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Learn The MERN Stack – Redux Goals & Deply

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Table of Contents


In React, it is important to handle component unmounting and perform certain actions before the component is removed from the DOM. This can be achieved using the useEffect hook and returning a cleanup function. In this article, we will explore how to manage component unmounting in React and discuss a practical example.

When developing with React.js, we often run both the express server and the front-end dev server to test our application. However, when it’s time to deploy our app to production, we need to serve the front end through our Node.js server. In this article, we will learn how to set up Express.js to serve the front end in a production environment.

Acknowledgment and Appreciation

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have diligently followed along with the learn.MERN stack series. Your commitment and dedication are truly commendable. Thank you for sticking with me till the end. It’s not often that individuals devote their time to completing an entire series, and I genuinely appreciate your effort. I sincerely hope that you have gained valuable knowledge and learned a great deal throughout this journey.

A Noteworthy Observation

Recently, a keen-eyed viewer brought an interesting point to my attention regarding the backend. Specifically, in the backend code, when we access the authorization header and extract the token by separating it from the bearer token, we then proceed to retrieve the user using the ID stored in the token. We subsequently set this user information in the request object. However, upon examining the user controller function ‘get me’, I stumbled upon a redundant code segment.

Unnecessary Redundancy

In the ‘get me’ function of the user controller, we find that we retrieve the user by their ID once again, even though we had already obtained this information in the middleware. The redundant line of code passes the request.userid to ‘find by id’ function to fetch the user. Upon reflection, I am unsure why I implemented this flow in such a manner. It seems unnecessary and serves no practical purpose, especially considering that we are not even using this redundant call in the frontend.

The Importance of User Authentication

In today’s digital age, user authentication plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and privacy of online platforms. Whether it’s a social media site, a banking application, or an e-commerce platform, user authentication is essential for verifying the identity of users and protecting sensitive information. By implementing proper user authentication mechanisms, online platforms can mitigate the risk of unauthorized access, fraudulent activities, and data breaches.

Streamlining User Authentication Process

When developing a web application or a backend system, it’s pivotal to streamline the user authentication process for a seamless user experience. Oftentimes, developers find themselves repeating unnecessary steps or redundant code, which can hinder efficiency and increase the risk of errors. By optimizing the user authentication process, developers can save time and resources, resulting in a more efficient and secure system.

Eliminating Redundant Code

One common issue in user authentication implementation is the unnecessary retrieval of user information from the database. In the provided text, there are instances where the user’s information is fetched multiple times, even though only the user ID is required. This redundancy not only increases the processing load but also introduces the potential for inconsistencies or errors.

Benefits of Simplifying User Validation

By simplifying the user validation process, developers can improve the performance and security of their applications. Instead of retrieving the entire user object from the database, they can solely rely on the user ID, eliminating unnecessary queries. This approach enhances efficiency, reduces code complexity, and minimizes the risk of data discrepancies.

Enhancing Security Measures

Another advantage of simplifying user authentication is the ability to strengthen security measures. By removing redundant code and unnecessary operations, developers can minimize the attack surface and mitigate the risk of vulnerabilities. Additionally, simplifying the validation process allows developers to focus on implementing essential security measures, such as password hashing, encryption, and two-factor authentication.

Improving User Experience

A seamless and user-friendly experience is crucial for the success of any online platform. By optimizing user authentication, developers can enhance the user experience by reducing latency and eliminating unnecessary steps. When users can effortlessly access their accounts without encountering unnecessary hurdles, they are more likely to engage with the platform and remain loyal users.

The Future of User Authentication

As technology continues to evolve, so does the field of user authentication. Advancements such as biometric authentication, multi-factor authentication, and passwordless login methods are gaining popularity due to their enhanced security and convenience. Developers must stay updated with the latest trends and adopt robust authentication mechanisms to ensure the ongoing security and privacy of their applications.

Importing Packages

In this article, we will learn how to import and use certain packages in React to build a user login functionality. We will be using the “effect” and “navigate” hooks from the React package, as well as the “selector” hook from the React Redux package. These packages will help us navigate and manage state in our application.

Initializing the Hooks

To begin, we need to import the necessary hooks from the React package. We will bring in the “useEffect” hook and the “useNavigate” hook. The “useEffect” hook allows us to perform side effects in our components, while the “useNavigate” hook enables us to navigate to different pages in our application.

Grabbing User Data from State

Next, we need to access the user data from the state to determine if the user is logged in or not. To achieve this, we will import the “useSelector” hook from the React Redux package. This hook requires a function that takes in the state and returns the desired data. In our case, we want to fetch the user data from the “auth” section of the state.

Setting Up the useEffect Hook

Now that we have all the necessary hooks imported, we can create our “useEffect” hook. This hook takes in a function and a dependency array. Inside the function, we will check if there is no user data. If there is no user, we will navigate the user to the login page (“/login”).

Adding Goals to the Global State

If we want to accomplish our goals in our web application, we need to start thinking about how to include them in our global state. To do this, we need to create a separate folder called “goals” under our “features” directory. This is where we will store all the related files for our goals functionality.

Creating the Goals Slice

Inside the “goals” folder, we will create a file called “goalSlice.js”. This file will contain all the necessary code to manage the state related to goals. Similar to what we did with authentication, we will import the necessary functions from the Redux Toolkit and React Redux Toolkit libraries.

Setting up the Initial State

In our “goalSlice.js” file, we will start by defining our initial state. The initial state will be an object that contains an array called “goals”. This array will store all the goals that the user wants to achieve.

Importing Dependencies

Now, we need to import the necessary functions from the Redux Toolkit library and React Redux Toolkit library. We will import the “createSlice” function to create our goals slice, and the “createAsyncThunk” function to handle asynchronous actions related to goals.

Defining the Goals Slice

Using the “createSlice” function, we will define our goals slice. This function takes an object as an argument, with properties such as “name”, “initialState”, and “reducers”. The “name” property will be set to “goals”, as this is the name of our slice. The “initialState” property will be set to the initial state we defined earlier.

Creating Async Thunks

To make our goals functionality more dynamic and interactive, we will create asynchronous thunks. These thunks will handle actions such as fetching goals from a server, adding new goals, updating existing goals, and deleting goals.

Implementing the Goal Service

Just like we did with the authentication functionality, we need to create a service file called “goalService.js” to handle the backend communication for our goals functionality. This file will contain functions such as “getGoals”, “addGoal”, “updateGoal”, and “deleteGoal” that interact with the server.

Creating Redux Slice for Goals

In order to efficiently manage Redux resources, it is important to have a consistent structure. This article will discuss how to create a Redux slice for goals, which includes defining initial state and reducers. By following this approach, you can easily handle success, error, and loading messages for your goals.

Defining the Redux Slice

To start, we need to define the Redux slice for goals. This can be done by creating a new file and exporting a constant called “goalSlice.” This constant will be set to the value returned by the “createSlice” function.

