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Why does nobody buy LG Smartphones?

Why does nobody buy LG Smartphones?

LG’s Flagship Phone

LG’s flagship phone, the V60, is surprisingly comparable to Samsung’s Galaxy S20 or S20 Plus. It features the same chipset, 8K video, stereo speakers, and a headphone jack. Samsung’s phone is still hovering around the 700 mark, while the V60 can be purchased for around 400. This begs the question: why is it that Samsung is storming ahead with almost 30% market share globally, while LG is barely at 2%?

Design and Durability

The V60 has a solid, glass and metal design that feels like a slightly tankier version of the Galaxy S10 Plus. It also has a US military level durability certification. The notch up top makes it look generic, but it has a good OLED display with a decent resolution and good brightness.

Price Point

The V60’s price point is attractive when compared to other phones on the market. It is cheaper than Samsung’s entirely plastic phones, and it is around the same price as the OnePlus Nord, which has plastic sides and mid-range internals.


LG’s software is another factor that may be contributing to its lack of success. The company has been slow to update its phones to the latest version of Android, and its UI is often criticized for being clunky and slow. This can be a major turn-off for potential customers.


LG’s marketing strategy has also been criticized for being too generic and not standing out from the competition. Samsung, on the other hand, has been able to successfully differentiate its products with clever advertising campaigns and unique features.

Its like lg is throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks and its not working.

LG’s Reputation

LG’s reputation has been on a downward spiral for some time now. While the company has produced some of the best TVs on the market, their smartphones have failed to generate the same level of enthusiasm. This is due to a combination of factors, such as a lack of cohesive design choices, a lack of cohesive software skin, and a lack of features that truly stand out.

Lack of Cohesive Design Choices

When it comes to LG’s smartphones, the design choices are often confusing and lack cohesion. For example, the V60 has a headphone jack, but it is not an ordinary one. It is a quad DAC, which provides better sound quality than other phones, but this is not something that many people are aware of. Furthermore, the phone is missing a telephoto camera, which is a bit of a shame.

Lack of Cohesive Software Skin

The software skin on LG’s smartphones is often seen as a knockoff of Samsung’s. This is not necessarily true, as there are some interesting features, such as the ability to take 3D photos and the ASMR video mode. However, these features are not enough to make LG’s software skin stand out from the competition.

Lack of Features

LG’s smartphones lack features that truly stand out. While the main 64 megapixel sensor is solid, it is not enough to make the phone stand out from the competition. Furthermore, the phone does not have any standout features that make it stand out from the crowd.

LG’s Lack of Identity

LG’s lack of a clear identity in the smartphone market is one of the primary reasons why nobody buys their devices. The company has tried a variety of different approaches, from the mini secondary display to the modular phone, but none of them have taken off. This lack of consistency means that consumers don’t have a clear idea of what LG stands for, and as a result, they don’t have any incentive to purchase their products.

Lack of Differentiation

Another reason why nobody buys LG smartphones is that they don’t offer anything that sets them apart from the competition. While Apple and Sony have established themselves as leaders in the industry, LG has failed to differentiate itself in any meaningful way. This lack of differentiation means that consumers don’t have any reason to choose LG over other brands.

Poor Quality

LG smartphones are also known for their poor quality. The company has been criticized for its low-quality components and sub-par build quality. This has led to a reputation for being unreliable, which has further deterred potential customers from buying LG devices.

High Prices

LG smartphones are often more expensive than their competitors. This has been a major issue for the company, as consumers are often unwilling to pay a premium for a product that is not significantly better than its competitors. As a result, LG has been unable to compete in the price-sensitive smartphone market.


LG was one of the first companies to pay attention to creators with a proper manual video mode. They were also one of the first in the world with not just a quad HD smartphone display, but also laser autofocus. While they were innovators, their lack of consistency meant that their brand stopped meaning anything. This gave their competitors the opportunity to take their ideas, refine them, and do them better.

Lack of Brand Loyalty

Without a strong emotional connection to their brand, LG users had no real attachment to it. This resulted in one of the lowest levels of customer loyalty, with users quickly jumping ship when another brand released a phone that looked cooler. The company is now teasing a rollable phone, but it is likely to follow the same path as the rest of their half-baked concepts.

