. In this article, we will explore the significance of goal setting and how it can help us achieve our desired outcomes.

The Creation of a Goals Collection

In order to effectively track and manage our goals, it’s helpful to have a dedicated goals collection. By creating a separate collection specifically for our goals, we can easily organize and access them whenever needed. To create a goals collection, navigate to the database overview and click on “Create.” Within the collection, we can store all the information related to our goals, such as deadlines, milestones, and progress updates.

Connecting with Compass

Now that we have our goals collection set up, let’s connect to it using Compass. Compass is a graphical user interface (GUI) for MongoDB, making it easier to interact with our database. To connect using Compass, copy the provided connection string and open Compass. Paste the connection string in the appropriate field, but remember to make a few adjustments. Replace the default database name with the name of our database, and update the brackets and password with our actual credentials. After making these modifications, click “Connect” to establish the connection.

Exploring the Goals Collection

Upon successfully connecting to the database, we can navigate through the collections to access the goals collection. In Compass, you will find your goals collection within the mirn app database. If there are already existing documents within the collection, they will be displayed, allowing you to view, edit, or delete them as necessary. The goals collection serves as a central hub for all our goals, providing us with a comprehensive overview of our progress and enabling us to make informed decisions and adjustments.

Integrating the Connection String into Your Application

Now that we have established a connection with Compass and have access to our goals collection, it’s time to integrate the connection string into our application. Rather than simply pasting the string into a random file, it is recommended to set it as an environment variable. This helps to keep our code organized and makes it easier to update or modify the connection string in the future. In your code, assign the connection string to an environment variable, such as “_URI,” and ensure that it is appropriately utilized for establishing connections and performing database operations.

How to Connect to MongoDB Using Mongoose

Connecting to a MongoDB database using Mongoose is a straightforward process. In this article, we will walk through the steps to connect to MongoDB and utilize Mongoose for database operations.

Setting Up the Environment and Configuration

To get started, let’s first ensure we have the necessary dependencies installed. Make sure you have Mongoose installed by checking your package.json file. Additionally, if you need to use any additional libraries like colors, make sure those are installed as well.

In your backend folder, create a new folder called “config.” Inside the config folder, create a file called “db.js” which will serve as our database configuration file.

Connecting to MongoDB

Inside the db.js file, let’s begin by requiring Mongoose:

Const mongoose = require(‘mongoose’);

Next, let’s define a function called “connectdb” that will handle connecting to the MongoDB database. This function will be asynchronous since most Mongoose methods are asynchronous and return a promise.

Const connectdb = async () => {

Inside the “connectdb” function, we will use a try-catch block to handle any potential errors that may occur during the connection process. Within the try block, we will create a variable called “Conn” and use the “await” keyword to connect to the database.

Try {

Const Conn = await mongoose.connect(‘mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb’, {

UseNewUrlParser: true,

UseUnifiedTopology: true,


Replace “mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb” with the appropriate connection string for your MongoDB database.

Handling Errors

If an error occurs during the connection process, it will be caught in the catch block. You can customize the error handling based on your requirements. For example, you can log the error message or display a user-friendly error notification.

} catch (error) {

Console.error(‘Error connecting to MongoDB:’, error);


Calling the connectdb Function

In your server.js file, let’s import the colors library for enhanced console output:

Const colors = require(‘colors’);

Once imported, you can call the “connectdb” function to establish a connection to the MongoDB database:


Achieving Database Connection with Mongoose in Node.js

Setting up the Connection Function

To establish a connection to a database in a Node.js application, we can make use of a popular library called Mongoose. In order to do this, we need to create a function called “connect” which takes in a URI as an argument. This URI can be obtained from the process environment variables by accessing “process.env.URI”.

Once the connection is established, we can add a console log message to indicate that the database has been successfully connected. We can use backticks to enclose the log message and include the variable representing the connection object’s host property. To add some visual distinction, we can make use of the colors package to display the log message in a different color and with an underline.

In the event of an error during the connection process, we should log the error message using console.log and then close the process. To close the process, we can call “process.exit(1)” where the argument “1” signifies a failure.

We need to export the “connect” function so that it can be imported into our server.js file.

Implementing the Connection in server.js

To connect to the database using the “connect” function, we first import it into our server.js file. In this example, we will import it from a file located in the config/DB directory. To import the function, we can use the “require” keyword and assign it to a variable named “connectDB”.

By calling the “connectDB” function, we initiate the connection process and establish the communication between our Node.js application and the database. To call the function, we simply use the variable name followed by parentheses.

With these steps completed, we have successfully implemented the necessary code to connect our Node.js application to the database using Mongoose.