Setting the Name and Initial State

When creating the slice, we need to provide an object that includes the name of the slice and the initial state. For our goals slice, we will set the name as “goal” and the initial state can be an empty array.

Implementing Reducers

The reducers are responsible for updating the state in response to dispatched actions. In our case, we only need one reducer called “reset.” This reducer will reset the goals array to an empty state.

In order to achieve this, we can create a function that takes in the state as an argument. Instead of manually setting each value in the state, we can simply set it to the initial state. By dispatching this reset function, all the values in the state will be reset to their initial values.

It is worth noting that we chose to implement the reset function in the goals slice rather than the user slice because the user information needs to persist throughout the application. We only want to reset the loading, success, and error messages for goals.

Create Components

To start dealing with our goals, we need to create the necessary components. Let’s create the reset component and export it from the slice actions. This can be done by setting export const reset = goalSlice.actions. Additionally, we need to export the reducer itself as the default export, which can be done with export default goalSlice.reducer. Once these components are created, we can add them to our store by modifying the app store js file.

Update the Store

In the app store js file, copy the code for the goalSlice and place it under the goal folder. Rename the code to goalReducer. , add the goalReducer to the store by assigning it to the goal property.

Modify the Dashboard

In the dashboard component’s JSX code, remove the div element and replace it with an empty fragment. Inside the fragment, add a section tag with the class of heading. Within the section tag, include an h1 element that displays a welcome message and has access to the user information.

By following these steps, you will be able to create the necessary components, update the store, and modify the dashboard to display the desired content.

The Importance of Setting Goals


Setting goals is essential for personal and professional development. It provides a focus and direction to help individuals achieve their desired outcomes. Whether it’s in business, education, or personal growth, goal-setting plays a crucial role in success.

The Goal Setting Process

Goal setting involves a systematic process of defining objectives, creating action plans, and evaluating progress. It begins by identifying specific and measurable targets, which serve as benchmarks for success. These goals need to be realistic and attainable within a given timeframe.

The Role of Accountability

Accountability plays a vital role in goal achievement. By holding oneself accountable or seeking external accountability partners, individuals are more likely to stay motivated and committed to their goals. Regular check-ins, progress assessments, and feedback enhance accountability and increase the chances of success.

Utilizing Technology for Goal Tracking

In today’s digital age, technology offers numerous tools and applications to help individuals track their progress towards their goals. From fitness trackers to goal-setting apps, technology can provide real-time updates and reminders to keep individuals on track. These tools can also provide data and insights that enable individuals to make informed decisions and adjustments.

The Challenges and Benefits of Setting Goals

While goal-setting has many benefits, it is not without its challenges. Setting unrealistic goals can lead to frustration and disappointment. It is crucial to set goals that are challenging yet attainable. Additionally, staying focused and motivated throughout the process can be challenging. However, the benefits of setting goals far outweigh the difficulties. Goals provide clarity, motivation, and a sense of purpose. They help individuals prioritize their actions and make progress towards their desired outcomes.

Setting goals is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth. It allows individuals to define their aspirations, create actionable plans, and stay motivated. By leveraging accountability and utilizing technology, individuals can track their progress and make adjustments as needed. Despite the challenges, goal-setting provides numerous benefits and is a valuable practice for anyone seeking to achieve their desired outcomes.

The Importance of Form Fields in Web Development

Forms are an integral part of web development as they allow users to input and submit data. In this article, we will focus on the significance of form fields and how they contribute to the overall functionality of a web page.

The Text Field: A Versatile Input Option

One of the most commonly used form fields is the text field. It allows users to enter and edit text-based information, making it an essential component for various types of forms.

Creating a Text Field in HTML

To create a text field in HTML, you need to wrap it within the necessary tags. In this case, we will use the <input> tag with the type attribute set to “text”.

Adding State to the Text Field

In order to maintain and update the value entered in the text field, we need to add state to it. This can be achieved using JavaScript and React. By creating a state variable, we can store the text entered by the user and update it as needed.

Handling User Input with onChange

To capture the user’s input in real-time, we need to add an onChange event to the text field. This event will trigger a function that updates the state value based on the text entered by the user. By utilizing the event object and accessing the target.value, we can retrieve and set the input value accordingly.

Enhancing User Experience with Submit Buttons

Once the user has entered the desired information in the text field, they will need a way to submit the form. This is where the submit button comes into play. By including a submit button within the form, users can easily submit their input and trigger the desired action.

The Importance of Goal Setting and Achieving Success

Setting goals is an integral part of personal and professional growth. Whether it’s in your career, education, or personal life, having clear objectives can help you stay focused, motivated, and ultimately achieve success. In this article, we’ll explore the key benefits of goal setting and provide practical tips for effectively reaching your goals.

Why Goal Setting Matters

Setting goals gives you a sense of direction and purpose. It allows you to identify what you truly want to achieve and helps you prioritize your actions and efforts. Without clear goals, you may find yourself drifting aimlessly, never really making progress towards your aspirations.

Another advantage of goal setting is that it helps you stay motivated. When you have a specific objective in mind, you are more likely to push yourself to work harder and overcome obstacles. It provides a framework to measure your progress and celebrate achievements along the way, keeping your spirits high and driving you forward.

Tips for Effective Goal Setting

1. Be Specific: Avoid setting vague or generalized goals. Instead, make them specific and measurable. For example, rather than saying “I want to be healthier,” set a goal like “I will exercise for at least 30 minutes, five days a week.”

2. Set Realistic Goals: While it’s important to challenge yourself, setting unrealistic goals can discourage and demotivate you. Ensure that your goals are attainable within a reasonable timeframe and align with your abilities and resources.

3. Break It Down: Large goals can feel overwhelming and might discourage you from taking any action. Break your goals into smaller, manageable tasks or milestones. This will make them less daunting and help you track your progress more effectively.

4. Write it Down: Documenting your goals provides clarity and makes them feel more tangible. Write them down on paper or use a digital tool to keep track of your objectives and update them as needed.

The Power of Accountability

Sharing your goals with others or having an accountability partner can significantly improve your chances of success. When you have someone holding you accountable, you are more likely to stay committed and follow through on your actions. Consider joining a support group, finding a mentor, or partnering with a like-minded individual to hold each other accountable.

Overcoming Obstacles and Celebrating Success

Goal achievement is rarely a smooth journey. There will be obstacles, setbacks, and moments of self-doubt along the way. It’s essential to remain resilient and keep pushing forward, even when faced with challenges. Use setbacks as learning opportunities, reassess your strategy if needed, and stay determined to reach your goals.

Don’t forget to celebrate your milestones and accomplishments. Recognize the progress you’ve made, reward yourself for your hard work, and use these moments of celebration to fuel your motivation for further success.

Creating Thunk Functions in JavaScript

In JavaScript, thunk functions are often used to handle asynchronous actions in Redux. Thunk functions allow us to perform actions that require data from an external source, such as an API, and then dispatch the results to Redux. In this article, we will explore how to create a thunk function for creating a goal in a Redux slice.