Naming Convention

LG’s naming convention is also a big part of their problem. Historically, they have had two main series of flagship phones: the G series and the V series. While this works, the G series went up in ones (G2, G3, G4) while the V series went up in tens (V10, V20, V30). This lack of consistency is confusing for customers and further contributes to their lack of brand loyalty.

LG’s Naming Strategy

LG’s naming strategy for their smartphones has been confusing and convoluted, with models such as the V20, V30, V40, K42, K51s, and Q60. This makes it difficult for the average consumer to understand the lineup, as the numbers lack any real meaning. Furthermore, LG has been adding the word “Thank You” to the names of their flagship phones, which is unnecessary and makes the phones look complicated and “nerdy”. This has likely deterred potential customers, as it is difficult to pronounce and remember the names of the phones.

Sony’s Naming Strategy

In contrast, Sony has been successful in their naming strategy for their Playstation consoles, moving from the Playstation 4 to the Playstation 5. This has created a level of excitement among consumers, as the name is simple and easy to remember. LG appears to have taken note of this, as their new phone, the Velvet, has a much simpler and nicer name than their previous models.

LG’s Brand Image

LG’s brand image has also been a factor in why people are not buying their smartphones. LG has been trying to make their phones fit in with their wider smart home brand, but this has not been successful. Consumers may be put off by the complexity of the phones and the lack of a unified brand image.

LG’s Pricing Problem

When it comes to LG smartphones, one of the biggest issues is their pricing. While they may be cheap when purchased, their initial launch prices are often higher than those of their competitors. For example, the LG Velvet was initially priced at $600, but could be bought for $350 just a year later. Similarly, the LG G7 smartphone launched in the UK at 779, but was reduced to 299 within six months.

The Issue of Permanent Sales

The problem with LG’s pricing is not just the initial launch price, but also the fact that they often put their phones on permanent sale. This means that customers can wait a few weeks and get a significant discount on the phone. This makes it difficult for LG to maintain the value of their products, as customers are unlikely to buy a phone at full price if they know they can get a better deal in a few weeks.

The Solution

In order to address this issue, LG needs to pick a lower starting price and stick to it. This will ensure that customers are more likely to buy the phone at full price, as they won’t be expecting a better deal in the near future. It will also help LG to maintain the value of their products, as customers will be more likely to pay full price for a phone that they know won’t be discounted in the near future.

High Price Point

LG’s flagship phone, the V60, was launched at a price point of $900, which is not unreasonable in an age where top-end phones are priced at $1200. However, the company decided to bundle in a secondary display worth up to $200 to turn it into a “foldable phone”. This additional cost may have deterred potential buyers, as the majority of smartphone users may not have wanted this kind of phone experience.

Poor Marketing

LG’s poor marketing strategy has also been a contributing factor to its lack of success. Despite attempts to contact LG for review samples or loan units, the company has failed to respond adequately. This lack of engagement with the press, YouTubers, and the media in general has resulted in a lack of awareness of LG’s products, leading to a decrease in sales.


The competition in the smartphone market is fierce, with many companies offering similar products at lower prices. If LG had launched its Velvet phone at $400 instead of $600, it is likely that sales figures would have been much higher. Furthermore, the four-star reviews it received would likely have become four-and-a-half star reviews. By offering a cheaper product than its competitors, LG could have gained a competitive edge and increased its sales.

LG’s Lack of Media Presence

LG’s lack of presence in the media is a major factor in why nobody buys their smartphones. Despite working with some media outlets in the United States, their global presence is virtually non-existent. This lack of a PR team leaves LG unable to compete with the likes of Apple, who are able to provide free devices to reviewers and writers. This means that LG devices are often two weeks behind their competitors when it comes to reviews, and the cost of buying the devices for review often outweighs the potential income from the content.

LG’s Need for Relevance

LG’s lack of relevance is a major issue when it comes to why nobody buys their smartphones. Without people talking about their devices, the average person is unaware of what LG has to offer. The solution to this is simple: find people who want to cover the devices and give them access to do so.