Creating a Model in the back end

In order to create a model in the back end of your application, you need to follow a few steps. First, create a new folder called “model” where you can define any resources for your application. For example, if you are creating a task management app, you may have resources like blog posts or to-do lists. In this case, we will create a “goals” model.

Defining the Schema

Inside the “goals” model file, which should be named “goal_model.js”, you will define the schema for your resource. A schema represents the fields that will be included in this particular resource. These fields will determine the structure and data types of your goals.

Connecting to the Database

Before running the function to connect to the database and create the model, make sure to set up the necessary configurations. This includes checking if your IP address is added to the network access or enabling access for everyone. These steps ensure that the connection to the database is established correctly.

Checking for Errors

Once the connection is established and the model is created, it is important to check for any errors. If you encounter any issues, such as a console error stating “oops”, it may be due to missing or incorrect configuration settings in the “dot EnV” file. Double-check that the password and database access are set up correctly.

Next Steps

Now that the model is successfully created and connected to the database, you can proceed to create your desired resources. In the next video or section, you will learn how to create a “users” model. This process follows similar steps, where you define the schema and establish the connection to the database.

By following these steps, you can effectively create models in the back end of your application and ensure a smooth interaction with the database. Properly defining the schema and checking for errors will help you maintain data integrity and efficiency throughout your application.

Creating a Schema for Our Goals

Now that we have defined the basic structure of our goals, it is time to create a schema for them using Mongoose.

To start off, we need to require Mongoose by adding the following line of code:


Const mongoose = require(‘mongoose’);


Next, we can create our schema by defining a constant variable and setting it as follows:


Const goalSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

Text: {

Type: String,

Required: [true, “Please add a text value”]




In this schema, we only have one field called “text”. We define its type as a string and set it to be required. This means that every goal object must have a text value. If the text value is not provided, an error message will be displayed.

Adding Timestamps to Our Schema

To keep track of when each goal is created and updated, we can add timestamps to our schema.

After the closing curly brace of our schema definition, we can add a second argument to the `new mongoose.Schema()` function.


Const goalSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

Text: {

Type: String,

Required: [true, “Please add a text value”]


}, { timestamps: true });


By setting `timestamps` to true, Mongoose will automatically add two fields to our schema: “createdAt” and “updatedAt”. These fields will store the date and time when a goal is created and updated.

Exporting the Mongoose Model

In order to export the Mongoose model, we can use the module exports feature. We will export the goal model and pass in the goal schema that we have previously created. This process is simple and straightforward, ensuring seamless integration of the model into our project.

Bringing in the Model to the Controller

To access the model in our controller, we need to require it. We will define a variable to store the required model by using the “require” keyword. Here, we will go to the “models” directory and access the “goal model” file. Remember to update the variable name from “model” to “models” to ensure accuracy in referencing.

Utilizing Mongoose Methods in the Controller

The “goal model” file contains various Mongoose methods that enable us to interact with our database. From creating new entries to reading and manipulating existing records, these methods provide comprehensive functionality for our project. By accessing the model through the “models” variable, we can use the appropriate methods to fulfill our requirements.

Implementing the “Get Goals” Functionality

For the specific functionality of retrieving goals from the database, we need to create a function called “getGoals” in our controller. This function is connected to a corresponding route in our application. To retrieve the goals, we will assign them to a variable called “goals”, which will be obtained from the Mongoose model using the “find” method.

Remember to use the “await” keyword before calling the “find” method, as this operation is asynchronous. Additionally, at this stage, we want to retrieve all the goals available in the database, so we will not pass any specific parameters to the “find” method.

When it comes to the response that we want to send back, instead of simply returning a message, we will return the entire goals array. This allows us to display the goals to the user, providing more context and information.

Creating Goals Using Postman

Postman is a popular tool used by developers to test APIs and endpoints. In this article, we will explore how to use Postman to create goals through a GET request to an API.

Finding an Error

While using Postman to make a GET request to the API goals, an error message stating “Goal dot find is not a function” is displayed. Upon further investigation, it is discovered that there is an issue with the goal model.

Identifying the Issue

After examining the code, it is noticed that there are two instances of the letter “P” in the “exports” line. This syntax error is the cause of the problem. To rectify this, the extra “P” is removed.

Retesting the GET Request

Now that the syntax error has been fixed, the GET request can be made again. This time, a 200 response is received, indicating success. However, the response is an empty array since no goals have been created yet.

Creating a Goal

To create a goal, the “set goal” function is used. First, it checks if the text field is present. If not, an error is thrown. If it is present, the process continues.

The code then uses the “goal.create” method and passes it an object. In this case, the “text” value is set to the value obtained from the request’s body.

Once the goal is created, it is sent back as a JSON response. The unnecessary code is removed, and only the goal itself is returned.

Setting a Goal Using Postman

To set a goal using Postman, open a new tab and make a POST request to the desired endpoint. In this case, the same endpoint used for the GET request is utilized.