Defining the Create Goal Thunk Function

To begin, let’s define our create goal thunk function. We will place this function above the creation of the Redux slice. The function will be exported so that it can be used outside of the slice. Here is the code:


Export const createGoal = createAsyncThunk(


Async (goalData, thunkAPI) => {

// Code to create the goal




The createAsyncThunk function is provided by the Redux Toolkit. It takes two arguments: the action name and an async function. In our case, the action name is ‘goals/create’. The async function takes in the goal data as a parameter and also has access to the thunk API.

Handling Errors

Just like in other slices, we will use a try-catch block to handle errors that may occur during the creation of a goal. We can refer to the error handling code in our user slice as a reference. Let’s include that code in our create goal thunk function:


Export const createGoal = createAsyncThunk(


Async (goalData, thunkAPI) => {

Try {

// Code to create the goal

} catch (error) {

Const { message, rejectWithValue } = thunkAPI

Return rejectWithValue(message)





By using the rejectWithValue function provided by the thunk API, we can return the error message to the Redux store.

Calling an External Service

To actually create the goal, we will need to call an external service. Let’s assume we have a goal service that contains a createGoal function. This function would make an API request to create the goal. However, since this route is protected, we need to include the user’s token in the request.

You can refer to the authentication (auth) slice to see how a token is added to API requests. We need to import the goal service and call the createGoal function within the try block of our thunk.


Import { goalService } from ‘./goalService’;

Export const createGoal = createAsyncThunk(


Async (goalData, thunkAPI) => {

Try {

// Call the createGoal function from goalService

Const response = await goalService.createGoal(goalData, thunkAPI.getState().auth.token);

// Dispatch the result to Redux


} catch (error) {

Const { message, rejectWithValue } = thunkAPI

Return rejectWithValue(message)





By passing in the goal data and the user’s token to the createGoal function, we can successfully create the goal and dispatch the result to Redux.

Thunk functions are a powerful tool for handling asynchronous actions in Redux. By creating a thunk function to handle the creation of a goal, we can easily integrate external services and handle errors in case anything goes wrong

How to Create and Pass Tokens in a Goal Service

In this article, we will discuss the process of creating and passing tokens in a goal service. This will involve retrieving the token from local storage and the user state, and then using it for authentication purposes. Let’s dive in!

Retrieving the Token from Local Storage

To begin, we need to retrieve the token from local storage. This can be done by accessing the thunk API object and using its get state method. We will then navigate to the auth section of the state and retrieve the token from the user object within it. This provides a simple way to obtain the token needed for authentication.

Passing the Token to the Goal Service

Once we have the token, we can pass it to the goal service for authentication purposes. In the goal service, we import the axios library, similar to how we did it in the auth service. After that, we create an API URL specific to the goals section of our state, which is typically /api/goals. This URL will be used for making requests related to goals.

How to Make a Post Request with Axios

Creating a New Goal

To create a new goal using Axios, we first need to define a function that will handle the creation process. We will call this function “createGoal” and it will be an asynchronous function.

Setting the Headers

In order to make the post request, we need to set the headers of our request. To do this, we will create an object called “config” with a property called “headers”. The value of the “headers” property will be another object. In this object, we will set the “authorization” header to our token. However, since we want to send it as a bearer token, we need to format it correctly. To achieve this, we will use backticks to wrap the token value preceded by “bearer “.

Sending the Request

Now that we have set the headers, we can send our post request using Axios. We will create a variable called “response” to store the response from the API. To make the post request, we will use the “” method and pass in the URL of the API, our goal data, and the config object that contains the headers.

Retrieving the Response

After sending the request, we will await the response from the API. Once we receive the response, we can access the data by using the “” property. , we will return the retrieved data.

By following these steps, you can easily make a post request using Axios and retrieve the response data. Just make sure to set the headers correctly, including the authorization token formatted as a bearer token.

The Goal Service: Exporting and Using the Extra Reducer

When it comes to exporting the goal service, there are a few steps we need to take. First, we need to declare a constant variable called “goal service” and set it equal to an object. Then, we want to pass in the function “create goal” as a parameter. , we can export the goal service as the default export.

Adding the Extra Reducer Function

Before we can test our goal service, we need to add the extra reducer function. In our goal slice, we can scroll down and locate the section where we add our extra reducers. Here, we need to define a function called “extra reducers” that takes in a builder. Inside this function, we can call the builder and add a case for the pending action, specifically for the “create goal” function. We can set the state.loading property to true in this case.

Handling the Fulfilled Action

In addition to the pending action, we also need to handle the fulfilled action. To do this, we can add another case for the “create goal” function, this time for the fulfilled action. In this case, we need to pass in the state and the action as parameters. As for what we want to do, we simply need to set the state.loading property back to false.

By adding these extra reducers, we can handle the loading state and update it accordingly when the “create goal” function is invoked. This allows us to provide a smooth user experience while the goal is being created.

How Redux Toolkit Makes State Management Easier

State management is a crucial aspect of any JavaScript application. With Redux Toolkit, managing state becomes much simpler and more efficient. In this article, we will explore how Redux Toolkit provides helpful tools and features that streamline the management of state in your application.

The Power of Redux Toolkit

One of the key advantages of Redux Toolkit is how it simplifies state updates. With Redux Toolkit, you can easily set the state to a desired value using the “set” operation. For example, if you want to set the state to true, you can simply use the code snippet “ = true”. This intuitive syntax makes it easy to update state values in a clean and concise manner.

Adding Goals with Redux Toolkit

In addition to state updates, Redux Toolkit also provides helpful functions for manipulating state arrays. One such function is “push”. The “push” function allows you to add new items to an array in the state. In the case of goals, you can use the code snippet “state.goals.push(action.payload)” to add a new goal to the goals array. This feature not only simplifies the process of adding goals, but also ensures that the state remains immutable.

Handling Rejected Actions

Another useful feature of Redux Toolkit is its ability to handle rejected actions. When an action is rejected, which could happen due to an error or any other reasons, Redux Toolkit allows you to define specific actions to handle these situations. For example, if an action is rejected, you can use the code snippet “state.isError = true” to set the isError value to true in the state. Additionally, you can set the error message using “state.message = action.payload”. This way, you can easily handle and display error messages based on the rejected action.

Integrating External Services

Redux Toolkit also offers seamless integration with external services. In order to use a service, such as a goal service, you need to import it into your Redux Toolkit setup. This allows you to leverage the power of external services while still benefiting from Redux Toolkit’s simplified state management. By integrating external services, you can ensure that your application remains efficient, while also taking advantage of the comprehensive state management capabilities provided by Redux Toolkit.

Creating and Checking Goals

Creating goals is an essential part of any project, but what happens after we create them? In this article, we will explore how to check and retrieve goals using a database.

Add a New Goal

To begin, let’s add a new goal to our project. Even though there may already be existing goals, let’s move forward and see what happens. By adding a new goal, we can check if it is successfully created and stored.