The Catch-22 of the Smartphone Market

The smartphone market is a catch-22 for LG. Companies that are ahead get further ahead, while those that are behind get further behind. This means that LG has to work even harder to get their devices noticed, as they are already behind the competition.

LG’s Struggles

LG has found itself in a difficult position in the smartphone market. Its market share has plummeted from 20% to 10%, resulting in a drastic decrease in profits. This has left LG with less money to invest in improving its products, and has also resulted in them paying more for components due to reduced orders. Furthermore, LG has lost customers to other smartphone companies, making it difficult to win them back.

The Competitive Landscape

The competitive landscape of the smartphone market is extremely challenging for smaller companies. Many have either gone out of business, been acquired by larger companies, or become sub-brands of bigger companies. This has left the big companies with a huge advantage, making it difficult for smaller companies to compete.

LG’s Strategies

In order to remain competitive, LG has implemented several strategies. It has focused on creating innovative products, such as its G series of smartphones, which have been praised for their design and features. Additionally, LG has invested heavily in marketing and advertising, attempting to reach a wider audience. However, these strategies have not been enough to make LG a major player in the smartphone market.

The Future of LG Smartphones

It is unclear what the future holds for LG smartphones. The company has been struggling to remain competitive in the market, and it is uncertain if its current strategies will be enough to turn things around. It is possible that LG may be acquired by a larger company, or that it may focus on creating niche products that appeal to a specific audience. Whatever the case, it is clear that LG will have to make significant changes if it wants to remain a major player in the smartphone market.

LG Smartphones: A Missed Opportunity

LG smartphones have been around for some time, but they have yet to make a significant impact in the mobile market. Despite their impressive specs and features, LG smartphones remain largely overlooked by consumers. This begs the question: why does nobody buy LG smartphones?

Lack of Brand Recognition

One of the primary reasons why LG smartphones fail to capture the attention of consumers is due to a lack of brand recognition. LG is not a household name like Apple or Samsung, and as such, they are not as widely known or trusted. This lack of brand recognition has resulted in LG smartphones being overlooked by consumers in favor of more established brands.

Poor Marketing Strategies

Another factor that has contributed to the lack of success of LG smartphones is poor marketing strategies. LG has failed to effectively promote their products, resulting in a lack of awareness among consumers. Furthermore, LG has not done enough to differentiate their products from their competitors, making it difficult for consumers to identify the unique features and benefits of LG smartphones.

Inadequate Support

LG smartphones have suffered from inadequate support. LG has not provided adequate customer service or technical support, making it difficult for consumers to troubleshoot any issues they may have with their devices. This lack of support has resulted in many consumers feeling frustrated and discouraged, leading them to opt for other brands.

Ultimately, LG’s lack of success in the smartphone market can be attributed to a combination of factors, including its software, design, pricing, and marketing. While the V60 is a decent phone, it simply doesn’t have the same appeal as Samsung’s devices.

Ultimately, LG’s smartphones have failed to generate the same level of enthusiasm as their TVs. This is due to a combination of factors, such as a lack of cohesive design choices, a lack of cohesive software skin, and a lack of features that truly stand out. As a result, people are not buying LG’s smartphones, as they are not seeing any clear advantages over the competition.

Ultimately, LG’s naming strategy and brand image have been major factors in why people are not buying their smartphones. The names of their phones are confusing and difficult to remember, and their brand image has not been successful in making their phones fit in with their wider smart home brand. LG appears to have taken note of this, as their new phone, the Velvet, has a much simpler and nicer name than their previous models.

The lack of success of LG’s smartphones can be attributed to a number of factors, including its high price point, poor marketing strategy, and competition from other companies. To improve its sales, LG should focus on offering cheaper products than its competitors and engaging more effectively with the press, YouTubers, and the media.

LG’s lack of media presence, relevance, and the catch-22 of the smartphone market are all major factors in why nobody buys their smartphones. If LG is able to address these issues, they may be able to gain more traction in the market and increase sales of their devices.

LG smartphones have failed to capture the attention of consumers due to a lack of brand recognition, poor marketing strategies, and inadequate support. Until LG can address these issues, their smartphones will continue to be overlooked by consumers in favor of more established brands.

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