In the body section of the request, select “URL encoded” and add a field named “text”. Assign a value to the text field, such as “my first goal”. Then, send the request.

If the goal is set successfully, a 200 response will be received, confirming the creation of the goal.

The Importance of Goals in MongoDB

In MongoDB, goals are crucial for organizing and managing data effectively. The underscore ID is a field that MongoDB uses to keep track of when a document was created or updated. In this article, we will explore how to create, retrieve, and update goals in MongoDB using JavaScript.

Creating Goals

To create a new goal, we need to send a POST request to the server. We can use the `create` function and pass the necessary data, such as the goal description and any additional details. By making a GET request, we can confirm that the new goal has been successfully created.

Retrieving Goals

Once we have created goals, we need to be able to retrieve them efficiently. To achieve this, we can use the `findByID` function and provide the goal ID as a parameter in the URL. This will allow us to retrieve specific goals based on their unique ID. If the requested goal is not found, an error will be thrown.

Updating Goals

Updating goals is an essential feature in any goal management system. To update a goal, we can use the `update` function and specify the goal ID that needs to be updated. By passing the updated data, we can make changes to the goal’s description, progress, or any other relevant information. Mongoose simplifies the updating process, making it effortless.

Understanding How to Update Data with APIs

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) have become an essential part of modern web development. They allow different software systems to communicate and exchange data effectively. In this article, we will explore how to update data using APIs.

The Basics of Updating Data

When working with APIs, updating data involves sending a PUT request to the appropriate endpoint. The endpoint represents the specific resource you want to update. You also need to provide the unique identifier (ID) of the resource you want to update.

Updating Data with Request Parameters

One common way to update data through APIs is by passing the ID as a request parameter, typically accessed using the `request.params` object. The second argument is the data that needs to be updated, which can be accessed using `request.body`. This could be the new text or any other updated information.

Providing Update Options

When sending the PUT request, it’s often necessary to provide additional options. This is usually done by including an options object as the third argument. One commonly used option is `new`, which is set to `true` to ensure that the system creates the updated resource if it doesn’t already exist.

Testing the Update Functionality

Let’s put the updating process into practice. Open up a new tab and navigate to the endpoint, which in this case is “goals”. Additionally, provide the ID of the goal you want to update. Send a PUT request and specify the updated text in the request body. Upon successfully sending the request, you should receive the updated goal as a response.

Verifying the Update

To confirm that the update was successful, you can revisit the endpoint using a GET request. This will display all the goals, including the updated one. You should see both the original goal and the updated goal listed.

Deleting Data

If you want to delete a specific resource, you can utilize the `remove` method. It’s important to first retrieve the goal using a GET request to locate it. Once you have the goal, you can use the `remove` method to delete it. Take some time to experiment with this feature and try deleting a goal on your own.

By understanding the process of updating data through APIs, you can manipulate and modify information to suit your needs effectively. APIs provide a powerful tool for seamless data management in web development.

Creating a REST API for Goals

So we just need to await goal dot. Remove we don’t even have to assign it to a variable because there’s no reason to save it. It’s not going to be there. I’m sorry remove has to be a function, but what I’m going to return is just an ID.

Returning the ID

Let’s say Id and I’m just going to return that with The reason I’m doing this is for the front end later on, we’re going to need the ID. But that should do it so let’s come over and instead of a put request, let’s delete this second goal. So I’m going to go ahead and send that we get back the ID, but if we go back to our get request and we send, you see, we only have one goal. That was deleted.

Complete CRUD Functionality for the API

So we now have complete CRUD functionality for our API. Now, later on, in the next video, we’re going to create authentication. We’ll create a users model and have a login and a register. So we still have a lot of work to do. Even after that, we’re going to create the front end. Right now, I’m just going to make a git add all and let’s say git commit -m “Initial REST API for goals” or just “REST API for goals”, okay?

Creating a multi-part video series is an effective way to engage your audience, delve into different aspects of a project, and cater to their specific interests. By breaking the content into smaller parts and releasing them gradually, you can maintain viewers’ interest and build anticipation for the next videos. Through this strategy, you can enhance your video retention, watch time, and overall engagement, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of your channel. So, why not start planning your own multi-part video series to captivate and delight your audience?

By understanding the similarities between Redux Toolkit and a support ticket application, you can leverage your previous knowledge to grasp the concepts behind this project. Remember to actively participate in the learning process, exploring the code examples and seeking additional resources when needed. With the foundation gained through this article, you will be well-equipped to dive into building our REST API and progressing further in the project.