Checking the Database

After adding the new goal, let’s check the database to ensure it has been correctly saved. By accessing the array of goals, we can see if our goal has been added. It is important to note that we might not be able to see the goal’s ID at this point, as it has not been implemented yet. Reloading the page will result in an empty array again, as we have not set up the functionality to fetch the goals.

Retrieving Goals

To retrieve goals and make them persist in the frontend, we need to create another function. This function will be responsible for fetching the goals when the page loads. Let’s go to our slice and create a function called “get goals”. We will export this function as “getGoals” and use the “createAsyncThunk” method.

By implementing this function, we can ensure that the goals are fetched and displayed every time the page is loaded. This allows for a seamless user experience and ensures that the goals are always up-to-date.

Creating goals is just one step in the process. Checking and retrieving these goals is equally important to ensure the success of our project. Implementing the necessary functions and utilizing the database will allow us to seamlessly manage and track our goals.

The Importance of Setting Goals

Setting goals is an essential part of personal and professional growth. It allows individuals to have a clear direction and purpose in life, as well as motivate them to strive for success. In this article, we will discuss the significance of setting goals and how they can positively impact our lives.

The Process of Goal Setting

Goal setting involves the identification of specific objectives and the creation of a plan to achieve them. It requires individuals to have a clear understanding of what they want to accomplish and what steps they need to take to get there. By breaking down big goals into smaller, manageable tasks, individuals can track their progress and stay motivated throughout the process.

Goals and Personal Development

Setting goals is crucial for personal development. It allows individuals to identify areas that they want to improve in and take actionable steps towards self-improvement. Whether it’s improving physical health, learning new skills, or cultivating healthy relationships, setting goals provides individuals with a roadmap for personal growth.

Goals and Professional Success

In a professional setting, setting goals is equally important. It helps employees and organizations align their efforts towards achieving a common objective. By setting SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound), individuals can enhance their productivity, performance, and overall job satisfaction. Goals provide individuals with a sense of purpose and give them something to work towards.

Staying Motivated and Overcoming Challenges

While setting goals is essential, staying motivated and overcoming challenges are equally crucial. It’s important to set realistic goals that are both challenging and attainable. Additionally, individuals should regularly review and assess their progress and make necessary adjustments to their plans. By staying focused, motivated, and adaptable, individuals can overcome obstacles and ultimately achieve their desired outcomes.

The Importance of Configuring Authorization Headers

In any programming project, it is crucial to ensure that authorization and authentication are properly set up. One common method of handling authorization is by using authorization headers. In this article, we will explore the significance of configuring authorization headers and how to implement them effectively.

Setting up Authorization Headers

When setting up authorization headers, it is important to make sure that the necessary configuration is in place. This typically involves providing a token in the header to authenticate the user. By including the token in the authorization header, the server can verify the user’s identity and grant access to the requested resources.

Implementing Authorization Headers in API Requests

To implement authorization headers in API requests, we need to include the necessary code to pass the token as part of the request. One way to achieve this is by using the “Authorization” header field with the value being the token. This can typically be done using libraries or frameworks specific to the programming language or platform being used.

Handling Authorization Headers in a Redux Slice

If you are using Redux as the state management system in your application, it is important to handle the authorization headers in the Redux slice responsible for making API calls. This can be done by including the token in the configuration object passed to the API call function.

Handling Authorization Headers in Reducers

In addition to handling authorization headers in the API call function, it is also important to handle them in the reducers. This involves updating the state based on the different stages of the API call, such as pending, fulfilled, and rejected. By updating the state accordingly, it becomes easier to manage the loading state and display relevant information to the user.

Utilizing Authorization Headers in the Dashboard

Once the authorization headers are properly set up and handled in the Redux slice, they can be utilized in the components, such as the dashboard. Here, the use of selectors and dispatch functions becomes crucial. By utilizing the useSelector hook, the relevant data from the state can be accessed, while the useDispatch hook allows for dispatching actions, such as retrieving goals.

Adding a Spinner for a Better User Experience

To enhance the user experience, it is advisable to include a spinner or loading indicator while the API call is in progress. This can be achieved by importing a spinner component and conditionally rendering it based on the loading state in the Redux slice. By providing feedback to the user, they can be informed about the ongoing process and prevent any confusion or frustration.

Exploring Components and Spinner

When it comes to building applications, components play a crucial role in creating a smooth and interactive user experience. One such component is the spinner, which can be used to indicate loading or processing tasks. In this article, we will delve into the world of components and spinners, and how they can enhance your application.

Initializing Dispatch

Before we dive into the components and spinner, let’s begin by initializing our dispatch. Dispatch is a function that allows us to send actions to the store in order to update the state. To initialize dispatch, we can simply set it to useDispatch().

Moving on to the state, previously we were dealing with the user part of the state. However, now we will be focusing on the goals part. To access the goals from the state, we can use the useSelector() hook. We can create a constant called ‘goals’ and assign it the value returned by useSelector().

Handling Loading and Error

In addition to accessing the goals, we may also want to handle loading and error states. To do this, we can create two more constants: ‘isLoading’ and ‘isError’. These can be obtained using the useSelector() hook as well. However, this time we need to pass in a function that takes in the ‘state’ parameter. Within this function, we can specify that we want to access the goals state by using ‘state.goals’ instead of ‘state.auth’.

Now, let’s move on to the useEffect() hook. Here, we can check for any errors by using an ‘if’ statement to check if ‘isError’ is true. If there is an error, we can log the error message to the console. To dispatch our ‘getGoals’ action, we can simply call the dispatch function and pass in our action.

Resetting State on Unmount

It is important to maintain a clean state when navigating between different parts of our application. In this case, when leaving the dashboard, we want the goals to be cleared. To achieve this, we can implement a cleanup function in the useEffect() hook. This function will be called when the component unmounts, allowing us to reset the goals state.

By understanding the concepts of components and spinners, and implementing them effectively in our application, we can greatly enhance the user experience. From initializing dispatch and accessing state, to handling loading and error states, and even resetting state on unmount, these techniques will help us create a seamless and efficient application. So let’s get started and take our application to the next level!

How to Manage Component Unmounting in React

Returning from the useEffect Hook

To perform actions when a component is unmounted, we can simply return a function from the useEffect hook. This function acts as a cleanup mechanism and will be called when the component is about to be removed. Let’s take a look at an example:


UseEffect(() => {

Return () => {

// Cleanup logic goes here


}, []);


In the example above, the cleanup logic can be added inside the returned function. This logic will be executed when the component is unmounted.

Dispatching Actions on Unmount

In some cases, you may want to dispatch certain actions before a component is unmounted. This can be useful for resetting state or performing other cleanup operations. Let’s see an example of how to dispatch actions on unmount.

First, we need to import the necessary functions. In this case, let’s assume we have two functions, `getGoals` and `reset`, which are located in our slice file. We can import these functions as follows:


Import { getGoals, reset } from ‘features/goals/ourGoalSlice’;


Once we have imported the necessary functions, we can use them inside the cleanup function of the useEffect hook. Here’s an example:


UseEffect(() => {

Return () => {




}, []);


In the example above, the `reset` and `getGoals` functions are dispatched when the component is about to be unmounted. This allows us to reset the state and fetch goals again if necessary.

Checking for Loading State

In some cases, it may be necessary to show a loading spinner while the component is unmounting. To achieve this, we can check for the loading state and conditionally render a spinner component. Here’s an example:


If (isLoading) {

Return ;



In the example above, the loading state is checked before returning any content. If the loading state is true, we render a spinner component.

The Importance of Setting Goals

Customizing Goals for Different Users

Setting goals is an essential aspect of personal and professional growth. By defining specific objectives, individuals can chart their progress and work towards achieving them. However, when using online platforms or applications, it becomes crucial to personalize goals for different users. This ensures that each user’s goals are unique and tailored to their specific needs and aspirations.

Differentiating Goals for Different Users

When logging in as a different user, it is important to ensure that the goals displayed are specific to that user. By logging out and logging in as “John at Gmail,” for example, the goals presented will reflect John’s objectives and not those of another user. This customization allows users to have a personalized experience and focus on their individual goals.

Showcasing Goals on the Screen

To display the goals on the screen, the application needs to fetch the relevant information from the user’s state. By accessing the state, the application can retrieve the goals associated with the logged-in user. A section on the screen, labeled “Content,” can then be created to showcase these goals.

Differentiating Between Existing and Non-existent Goals

To determine whether goals exist or not, a conditional expression can be utilized. If the length of the goals is greater than zero, indicating the presence of goals, the application can display the respective information. On the other hand, if no goals are found, a statement such as “You have not set any goals” can be shown to prompt the user to establish their objectives.

Displaying Goals with a Component

For each goal within the list of goals, a goal item component can be generated. This component will have a unique key, typically the goal’s ID, to differentiate it from other goals. Additionally, the component will display the specific goal for easy reference. By mapping through the goals and creating these goal item components, the application can effectively showcase all the user’s goals on the screen.

Personalizing goals for different users is essential to provide a tailored experience and focus on individual progress. By customizing the goals based on user logins, displaying them on the screen, and utilizing components for easy visualization, applications can enhance the goal-setting journey for their users.

Creating a Goal Item Component

In order to display our goals in our application, we need to create a GoalItem component. This component will take in some props and will be responsible for displaying the goal’s date and text. To start, we will create a new file called goal-item.jsx in the components folder.

Displaying the Date

Inside the GoalItem component, we will first create a div element with the class name of “goal”. This div will contain another div where we will display the goal’s date. To do this, we will use curly braces to access the created_at property from the goal object. We will then format the date using the toLocaleString() method and pass in the desired formatting, such as “en-US”.

Displaying the Goal Text

After displaying the date, we will add an h2 element to display the text of the goal. We can access the goal’s text property by using the dot notation and passing in “goal.text”.

Importing the GoalItem Component

Next, we need to import the GoalItem component into the dashboard file where we want to display the goals. We can do this by copying the import statement for the goal.jsx component and changing the name to GoalItem. This will allow us to use the GoalItem component and pass in the necessary props to display the goals in the desired format.

Deleting Goals

In order to allow users to delete goals, we will need to add a button to the GoalItem component. This button can be styled and positioned according to your design preferences. We can then add an onClick event listener to the button and handle the logic for deleting the goal in the parent component.

The Importance of Adding a Delete Button to Your Goal Item

When designing a goal item in your application, it is crucial to include a delete button. With this button, users will be able to easily remove goals that they no longer wish to pursue or track. In this article, we will discuss the importance of adding a delete button and how to implement it effectively.

Adding the Delete Button

To add the delete button to your goal item, simply insert a button element within the h2 tag. Give the button a class name, such as “close”, and provide a visual indicator, like an ‘x’, to represent the delete action. You can also use icons or other symbols to enhance the user experience.

Implementing the Delete Functionality

In order to make the delete button functional, you need to create a delete goal function within your slice. This function should handle the request to delete the goal from the backend. To initiate the delete request, dispatch the delete goal function when the delete button is clicked. Pass in the unique identifier of the goal (e.g., as an argument to the function.

Before implementing the delete functionality, make sure to import the necessary dependencies. Use the “useDispatch” hook from the react-redux library to access the dispatch function. Additionally, import the delete goal function from your goal slice, located in your “features/goals” directory.

Preliminary Code

Although the delete goal function hasn’t been created yet, you can add a placeholder code to demonstrate how the dispatch should work. Inside the onClick event handler of the delete button, dispatch the delete goal function and pass in the goal’s unique identifier as an argument.

At this point, there may be some errors appearing due to the missing code. To fix this, navigate to your goal slice and locate the appropriate section where the delete goal functionality should be implemented. This is where the actual delete request to the backend will occur.

With the delete button and the preliminary code in place, you are well on your way to enabling users to delete goals from your application effortlessly. Remember to implement the delete goal function properly in your goal slice to ensure seamless functionality.

The Importance of Creating a Thunk Function

In order to delete a goal efficiently, it is necessary to create and implement a thunk function. By utilizing this function, we can effectively remove any desired goal from our system. Let’s take a closer look at how this can be accomplished.

Creating the Delete Function

The first step in creating the thunk function is to establish the delete goal functionality. This can be done by copying and modifying an existing function that creates a goal. By modifying this function, we can repurpose it to delete goals instead.

Updating the Function Parameters

After copying the create goal function, we need to make a few changes in order to properly delete a goal. Firstly, we need to update the function name to ‘delete user goal’ and change the necessary references from ‘user goal’ to ‘goal’. Additionally, the only input required for this function is the goal’s ID. We will still need to obtain a token for authorization purposes, similarly to how it is done in the create goal function.

Implementing the Delete Function

Now that we have our function set up, it is time to make the request to delete the goal. To do this, we can use the ‘delete’ method provided by our API. We will need to define a ‘delete goal’ function in our goal service, which accepts the goal’s ID as well as the token for authentication. Using the provided ID, we can make a delete request to the designated API URL.

Making the Request

In order to properly send the delete request, we need to set up the necessary configuration and headers. This can be achieved by referencing a previously defined ‘config’ and ‘headers’ object. Additionally, we should append the goal’s ID to the API URL using the ‘goal id’ parameter.

Returning the Results

Once the delete request is completed, the function should return the data received as a response. This can be done by utilizing the ‘return’ keyword and specifying the retrieved data. After exporting the ‘delete goal’ function, we will be able to handle it properly within our system.

Handling the Delete Goal Function

We need to handle the ‘delete goal’ function within our system. To accomplish this, we can simply copy the existing code that handles the ‘get goals’ function and modify it accordingly. By replacing the function name references and updating the desired action from ‘get goals’ to ‘delete goal’, we can effectively handle the deletion process.