Understanding how to communicate with the back-end using REST API is crucial for web developers. By utilizing CRUD operations, front-end applications can seamlessly interact with the server, creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting data as needed. Keep in mind the correct HTTP methods to use for each operation: POST for creating, GET for reading, and PUT for updating, and always ensure to include the necessary endpoint and data in the requests. With this knowledge, developers can build efficient and dynamic web applications.

Congratulations! You have now successfully set up your development environment and created the basic structure for your MERN stack project. In the next steps, you can start building your backend functionality and handle requests. Stay tuned for further tutorials and happy coding!

The goal setter app for YouTube tutorials aims to enhance the learning experience for viewers by providing a tool to track their goals and progress. With the ability to set goals, manage environment variables, and integrate with a database, this app offers a seamless learning experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up and start using the app efficiently. Stay tuned for future updates and additional features that will further enhance the functionality of the goal setter app.

Setting up a node environment correctly is essential for smooth application development and deployment. By properly configuring the environment variables and ports, developers can ensure that their application runs efficiently and can be accessed by users effortlessly. Additionally, leveraging tools like Postman can aid in testing and debugging the server and its routes. So, take the time to set up your node environment properly, and enjoy a seamless development experience.

Organizing your folder structure is a crucial aspect of back-end development. By creating separate routes for each resource and organizing them in a dedicated folder, you can ensure that your codebase remains clean, modular, and easily maintainable. Remember to utilize the Express Router and export it correctly to maximize the benefits of organizing your folder structure. Following these best practices will not only improve your productivity but also make collaboration with other developers easier and more efficient.

By properly structuring and organizing our API routes, we can improve the maintainability and scalability of our JavaScript applications. With just a few lines of code, we can streamline the routing process and ensure that our application handles requests efficiently.

Remember, this is just a basic example to get started with API routing in JavaScript. As your application grows, you may need to add more routes and functionality.

Start implementing this approach in your JavaScript applications and see the difference it makes in terms of code organization and readability. Happy coding!

Using the router dot route function and method chaining in JavaScript allows us to create cleaner and more efficient code when handling routes and HTTP methods. By taking advantage of this approach, we can streamline our codebase, save lines of code, and ensure our web application functions as intended.

Adding data in the body of a request is a crucial aspect of web development. It allows for more complex and structured data to be passed between the client and server. By using the appropriate middleware, such as “body-parser”, developers can easily handle and access the body data in their server-side code. Remember to always consider the appropriate format for your data and handle it correctly to ensure the smooth functioning of your web application.

Proper error handling is crucial in any web application, as it improves user experience and facilitates debugging. By checking for required fields and customizing error messages, we can provide users with the information they need to fix any issues. Express makes it easy to implement custom error handling, allowing us to create a more tailored and user-friendly error experience.

Middleware plays a vital role in Express.js as it allows us to handle errors in a flexible and customizable manner. By creating a custom error handling middleware, we can overwrite the default Express error handler and implement our custom logic. Understanding how to control the status code using the ternary operator ensures that our error responses are accurate and informative. Next time you encounter errors in your Express.js applications, don’t forget to leverage the power of middleware to handle them effectively.

Effectively implementing error handlers in server-side programming is crucial for providing users with meaningful error messages and facilitating troubleshooting. By utilizing the error handler middleware function and customizing the error information based on the application’s environment, we can create a robust error handling mechanism. Incorporating custom error handlers ensures that our server-side applications handle errors gracefully and deliver a better user experience.

Setting up a database is an essential step in developing any application that requires data storage. With MongoDB Atlas or Compass, you have powerful tools at your disposal to create and manage your database efficiently. Whether you are a developer or a data analyst, these tools will ensure your database operations are seamless and secure.

Setting goals and managing them effectively is crucial for personal and professional growth. By creating a dedicated goals collection, connecting to it using Compass, and integrating the connection string into our applications, we can improve our ability to track, monitor, and achieve our goals. Let us strive for success by setting meaningful goals and staying committed to their accomplishment.

Connecting to a MongoDB database using Mongoose is a critical step in building robust Node.js applications. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily establish a secure and reliable connection to your MongoDB database and leverage Mongoose for seamless database operations.

Creating a schema for our goals using Mongoose is a straightforward process. We define the fields of our schema, specify their types and properties, and can even add timestamps for easier tracking. By following these steps, we can ensure that our goals have the necessary structure and are ready for further development.

In MongoDB, goals play a vital role in organizing and managing data effectively. By understanding how to create, retrieve, and update goals, developers can build robust applications that prioritize data management and organization. Utilizing the underscore ID field and the features provided by Mongoose, developers can streamline the process of creating and managing goals in their MongoDB databases.

And I’ll have the code in the description as well. Alright, guys, so that’s it. We have successfully created a REST API for goals. Although there is still more work to be done, we now have the foundation to build upon and add additional features. Stay tuned for the next step in our development process.

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