Improving UI Update for Deleted Goals in our Backend

When working with our backend, we often encounter situations where we need to update the UI based on actions such as deleting a goal. However, there is an issue that prevents the UI from reflecting the deletion immediately, requiring a page reload. In this article, we will discuss how to address this problem and ensure a smooth user experience.

Understanding the Problem

Before diving into the solution, let’s first understand the problem at hand. Currently, when a delete request is made to our backend, it simply returns the ID of the deleted goal. This means that the UI does not receive any explicit information about the deletion and continues to display the deleted goal until a page refresh is performed.

Updating the State

In order to resolve this issue, we need to make changes to the way we handle the response from the backend. Instead of directly setting the state to the action payload, we will modify it to include the logic of filtering out the deleted goal.

To achieve this, we will set the state to “state.goals” and then apply a filter. This filter function will iterate over each goal and check if the goal’s ID is not equal to the ID of the deleted goal we received from the server. By doing so, we effectively remove the deleted goal from the UI, ensuring it disappears immediately.

Implementing the Filter

To implement the filter, we can use the filter function available in most programming languages. It takes in a callback function that defines the filtering logic. In our case, we will iterate over each goal using a for-each loop and compare the goal’s ID with the ID of the deleted goal.

We can define the callback function as follows:

Function filterDeletedGoal(goal) {

Return goal._id !==;


Here, “goal._id” refers to the ID of the current goal being iterated, and “” represents the ID of the deleted goal. We want to keep only those goals where their ID is not equal to the deleted goal’s ID.

Applying this filter to our state.goals will ensure that the UI updates immediately after a goal is deleted, providing an efficient and seamless user experience.

Deploying the Application

To deploy the application, we need to take a few steps. The first thing we need to do is stop the server from running. Currently, we have been using the command “npm run dev” to run both the back end and front end of the application simultaneously.

Choosing a Deployment Platform

There are numerous platforms available for deploying applications. One popular option is Heroku, which is ideal for smaller projects as it does not require setting up complex configurations like engine x. However, there are also other platforms available depending on your needs.

Changing the Title

Before deploying, let’s make a small change to the title of the application. We can do this by modifying the HTML file in the front end. Let’s change the title to “Goal Setter App” to make it more descriptive and catchy.

Preparing for Deployment

Now that we have made the necessary changes, we can proceed with the deployment process. The first step is to make sure all necessary files and configurations are in place. This includes checking that all dependencies are installed and any environment variables are set correctly.

Deploying to Heroku

Since we have chosen Heroku as our deployment platform, we need to ensure we have a Heroku account set up. Once that is done, we can follow the Heroku documentation to create a new Heroku app and connect it to our code repository.

Deploying the Application

After setting up the Heroku app, we can deploy the application by pushing our code to the Heroku remote repository. We can use Git commands to do this, such as “git push heroku master”.

Monitoring the Deployment

During the deployment process, it is essential to monitor the logs and any error messages that may arise. This will help identify and resolve any issues that might occur during the deployment process.

Testing the Deployed Application

Once the deployment is complete, we can visit the URL provided by Heroku to access the deployed application. It is crucial to thoroughly test the application to ensure all functionalities are working as expected.

How to Serve a Front End in Production using Express.js

Building the Front End

To serve the front end with Express.js, we first need to build our React application. If you are familiar with React, you know that running “npm run build” generates a build folder containing all the necessary static assets. We will point our Express server to this build folder to serve our front end.

Updating the Server.js File

Now, let’s open our server.js file, where we have our Express server set up. To serve the front end, we need to add a new route under our existing API routes. We’ll call this route “/serve-frontend”.

Checking for Production Environment

Before serving the front end, it’s important to make sure we are in a production environment. We can do this by checking the value of the “process.env.NODE_ENV” variable. If it’s equal to “production”, we can proceed with serving the front end.


Const path = require(‘path’);


First, we need to import the “path” module, which is a core package in Node.js. This module will help us navigate to the build folder.

Setting the Static Folder

To serve the front end, we need to set the static folder in Express.js. In our case, the static folder is the “build” folder of our React application.


App.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, ‘build’)));


Using the “express.static” middleware, we set the static folder to be the build folder. The “path.join(__dirname, ‘build’)” statement combines the current directory with the “build” folder path.

Serving the Front End

To serve the front end, we can create a catch-all route that handles any incoming request and returns the index.html file from the build folder.


App.get(‘*’, (req, res) => {

Res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, ‘build’, ‘index.html’));



This route listens for any URL and sends back the index.html file from the build folder. When a user visits our application, they will be served the front end and all the necessary static assets.

Setting up a Static Folder with Express.js

When building a web application with Express.js, it is crucial to set up a static folder where our assets will be stored. In this article, we will learn how to configure a static folder using Express.js and serve the index.html file for any route aside from our API routes. Let’s dive in!

Configuring the Static Folder

To set up a static folder in Express.js, we need to use the express.static middleware. This middleware takes the location of our static folder as an argument, which in our case will be in the frontend/build directory.

The Path Module

In order to specify the location of our static folder, we will be utilizing the path module. The path.join method allows us to construct the path to our static folder using the current directory and the desired folder location.

Defining the Static Folder Location

Let’s take a look at the code snippet below to understand how to configure the static folder:

App.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, ‘../frontend/build’)));

Serving the Index.html File

Now that our static folder is set up, we need to ensure that any route aside from our API routes points to the index.html file located in the build folder. To achieve this, we will use the res.sendFile method.

Handling Non-API Routes

Take a look at the following code snippet, where we handle any non-API route:

App.get(‘*’, (req, res) => {

Res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, ‘../frontend/build/index.html’));


The Importance of Resolving Method

Resolving method is a crucial step in any development process. It allows programmers to efficiently navigate through different directories and access specific files or resources. By understanding how to resolve methods properly, developers can ensure smooth and error-free deployment of their applications. In this article, we will explore the steps involved in resolving a method and highlight its significance in the development workflow.

Resolving the Method

Before diving into the details, let’s break down the process of resolving a method step by step. First, we need to pass in the double underscore “dur” name. This helps specify the duration or time frame for the method to execute. Then, we have to go up one level by using the dot, dot, slash notation.

Accessing the Front-End

Once we successfully navigate up one level, it’s time to enter the front end directory. We can achieve this by typing “front end” followed by a comma. This step is crucial for accessing all the necessary files required for displaying the user interface.

Building the Index.html

After getting into the front-end folder, we need to navigate further into the “build” directory. To do this, simply use the comma symbol and add “build” after it. This step is essential as it allows us to access the index.html file, which is responsible for defining the structure and content of the application.

Deployment and Production

Once we have successfully resolved the method and accessed the index.html file, we are ready to deploy our application. One popular method of deployment is using Heroku. However, before deployment, we need to ensure that the application is running in a production environment.

To achieve this, we can modify the environment file by changing the value of “dot, env” to “production.” This modification enables the application to run as if it were live and provides us with an accurate representation of the production version.

If the application is running in the production environment, we can further enhance it by adding an “if-else” statement. Within the “else” statement, we can include an app.get function that handles the route ‘/’ (slash). By doing so, we can display a message to the user, prompting them to set the application to the production mode for optimal performance.

How to Deploy Your React Application on Heroku

Deploying a React application on Heroku can seem like a daunting task, but with the right guidance, it can be a breeze. In this article, we will walk you through the steps of deploying your React application on Heroku, so you can showcase your hard work to the world.

Setting Up your Development Environment

Before we dive into the deployment process, let’s make sure that our development environment is set up correctly. Ensure that you have the necessary dependencies installed, and that you have executed the npm run build command in your React project’s root directory. This will create the essential build folder that Heroku requires for deployment.

Creating a Heroku Account

In order to deploy your application on Heroku, you’ll need to create a Heroku account if you don’t already have one. Creating an account is a straightforward process, and once you’re set up, you’ll have access to a dashboard displaying all of your Heroku apps.

Deploying Your React Application

Now that you have your development environment ready and your Heroku account in place, it’s time to deploy your React application. Start by logging in to your Heroku account and navigating to the dashboard. Here, you will find an option to create a new app. Click on it and follow the prompts to set up your app.

Once your app is created, you can connect it to your GitHub repository containing your React application’s code. This allows Heroku to automatically build and deploy your application whenever changes are pushed to the repository.

Configuring Automatic Deployments

In order to automate the deployment process, we need to configure automatic deployments from our GitHub repository to Heroku. Within your Heroku app’s settings, navigate to the “Deployment” section and find the option to connect to GitHub. Select your repository and choose the branch that you want to deploy.

After connecting your repository, you can enable automatic deployments. This means that whenever you push new changes to your chosen branch on GitHub, Heroku will automatically rebuild and redeploy your React application.

Verifying Your Deployment

Once the automatic deployment is enabled, you can verify that your React application is successfully deployed on Heroku. Open your app’s URL, which is usually in the format , and ensure that your application is running smoothly in the production environment.

You can also inspect the page source to confirm that the production build of React is being used. If all looks well, congratulations! Your React application is now live on Heroku.

How to Install Heroku CLI

To get started with Heroku, the first step is to install the Heroku CLI (Command Line Interface) on your machine. The installation process is straightforward and can be done in a few simple steps.

Installing Heroku CLI on Mac

If you are using a Mac, you can use Homebrew to install the Heroku CLI. Simply open your terminal and enter the following command:


Brew install heroku


Once the installation is complete, you can verify it by running:


Heroku –version


The terminal should display the Heroku CLI version, indicating that the installation was successful.

Installing Heroku CLI on Windows

For Windows users, the Heroku CLI can be installed using the installer. You can download it from the official Heroku website and follow the installation instructions provided. After the installation is complete, open your command prompt and type the following command to check the version:


Heroku –version


If the command returns the Heroku CLI version, you can proceed to the next steps.

Creating a Heroku App

Now that you have successfully installed the Heroku CLI, it’s time to create your first Heroku app. The app name needs to be unique, so make sure to choose a name that hasn’t been taken by someone else.

To create a Heroku app, open your command prompt or terminal and enter the following command:


Heroku create your-app-name


Replace “your-app-name” with the desired name for your app. Once the creation process is complete, Heroku will provide you with a URL to access your app.

Accessing Your Heroku App

You can access your Heroku app by clicking on the provided URL or by entering it manually in your browser’s address bar. Initially, your app will display a simple welcome message, as no content or functionality has been added yet.

Remember that you can always change the URL of your Heroku app later if desired.

How to Set Up Environment Variables for Heroku

If you’re using Heroku for your application deployment, it’s crucial to properly set up your environment variables. These variables include sensitive information such as database URIs and API keys, which should not be pushed to your project repository. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up environment variables for Heroku.

Adding Environment Variables

To add environment variables to your Heroku application, follow these steps:

Access your Heroku dashboard and navigate to your application.

Go to your application settings.

Click on “Reveal Config Vars” to reveal the configuration variables panel.

Adding URI and JWT Secret

Among the required environment variables, you will need to add your URI and JWT secret. These variables are crucial for the proper functioning of your application.

Locate the URI variable and enter the appropriate value for your production environment.

Click “Add” to save the URI value.

Repeat the process for the JWT secret variable.

Adding Node Environment Variable

In addition to the URI and JWT secret, it’s also recommended to include the Node environment variable in your Heroku application. This variable specifies the runtime environment of your application.

Add the Node environment variable by entering “NODE_ENV” as the key and “production” as the value.

Click “Add” to save the Node environment variable.

Setting Up Post-Build Script in package.json

Before you push your code to Heroku, make sure to set up a post-build script in your package.json file. This script will automatically run the necessary build commands for your React app on the Heroku server.

Navigate to the root of your project and open the package.json file.

Inside the “scripts” section, add a new script called “heroku-postbuild” with the value “npm run build”.

With this post-build script, Heroku will handle the build process for your React app during deployment, saving you the hassle of manually running the build command.

By following these steps, you can securely set up and manage your environment variables on Heroku. Remember to keep sensitive information hidden and avoid pushing any confidential data to your project repository.

The Importance of Automating the Build and Deployment Process

In today’s fast-paced digital world, automating the build and deployment process has become increasingly important. Manual deployment can be time-consuming and prone to human error, while automation allows for faster, more efficient, and error-free deployments. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of automating the build and deployment process and how it can streamline your workflow.

Streamlining the Workflow with Automation

Automating the build and deployment process brings many benefits to software development teams. Firstly, it saves time by eliminating the need for manual intervention at each stage of the process. With automation, developers can focus on writing code instead of performing repetitive tasks such as installing dependencies or building the application.

Ensuring Consistency and Reducing Errors

Automated deployment ensures consistency across different environments. By using the same deployment script, developers can ensure that the application is deployed in the same way every time, regardless of the environment. This significantly reduces the chance of introducing errors or inconsistencies caused by human intervention.

Enabling Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment

Automated build and deployment processes are essential for implementing continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) practices. CI ensures that code changes are frequently tested and merged into a shared repository, while CD enables these tested changes to be deployed automatically to production environments. Automating these processes allows for faster feedback loops and quicker deployment of new features or bug fixes.

Implementing Automation Using Scripting Tools

To automate the build and deployment process, developers can use scripting tools such as npm scripts, shell scripts, or task runners like Grunt or Gulp. These tools provide a way to define a series of commands that will be executed in a predetermined order. By configuring these scripts, developers can automate tasks like installing dependencies, building the application, running tests, and deploying the code.

Utilizing Continuous Integration and Deployment Platforms

In addition to scripting tools, there are also dedicated CI/CD platforms available that streamline the build and deployment process further. Platforms like Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI provide a centralized way to automate the entire software development lifecycle, from building the code to deploying it to production. These platforms offer integration with popular version control systems, automated testing frameworks, and cloud services, making it easier to set up and manage the automation process.

Deploying Your App on Heroku

Once you have successfully completed the development of your web application, the next step is to deploy it so that it can be accessed by users over the internet. One popular platform for deploying web apps is Heroku. In this article, we will walk you through the process of deploying your app on Heroku.

Opening Your deployed App

After the deployment is complete, you can easily access your app by using the ‘heroku open’ command. This command will open your app’s URL in the default browser, allowing you to see the changes and updates you have made. It’s a quick and convenient way to check if your app is up and running.

Testing the App

It is always a good practice to thoroughly test your app after deployment. One way to test your app is by registering a new user. For example, you can create a test user account to check if the registration process is working correctly. By doing this, you can ensure that users can easily sign up for your app without any issues.

Benefiting from MongoDB Atlas

One of the advantages of using Heroku is the integration with MongoDB Atlas. With MongoDB Atlas, you don’t need to worry about installing a database on your server or managing its configurations. As Heroku uses a cloud-based database, you can easily store and retrieve data without any hassle. This integration can save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your app.

Full Functionality: Register, Log In, and Create Goals

Once the deployment is complete, you can fully experience your app’s functionality. Users can now register, log in, and create goals with ease. The entire app is now accessible to users, and they can interact with it just as you intended. This is an exciting milestone in the deployment process, as it means your app is ready to be used by the public.

Custom Domain Options

If you want to add a personal touch to your app, Heroku allows you to use your own domain instead of the default Heroku URL. You can easily add a custom domain by going into the app’s settings. This feature is particularly useful if you have a brand and want to maintain a consistent online presence. Refer to Heroku’s documentation for detailed instructions on how to add a domain to your app.

User authentication is a vital component of any online platform, ensuring the security, privacy, and user experience. By simplifying the user validation process, eliminating redundant code, and enhancing security measures, developers can create more efficient, secure, and user-friendly applications. As technology progresses, developers should adapt to new authentication methods and continuously strive to improve the authentication process, safeguarding the integrity of their users’ data.

By importing and utilizing the appropriate hooks from the React and React Redux packages, we can easily implement user login functionality in our React applications. These hooks allow us to navigate between pages and access state data conveniently. Remember to import the necessary hooks and use them within the “useEffect” hook to ensure smooth navigation and state management.

By following these steps, we have successfully added goals to our global state. Now, we have the foundation in place to create a user-friendly and feature-rich goal tracking system in our web application. With the power of Redux Toolkit and React Redux Toolkit, managing and manipulating goals becomes a seamless process.

By creating a Redux slice specifically for goals, you can have a standardized structure to manage your goal-related resources. The slice includes initial state and a reset reducer that clears any loading, success, or error messages. This approach allows for easier management and manipulation of goal-related data within your Redux store. Remember, you can customize this structure to fit your specific needs, but this article provides a solid foundation to get started.

Form fields, particularly the text field, play a crucial role in web development. They allow users to interact with web pages effectively, providing a means to input data and trigger actions. By understanding how to create and manage form fields, developers can enhance the user experience and create dynamic and user-friendly websites.

Goal setting is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. It provides clarity, motivation, and direction, helping you achieve success in various areas of your life. By setting specific, realistic goals, breaking them down, and holding yourself accountable, you can overcome obstacles and celebrate your achievements along the way

By following these steps, we can successfully create and pass tokens in a goal service. Retrieving the token from local storage and passing it to the service ensures secure authentication and authorization for accessing goals. Remember to handle any errors and edge cases that may occur during this process to provide a seamless user experience. Happy coding!

Redux Toolkit is a powerful tool that greatly simplifies state management in JavaScript applications. With its intuitive syntax and helpful features, Redux Toolkit allows you to easily update state, handle rejected actions, and integrate external services. By using Redux Toolkit, you can enhance your development workflow and create robust, efficient applications.

Setting goals is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. It provides individuals with clarity, direction, and motivation to pursue their dreams. By setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals, individuals can unlock their full potential and create a fulfilling and successful life.

Configuring and utilizing authorization headers is crucial in any programming project that involves user authentication and authorization. By implementing proper authorization headers and handling them effectively in the Redux slice, both the security and user experience of the application can be greatly improved.

Managing component unmounting in React is important for performing cleanup operations and dispatching actions before a component is removed from the DOM. By using the useEffect hook and returning a cleanup function, we can easily handle component unmounting in our React applications. Additionally, we can check for loading states to provide a better user experience.

By creating a GoalItem component, we can easily display goals in our application and customize their appearance. This component allows us to format the date and display the goal text, making it a versatile tool for displaying and managing goals in our application.

By creating and implementing a thunk function, we can efficiently delete goals from our system. By following the steps outlined above, we can ensure a smooth and reliable process for removing any unwanted goals. Utilizing the power of thunk functions, our system becomes more flexible and capable of accommodating various actions.

By including the necessary logic to filter out deleted goals in our state management, we can avoid the issue of a delayed UI update after performing a delete action. The implementation of the filter function ensures that deleted goals are immediately removed from the UI, enhancing the overall user experience. With this improvement, users can have a more intuitive and responsive interface when interacting with our application.

Deploying an application is a crucial step in making it accessible to users. By choosing an appropriate deployment platform and following the necessary steps, we can ensure our application is available for users to enjoy. Whether it is a small project or a more extensive application, the deployment process remains essential for success.

By following these steps, we can easily serve our front end in a production environment using Express.js. It’s important to remember to build our React application before serving it through Express. With this setup, our application will be ready to be deployed and accessed by users.

By setting up a static folder and configuring Express.js to serve the index.html file for any non-API route, we ensure that our web application functions properly and serves the appropriate assets. This is an essential step in the development process and allows for smooth navigation within our application. Happy coding!

Resolving a method is an essential aspect of the development process. It allows programmers to effectively navigate through directories and access the required files and resources. By understanding the steps involved in resolving a method and ensuring the application is in the production environment, developers can deploy their applications successfully and provide a seamless user experience.

Deploying a React application on Heroku is a great way to share your hard work with the world. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily deploy your application and showcase your skills. Remember to keep your project up to date on GitHub to ensure that your Heroku deployment stays in sync with your code changes. Happy deploying!

Installing the Heroku CLI is the first step towards deploying your applications on Heroku. Once you have the CLI set up, you can create and manage your Heroku apps with ease. Start exploring the various features and tools that Heroku offers to take your application deployment to the next level.

Automating the build and deployment process is crucial for today’s software development teams. It saves time, ensures consistency, reduces errors, and enables continuous integration and deployment practices. By utilizing scripting tools or dedicated CI/CD platforms, developers can streamline their workflow and focus on delivering high-quality software faster. Embracing automation is essential for staying competitive in the fast-paced digital landscape.

Congratulations on successfully deploying your app on Heroku! By following this process, you have taken a significant step towards making your app accessible to users from around the world. Remember to thoroughly test your app and take advantage of the features offered by Heroku, such as MongoDB Atlas integration and custom domain options. With these tools, you can ensure a seamless and enjoyable user experience. Good luck with your app, and may it bring you success in your endeavors.

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